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æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... that eating KFC will give you Skullworms??

KFC is an American fast food company famous for pwning fat people and Culexor. It was established at least 100 years ago by an old faggit redneck with a stupid looking moustache. It is rumoured that this master chef's moustache was fake because nobody can grow facial hair like that IRL.

A truely brave white man.
A truely brave white man.
Reason why KFC tastes like shit.
Reason why KFC tastes like shit.
The Collonel's secret recipe
The Collonel's secret recipe

Ask Google 411 for Chikins and KFC is the number one result. Let freedom ring, motherfucker!


[edit] The Truth About KFC

Another US casualty of the Iraq war.
Another US casualty of the Iraq war.

KFC is a place where fatty Americans can "hang out" after school. Most people like KFC because of their family friendly commercials, but if you would like to know the truth about KFC's chicken beating, beak pulling off, scalding alive ways learn up - the Chicken Holocaust is coming.

McWatermelonz...The after chikins mint. Chikins and watermelonz go together leik crack put into the black community for ruination by the CIAs!
McWatermelonz...The after chikins mint. Chikins and watermelonz go together leik crack put into the black community for ruination by the CIAs!

Delicious KFC is made of sugar, spice, all things nice and Korean children. Before Colonel Sanders put chicken in a bucket they used to put it in a suitcase. This was very impractical however, and a nigger carrying a suitcase is not practical unless he is infact carrying it for you hence the chicken-in-buckets paradigm that prevails to this day. Revisionist fried chicken historians such as David Starkey have sought to challenge the bucket paradigm but have failed miserably and have been subject to much pwnage by the Colonel who is still alive and sharing a two-bedroom flat in Argentina with Hitler, Eva Braun and Gregory Peck.

[edit] The Origins of KFC

The face of a typical KFC patron when access to KFC has been denied.
The face of a typical KFC patron when access to KFC has been denied.

Noone knows when, why, or how KFC was first spawned, but some argue that it was created by the Jews to cover up the WTC 'mystery' with a mysterious and unspecified amount of spices. Likewise, no one can be sure of just what the elusive name means. Several attempts have been made to explain it, but few are lulzworthy.

  • Keeping French Complacent
  • Killing For Cash
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken
In soviet Russia chikinz eat you.
In soviet Russia chikinz eat you.

[edit] Ad Campaign

Kfc's most recent ad campaign

[edit] Crimes Against Humanity

KFC is the source of at least 100% of America’s fat people and it is predicted to shortly be listed as a terrorist organization. They also enjoy short changing you because they are illiterate.

An average KFC barbeque.
An average KFC barbeque.

This devious organization has plotted for generations to destroy American Niggaz, as it is a well known fact that black people love stuffing chicken in their baboon mouths. Do not attempt to get between a black person and their chicken without consulting your Nigger Manual.

A typical KFC chicken burger.
A typical KFC chicken burger.

[edit] Contents of KFC

It is well known by the FBI, CIA and Oprah that KFC is a deadly amalgamation composed of super awesome shit. The seven so-called herbs and spices are in fact flour, santorum, methylated spirits, shower mould, LSD, rat testicles and breasts amputated from cancer patients.

The only man to ever satisfy your mother, and a general all-around better man than you could ever hope to be.
The only man to ever satisfy your mother, and a general all-around better man than you could ever hope to be.
have you ever wondered why KFC chikin is so greasy?
have you ever wondered why KFC chikin is so greasy?
Red leader, Red Leader I need more barbecue sauce!!!
Red leader, Red Leader I need more barbecue sauce!!!

[edit] Types of Food/Poison

  • Chicken Nuggets
  • Chicken Legs
  • Chicken Something Else
  • Chicken Flavoured Rat Shit

[edit] FACT

OMFG, We knew it all along!
OMFG, We knew it all along!

[edit] See Also

Even famous nigras are related to the colonel.

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