Jim Davidson

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[edit] Jim Davidson

Jim Davidson is an English Nazi who gives some serious buttsex to BNP Leader Nick Griffin (for information on the BNP , please see Adolf Hitler).

His stand-up routine is an intellectual combination of jokes about nigras, cripples, teh gheys and anyone who isn't white, english and from London. As such, he is srsly unfunny. His only fans are Nick Griffin <3, Terri Schiavo, goatse and of course, your mom. He took over the TV game show 'The Generation Game' from Bruce Forsyth, another nazi.

In September 2007 Jim Davidson was thrown out of a reality TV show for calling a fag a Shirtlifter. Truly the ZOG machine has won.

As of September 2007, Jim Davidson has created absolutely no lulz.

[edit] Quotes

"Hi Folks! Glad to be back in sooouuff Lahndahn! Corrr blimey, Croydon used to be a nice town, didn’t it? It’s all full of darkies now though, no offence! Waaaheeey!! Probably loads of gaaaays too, eh? Loads of bum-bandits, eh? Pink-pirates, eh? Anal astronauts, eh? Cackpipe cosmonauts, eh? It’s the trams what do it, I tell you guvvernor. Well, as I always say, Cum-cum-cum-cum-look-I-made-a-joke-because-come-sounds-like-cum-which-means-ejaculate-cum-cum…"

"Three men walk into a pub. An Arab, nigga and an Indian, but then they all fuck off back where they came from and the joke ends"

"Oh please Nick, do me like a Japanese schoolgirl!"

"Jews did WTC. LOL"

[edit] Drama

The follolwing pictures prove, for a fact, that Jim Davidson loves teh cock of Nick Griffin.

Pwned by the GIMP

[edit] See also




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