Your Mom

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æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... your mom's at the top of my to-do list?
your first picture. happy birthday
your first picture. happy birthday
Your mom is an internet porn star.
Your mom is an internet porn star.

The best response to any question ever.

Uncle Bob: "Hey bro."
Jimbro: "Yo."
Uncle Bob: "What are you doing?"
Jimbro: "Your mom."

Popular on insub.

Jackolantern: Hey man.
Nigger: I hope your mom dies
Jackolantern: She did die... because of your AIDS!

...yer dad is next.


[edit] Your mom and the Internets:

If you are a nerd, this is what you wish your mom looked like.
If you are a nerd, this is what you wish your mom looked like.

Lodda's mother is a big fat huge cunt period. (picture above is his mom)

Your mom is widely used as the end-all-be-all of arguments on the Internets. Those victimized by it automatically lose whatever argument they were engaged in at the time, because they can't think of a more lulz-worthy comment. This is called the Law of Your Mom. Arguing or failing to accept the Law of Your Mom will result in your dick being shoved into a malfunctioning blender. This is called the "Arguing 'your mom' will get your dick shoved into a malfunctioning blender clause", which was instated at least 100 years ago. This often leads to the unwitting destruction of the perpetrator of your mom, as it is a very dangerous weapon indeed. Its power is so great, none can contain it. Sarcasm aside, "your mom" is an unfunny and unoriginal insult mainly used by 13 year old hentai fanboys who are being bullied by more lulz-worthy beings.

Even you sometimes have the urge to fuck your mom. Oh, Mom!
Even you sometimes have the urge to fuck your mom. Oh, Mom!
Your mom is serious business
Your mom is serious business
Your mom and me at our weekly get together.
Your mom and me at our weekly get together.
Your mom says hi!
Your mom says hi!
Your mother is adventurous.
Your mother is adventurous.

[edit] Your mom and history:

The phrase 'Your mom' originally started out as 'Yo momma' and was used solely by the African American community. The 'momma' referred to by the niggers is overweight to the extreme and cursed with a crippling ugliness and an addiction to crack- sprinkled Crisco, as opposed to the 'mom' that is referred to these days, who is a MILF, slutty, and very, very easy.

[edit] What is your mom?

Your mom is definitely a drunk. You came out George Bush.

Your mom, according to psychiatric experts everywhere, is the most sexually active person on the planet. The chief defining characteristics of your mom include:

  1. hot (MILF)
  2. promiscuous
  3. obsessive over cock
  4. obsessive over MY cock
  5. obsessive over my, my best friends, and my best friends dogs cock
  6. fat
  7. ugly
  8. a fat ugly hooker
  9. a fat ugly cock sucking hooker
  10. a fat ugly cock sucking donkey fucking hooker
  11. Ignores you because of cock
  12. The 4 things up top, minus the #1 of all because that completely contradicts every one of these.
  13. wears a hirsute
  14. a bad case of the VD
  15. pwned by me
  16. A parental bitch
  17. A Christian rock group
  18. A possible alternative fuel source
  19. A man
  20. Your mamma's on crack rock

[edit] Fuck your mom

[edit] Chris Crocker's Mom

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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