James Vance

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Ooooh shit!111 Interesting Fact:
This article contains an hero.

James Vance and Raymond Belknap were two IRL friends from Reno, Nevada who became an heroes in the 80's after listening to a Judas Priest album.

James' reconstructed face gave great gummers.
James' reconstructed face gave great gummers.


[edit] Night of Great Lulz

Under the influence of Marijuana and Alcohol, and after realizing he was a gay metalhead, Ray pwnd himself with teh l337 pump action shotgun as seen in CS and permabanned himself on the spot with a HS. James tried to IRL quit too but he couldnt even do that right and ended up just mangling his face beyond repair. He finally became an hero three years later after slipping into a coma and dying.

Ray having fun in the playground.
Ray having fun in the playground.

[edit] OMG TRIAL TIEM !1

The fag's parents got aggro on Judas Priest, so they did what every normal person would do. They filed an IRL lawsuit and tried to cash in on their crisis. They blamed the line from a Priest song:

"Do it. Do it. Do it..."

Judas Priest said they did it for the lulz. The Judge thought putting subliminal suicide messages in a song was a funny joke and Judas Priest won the trial. Some argue that after the parents failed, just like James, they became an heroes too after the trial. Others theorize that they moved to Nebraska.

He Shot Himself.
He Shot Himself.

[edit] Memorable Quotes

"I sure fucked my life up." - Ray

"There was a dog barking over here, and I yelled at it to shut up. Ray was catching his breath and he was sitting right here. I could see him, but I couldn't see his eyes. He had the gun just clenched up to his throat - and he was talkin' with the gun just pressed up against his throat. And he said " I sure fucked my life up."... There was blood everywhere. And I picked up the shotgun. I had no doubt in my mind, no second thoughts. I knew i was gonna shoot myself. I was afraid, I didn't want to die... But i have - I was going to shoot myself. It was like i had no control over it. Cause I didn't want to die. And... I Shot myself. "

- A deformed James remembing the night of lulz

[edit] See Also

Image:Anhero_icon.gif James Vance is part of a series on An Hero.

James Vance is part of a series on Music.

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