MC Chris

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Although he pretends to be a sugar-crazed black child addicted to candy, the truth about MC Chris is far, far sadder.
Although he pretends to be a sugar-crazed black child addicted to candy, the truth about MC Chris is far, far sadder.
What a cool guy! NOT!
What a cool guy! NOT!

MC Chris is a wigger faggot from Brooklyn who sounds like a pre-pubesecent 10 year old bitch, it has been said that listening to his music is worse than being raped by 1,000 arabs. His songs consist of his claimed nerd roots like playing video games and reading comic books. He also loves to brag and sing about how much he loves weed.


[edit] Albums

  • Loves Me Some Sodomy
  • I'm a little girl in disguise
  • Butt fucking Boba Fett
  • Male Geek Orgy

[edit] Fan Base

For some reason this retard has accomplished to get a fan base going. Apparently pedophiles are interested in things other than little girls. Most of his fans were probably dropped on their heads at least 100 years ago, so they are inclined to like his shit.

[edit] Adult Swim

MC used to work at Adult Swim but quit so he could shit out music at a more rapid rate. He is also MC Pee Pants, on Aqua Teen Hunger Force. MC, also appropriately, did the voice of Hesh, a cracked-out mongoloid on Sealab 2021.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

MC Chris is part of a series on Music.

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