Mike Jones

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Mike Jones is a rapper from Houston, Texas with Alzheimers.



Mike Jones' catchphrase is "Who?" with the crowd responding, "MIKE JOENS!" Mike Jones also has many other things he repeats in his songs, such as:

  1. "CHYEAH!"
  3. "281-330-8004" (or his current phone number)
  4. "MY ALBUM {insert upcoming album here} IS COMING SOON!"

[edit] Who Mike Jones really is

Mike Jones is actually a scholar from London, England. He speaks with a German accent (although the reason is unknown) when he is not rapping, and he solves complex molecular equations in his spare time. The rapping gig is actually a way of supporting his family in Yugoslavia. However he had a short job history of pwning noobs at warld of warcraft, but then, he had a career change that would alter his life forever. He quit his job, and immediately became a homosexual s and m prostitute. One day, after a hard day of being beaten by homos, he tripped over a rock and hit his head. Thats when he decided to become a rapper. However, his curse within his gift was that he could never remember his name.

[edit] Mental Condition

Mike Jones has both long and short term amnesia. The long term amnesia is what keeps him from understanding who he is, hence "Who is Mike Jones?"; the short term amnesia causes him to forget what he just said before, hence the constant repetition of "Who is Mike Jones?"



[edit] Mike Jones and the Secret Treasure of the Black Pearl

Most people do not know the secret past of Mikes Jones and being a existing member of the Black Pearl . After a long hard day of masturbating with dead fish, Mikes Jones decided to embark on his on quest to find the treasure that his crew members were currently looking for. Unfortunately, after getting caught splooging in the dinners fish, he had his penis cut off thus making him the faggot everybody knows today.....Mike Jones. After being thrown off the Black Pearl and left to drowned, a nigger named Mannie Fresh helped him create a song that was lame and had a gay repetitious rap beat. after becoming the most popular cunt with no dick, Mike Jones left for space and now currently lives on the moon.

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