William Hung

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Time TO DIE Bitches!!
Time TO DIE Bitches!!
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You think this is hot America?


Also known as William Hanged, he is a devious spy from the far away land of China who only answers to the name "fat whore" can be seen in the wilds of night at Yourtown, USA. The mission to blow Americans' minds with shit dipped a la Kikkoman soy sauce began sometime in 2004 when he infiltrated American Idol. Bitchwhore50 (aka "William Hung") dapped into mainstream pop music unnoticed until audiences were exposed to a torturing rendition of Ricky Martin's "She Bangs" song of the lost city Atlantis, where Ricky Martin resides in. At first everyone thought the pudgy, greasy haired, guffawed foreigner was just another Asian kid with low SAT scores, but sympathy rose as pressure mounted to prove to the world that America was not racist against Chinese, but everyone else. So William Hung got more tv appearances than any white trash Springer fan could've and recording artists were wanting to make records with him. No matter the fact the communist spy COULDN'T SING or looks like he has Down's syndrome. America had room in its bosom for all people, even fags like mediacrat. Then the worst started to come. A fandom was created and 2 livejournal communities appeared and girls (and men) started saying he was hot and attempted to disprove the speculation that his surname was supposed to compensate for something. This was too much.

Currently there is an underground organization called No Hung No Love and they seek to abolish any trace of Hung in America. Clearly his mission was successful as "The" Will Hung made a mark in history and fucked America in the ass while he was it.

His funny tactics led to a recording contract, multiple talk show appearances, and more money than he should have by any rights earned or air that he couldn't have in China. Word on the street is that he is teaming up with Billy Ray Cyrus to do a remake of Achy Breaky Heart. This is not censored.

His new album Miracle: Happy Summer from William Hung is going to be released on July 12. Buy ammo soon.

Shittiest quote in humanity (to date): "William is the perfect artist for our culturally diverse society. He is the new Elvis!" - Executive vice president of Koch Records, Alan Grunblatt

In 2004, William Hung went back to Hong Kong and made a cheap movie something to do with selling buns. Of course, it was one of the worst movie ever created in Hong Kong movie history.

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[edit] See Also

William Hung
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