Baby fuck

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Baby fuck, Baby fuck!!!!!



Baby Fuck is a meme originated in part two of a guro/hentai manga called 'Mai-chan's Daily Life'. Mai-chan is what is known as a Physical Idiosyncrasy, meaning, as long as there is ANY part left of her after being raped, stabbed, cut apart, disfigured, beheaded, mutilated, disemboweled, burned, crushed, skinned, skewered, etc., she can regenerate herself. So naturally, she was turned into a housemaid and is used as a sexdoll for anyone that wants to pay for it. Later in the manga she finds she has a brother who is the same as her, only instead of pain from the torture, he gets sexual pleasure from it. Her 'mistress' makes her have sex with her brother. And, in part two, we find Mai-chan pregnant. She debates on whether or not to bring a baby into this world, knowing that he too will suffer the same fate she does. But oh, Mai-chan gets abducted by the president of "A" country who finds out that she is with child. He cuts her open and rips the child out, much to the protesting of Mai. He then cracks the baby's legs open and proceeds to FUCK IT, before PUTTING IT IN A BLENDER and POURING THE LIQUIFIED REMAINS INTO MAI'S HANDS. And 9 out of 10 /b/tards agree that that's AWW-RIGHTTT!

Full Doujin:

[edit] See Also

Image:Pedobear_small.gif Baby fuck is part of a series on Child Abuse.

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