Party Hard

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4chanarchive has epic archived /b/ threads related to this topic for great justice.

For some time now, the "party hard" meme has been a staple of lulz for /b/tards. This meme is invoked when an hero like yourself creates a two framed GIF usually involving some kind of situation in which headbanging, sexually suggestive movements, animu, cats or other lulz inducing content is featured. In order to gain internets for your little project, you must then post the finished product on /b/ where it will be viewed/aged repeatedly until brain damage commences in the viewers. Violating the two frame rule will usually get you flamed by some self-righteous, indignant, idol adoring otaku. Post at your own risk.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] External links:

  • anon_partyhard#.swf - Flood /f/ with these and recieve one of the following: lulz, sage, music requests, people going on about how the sauce is in the flash file and they should get the damn song name themselves.

[edit] See Also:

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