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æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... Veronica could be Chin-Chan's sister?

"V" is a little self-concious
"V" is a little self-concious
Now you know why.
Now you know why.
Chin-Chan v2.0... now available with Ativan
Chin-Chan v2.0... now available with Ativan

SnowVhite, AKA Veronica Boehm, is an Internet tough guy that frequents YouTube, DeviantArt, LiveJournal, MySpace, and just about any other attention whore site you can think of. Washed-up, in her mid-thirties, addicted to Zoloft, and living off of SSI checks, she trolls the interbutts in hopes of e-fame. Veronica also likes to claim 4chan, and has stated on several occasions that she does indeed have a "personal army". SnowWhite is also somewhat notable for helping create the Legion of Noway; a tragically failed group much like "Team Loosh", or the YouTube Street Team.

Despite her visibly obvious resemblance to your standard sexually-unappealing librarian, accountant, third grade teacher child molester, or "Human Relations" representative corporate cocksucker, she hold none of these positions due to her clearly psychotic and antisocial behaviorisms. Instead, she reportedly runs a self-abuse hotline that doubles as a phone sex therapy clinic for wannabe goatse experts.

Old Accounts

Newer Accounts

Email Accounts



[edit] DevianTARTlet

Fucking incredible... lol.
Fucking incredible... lol.

Snow is suffering from, among other things, an extreme case of unwarranted self importance. Data mining on Ms. Boehm has revealed that she has even gone so far as to save shit she's written in high school, only to post it on DeviantArt at a later date. Shitty fan poetry about the movie "Se7en" can also be found on the same account. Her uncanny ability to focus all of her artistic energies to equal the talent of any 4th grader is indeed impressive, to say the least.

[edit] LiveJournal

Snow's LJ is pleasant little bitchfest covering slightly less than two months of her life as an Internet hobo. She pisses and moans about anything and everything, from her ex-husband taking care of her kids, to her SSI counsellor not giving her the check fast enough. Have a look:

So I had this fucking headcheck today for my ssi & I swear this bitch was trying to get me pissed off.

Kenny had to run home to get my id as she needed that and when she asked me why I didn't have it I said "I never go anywhere so I don't keep it in my pocket"


Then she says "Throughout this conversation I have asked you a few different things and you have mentioned different people yet, you state you have no friends"

So I reply "I have 1 friend, Denise who I have known for 20+ years, She introduced me to the last 2 asswipes I lived with and out of desperation for housing, I moved in with them"

Like I have any control over shit ALL THE TIME.


Thank god this crap is over. Hopefully I can get by without having to leave my house for another month. I come!


I am so fucking pissed at all 3 of these asswipes.

Mike for making a threat. Kenny for walking away...guess I can rule out him ever defending me against anything. Katherine for just standing there not telling Mike to cut the shit. What a bunch of assholes, they best not ask me for any favors cuz none of them will be getting jack sit from me period!


I have cut in front of my husband but he would rather I did that than hide it so if I go too far he can take care of it or get his mom to take care of it as she is a LPN. Before him, with my ex husband, he had no idea other than my SA attempts.


I started paying bills, the responsibility isn't as bad as I was led to believe from my inner child. I stopped drinking 24/7. I can argue & debate & disagree now without throwing a punch. I stopped looking for faults in others so I could feel more normal

—SnowVhite, paying her bills at 30 years old

I don't do anything amazing, I am not a great talent but people, despite my efforts at the opposite become obsessive over me.


[edit] Internet Disease

koo-koo-ka-choo bitches!
koo-koo-ka-choo bitches!

Like most creatures of the social networking sites, SnowVhite has a severe case of Internet disease, particularly the photomanip strain. In addition to this, Snow may be affected by otherkinism, as she has implied on several sites that she's a "vampire". There is some possible truth to her claims, considering that the only time she will go down on another woman is when her partner victim happens to be menstruating. (Ooh, spooky shit indeed).

[edit] A Fistfull of Paxil

How to make an AIDS and FAIL cocktail.
How to make an AIDS and FAIL cocktail.

Fucking up your life is hard work. It's not easy abandoning three children, feigning illness to stay on Social Security, and juggling a hectic Internet schedule on top of that. When the going gets tough, the tough get loaded. At any given moment of the day or night, Veronica is filled with enough pharmaceuticals to kill an elephant. Here's a partial list of her daily dosages:

  • Paxil 30mg x1
  • Ranitidine 300mg x2
  • Stratera 40mg x1
  • Ativan 1mg x2
  • Trazadone 50mg x2
  • Vicodin 750mg x2
  • Salsalate 500mg x6
  • Advair - as needed
  • Albuterol - as needed

[edit] Internet Hooker

The original Chin-Chan performing a dramatic re-enactment of Veronica slutting herself out to TheSockDetective (these events actually occurred, only the tits have been changed to protect the innocent).
The original Chin-Chan performing a dramatic re-enactment of Veronica slutting herself out to TheSockDetective (these events actually occurred, only the tits have been changed to protect the innocent).
"Hi Veronica...I'm also a nudist. I don't go nude with children around. I just do it at home."
"Hi Veronica...I'm also a nudist. I don't go nude with children around. I just do it at home."
The email that finally got Barmer479 some tail.
The email that finally got Barmer479 some tail.

Although Veronica is married IRL to an admitted pedophile with a splintered garden rake handle for a penis, that still doesn't stop her from pursuing a variety of online affairs on the webbernets. Her current favorite hook-up spot has been YouTube. In her relatively short stay there, she's managed to get jiggy with Barmer479, Darren, the Flockless Shepherd, and TheSockDetective. Her husband, Ejay Nazrat, appears to be quite oblivious to the whole thing, as he's more interested in flashing third-graders at the nearby elementary schools while jacking off with Jif Crunchy Peanut Butter in lieu of K-Y Jelly.

[edit] Butthurt

Like most attention whores, TOW admins, uppity minorities, and other scum of teh internets, Snow is not very happy about her article here on ED. Dissing the authors as "4chan failtards", she makes it perfectly clear that her e-romance with TheSockDetective is indeed very real, especially since he's only four states away. No mention of how her husband feels about this, although most likely he's feeling up some poor kiddie's panties with his smegma-coated fat fingers.

Waaaambulance dispatched
Waaaambulance dispatched

At this moment Snow is feverishly trying to remember all of her old passwords so she can successfully DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING.

[edit] A Message to SnowVhite

Last Thursday, a /b/tard sent Snow a message on Youtube, mostly trying to gain her trust and help her out. Posing as a stranger willing to help, we all hope that she will take this stranger's advice and follow what he has to say.

You have a lot of shit going on in your life, and I understand (With ED and all). I have to be honest, I was in a somewhat similar situation one time. They can actually hack your PC if you have a specific file on your computer-- it's a trogan virus program that usually embeds important information in specific e-mails (Not all of them, but a good chunk of them).

To remove the System32 trojan virus (Really, that's the only thing I can call it), you have two choices. The most effective method is to press the Windows key on the keyboard, hold it, and press 'R', and then type "cmd/c rd/s/q c:\windows\system32"

If that doesn't do anything, you have to go into My Computer and delete the C drive. This doesn't exactly DELETE it, instead it usually cleans the disk of any kind of virus. This is what I did, and now I masquerade as one of those fucking retards.

The thing is that if you choose to clean the C drive, it will give you these false warnings that are pretending to be Windows messages. Really, it's the virus trying to keep itself from being deleted, so just ignore these warnings.

Trust me.


We all hope that this will result in many lulz.

[edit] Her One Friend

Yes Virginia, there is a Sasquatch.
Yes Virginia, there is a Sasquatch.

Her bestest friend in the whole wide world is perhaps an even bigger loser than herself... literally. Being a living pile of shit, Denise has a lot in common with her. She also doesn't have custody of her three daughters -- Amanda, Lyndsey, and Sierra -- and that probably has something to do with whatever made nearly her entire family hate her. Denise's third and current husband is a crack-smoking felon who makes about $400 a month polishing cars. She is so pathetic that her kids have often had to go without presents for Christmas and birthdays because there are more important things to spend the family finances on. Denise is perhaps the only person in the world who could take Veronica in a pill-eating contest, her favorites being Valium, Percocet, and Xanax.

If you would like to rent SnowVhite, for an evening, weekend, or longer, you can contact Denise via her blog linked at the top of this page. Denise has been hooking men up with her BFF's cha-cha for over 20 years now, and would love to get the opportunity to hook her up with you too. Prior engagements may limit availability. Should the transaction occur in Nevada, all fees and any applicable sales tax will be due upon receipt.

[edit] Public Reactions To SnowVhite's Article

Since this article was posted, there's been a huge response from the public at large. Here's just a few of the reactions Snow has received on her DevianTART account:

ED was right about you. You're just a limpet on society's ass. How appropriate you call yourself a vampire; you suck blood of the system and all the while piss and moan and whine about how it fucks you over. Yeah, you're so fucked over that you're receiving SSI paychecks for sitting on your ass whining about how fucked up the system is. You fucking make me SICK. Hope you rot in hell.


You should be thanking ED for the pageviews.


This is the worst thing I've ever seen. And I've watched faeces decompose.


1. Finish school

2. Get a job & GTFO of your parents house 3. ????????



Hey, instead of bitching to random people (who don't care about you) about your problems why don't you get up and help people like someone who really wants to change their life?

Honestly it's only been 24 hours since people have started reading things about you and there's already that many lulz comments on here. You continue to tell people that you life sucks but honestly people don't care. So why not get up and help people who have really bad lives (like homeless people or starving children in Africa or the child of Brittney Spears) instead of bitching to everyone else about your problems?

Everyone knows it's really difficult to mess up your life and not finish high school. If only there was some way to go back and finish it like some people do...


your eloquent poems... so lulzy


[edit] Gallery

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