Pekka-Eric Auvinen

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Ooooh shit!111 Interesting Fact:
This article contains an hero.
An Failure
An Failure
The final battle
The final battle

Pekka-Eric Auvinen aka The Finnisher was an Finnish hero and gun fanboy who pwnt 8 (or 9 not sure yet) students, his school principal and injured 10 others at Jokela High School on Wednesday November 7th, 2007 two weeks after threatening to turn the school into a "bloodbath" on YouTube.

Initial attempts to end the story with a self-inflicted headshot were made of .22 calibre lolgun and EPIC FAIL, however, he later died when the tiny .22 slug eventually found its way to his pea-sized brain.

As usual, the the media was quick to play the Blame Game and went to the now familiar 4chan well of plentiful sauce where they found the obligatory: "hey /b/, i'm gonna kill (x) today at (x) in the name of Anonymous" post several hours after /b/tards had seen the news on TV.

As always, however, the only thing Anonymous can truly take credit for is turning that frown upside down and celebrating this event (and its eventual hero) in /b/'s time-honoured fashion of lulzy shoops to accompany the ensuing 'debate' with Eurofags whining about America's #1 export - the culture of gun violence - and Americunts returning fire with the usual "you're all pacifist pussies, lol."


[edit] YouTube

[edit] Seppo's homage to the nihilist stylings of fellow tortured artist Ingmar Bergman

Mirrored on LiveLeak - Original Baleeted on Youtube

"Its Not My Fault!!!!" link- TheAmazingAtheist (shooter's e-friend)

"TheAmazingAtheist - IT IS YOUR FAULT!!!! " - IanCrossland


[edit] The Plan

Quote form Seppo's website

Event: Jokela High School Massacre.
Targets: Jokelan Lukio (High School Of Jokela), students and faculty, society, humanity, human race.
Date: 11/7/2007.
Attack Type: Mass murder, political terrorism (altough I choosed the school as target, my motives for the attack are political and much much deeper and therefore I don’t want this to be called only as “School Shooting”).
Location: Jokela, Tuusula, Finland.
Perpetrator’s name: Pekka-Eric Auvinen (aka NaturalSelector89, Natural Selector, Sturmgeist89 and Sturmgeist). I also use pseydonym Eric von Auffoin internationally.
Weapons: Semi-automatic .22 Sig Sauer Mosquito pistol.

[edit] Manifesto

Compared to you retarded masses, I am actually godlike.

Greg House Seppo Letho

[edit] Batshit crazy

Taken from Hate & Love.doc from his website:

What do I hate / What I don’t like?

Equality, tolerance, human rights, political correctness, hypocrisy, ignorance, enslaving religions and ideologies, antidepressants, TV soap operas & drama shows, rap -music, mass media, censorship, political populists, religious fanatics, moral majority, totalitarianism, consumerism, democracy, pacifism, state mafia, alcholohics, TV commercials, human race.

What do I love / what do I like?

Existentialism, self-awareness, freedom, justice, truth, moral & political philosophy, personal & social psychology, evolution science, political incorrectness, guns, shooting, BDSM, computers, internet, aggressive electronic and industrial rock & metal music, violent movies, FPS –computer games, sarcasm, irony, black humour, macabre artm mass & serial killer cases, natural disasters, eugenics

[edit] Media

As usual old media is quick to blame everyone else but the shooter. What should we blame for the massacre:

[edit] Bible

From The Holy Book of Raptor Jesus:

And Pekka-Eric looked down upon his classmates and took pity in their cries to kill the headmistress. Wailed his disciples, "Why, O Pekka-Eric have thee forsaken us?"

And Pekka-Eric said unto them, "My fellow classmates, you have not been forsaken. I have merely been fapping to FPS and Hitler."

"Have you forgotten about your people all the meanwhile? For our house hath been filled with both pop quizzes and homework!" spake the students.

"Nay, my minions! Fear not! For I shall send unto thee a new meme. A meme created of win, of awesome, and of God. And with this blessed meme I grant unto thee, ye shall be saved of the mutants and Jews!"

And thus, before the very eyes of the students, came their new meme.

The students did cower and grovel at the mightiness of this meme, and there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Spake the students to Pekka-Eric, through their fear, "What name dost thou giveth to this glory, O sweet Pekka-Eric?"

And Pekka-Eric did grin as he said unto his followers, "LoL! For this creation, spawned from the pit of fail and faggotry, shall be known as HUMANITY IS OVERRATED!" And there was much shooting.

[edit] Trivia

  • Known aliasi: NaturalSelector89, Sturmgeist89
  • unconfirmed gamertag "Stray Bullet"
  • Police found 69 empty shell cases at the Jokela School. That makes the hit rate: (10/69)*100 = 14.49%
  • His IRL kill-death ratio is better than his OL ratio, although his pistol stats are ``Pistol 5:28:40 274 269 1.02 34%
  • Out of the 12 injured, only one was shot. The rest were injured during the evacuation.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

[edit] Gallery

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