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Dommi Bushi, boy of Poland
Dommi Bushi, boy of Poland
Typical Polish citizen
Typical Polish citizen
A diet rich in sausages and cabbage keeps the ladies young
A diet rich in sausages and cabbage keeps the ladies young
Good looking Polish guy
Good looking Polish guy
The Germans took over Poland briefly, but left in disgust
The Germans took over Poland briefly, but left in disgust

Poland is a rather backwards, whose President admitted to not using teh internets and keeping his money under a mattress. Since the Jews all moved away in the 1940s, the remaining people, "the Poles," or "Polacks," serve as the butt of the world's jokes about retarded people. Small wonder: this potato-shaped people are among the only living descendants of the primitive Neanderthal pre-humans that used to wander through what is now Eastern Europe. While many are extremely fat, the rest are just sort of ugly and mis-shapen.

This is not to say that they are not able to use computers! No indeed. In fact, Poland is the home of many 1337 h4xx0rs and script kiddies, some of the world's scariest internet tough guys!

One of their favorite little games is "DDOS attacks" (LOL!) A silly little Polish 13 year old boy named Dommi Bushi is convinced that he can cause horrendous chaos and completely clog up the tubes of the internets with his amazing h4xxor skillz. One question that has not been answered is why he is named "Dommi," which everyone knows is a nick-name for Polish girls. Dommi has studied Computer Science III for almost 6 weeks now.

Without the Jews to keep track of the nation's industry, currency, government, infrastructure, and all the other things of civilized life, the Poles just sort of bumble along in life, making ends meet, with a living standard almost as high as Russia's.


[edit] Tits or gtfo

Polish girls happen to have exceptional mammaries, thus warranting Poland's existence as a country. busty.pl happens to document this phenomenon quite exceptionally.

[edit] Polish Trivia/History

  • The double Nobel laureate Marie Curie (born Maria SkÅ‚odowska) was Polish and an atheist; she named the element polonium after her native country.
  • Many Polish names end in -ski because they cannot spell Toboggan.
  • Polish women do not use vibrators due to the risk of chipping their teeth.
  • Knock knock. Who's there? Polish burglar. lulz.
  • They are Ghey, which is Polish for 'Internet savvy'.
  • 87% of the Polish population opposes letters
  • The name of Poland's ruling party means "urine" in Danish
  • The Polish Mafia kills people by throwing them out basement windows.
  • In Poland, the groping of women is an acceptable greeting.
  • Their main exports are nail polish and shoe polish.
  • Poland is the only country in the world with an unemployment rate over 150%
  • All Poles are allergic to nail polish remover.
  • Cows in Poland deliver green milk because of the contamination from Uranium after the small incident at Chernobyl in 1986.

[edit] Other ways Poland has been forgotten

Microsoft also forgot Poland. Check the timezone map in your Date & Time settings. Poland is actually a lake. This may seem hard to believe at first but it actually is true!!!111one

[edit] Poland has arrived on YTMND

[edit] See also

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