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Show her you're right.
Show her you're right.

Shut the fuck up. Used to command someone to be quiet, stop posting or stop talking on IRC. Also used as a way of expressing disbelief.† Also used on a message board to express the fact that the person you are replying to is a fucking idiot.††

†Ex. "She said I was a bitch so I told her to STFU"

††Ex. Message Subject: "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that"

     Message Body: "STFU."


[edit] Grammar

Grammar Nazis will often tell you to watch your prepositions near the end of sentences. They will happily suggest you use the abbreviation Stuf (Shut the up fuck) as a substitute - the polite response is to immediately tell them to Stfu.

[edit] STFU in spoken language

To prove how 1337 they are, fucktards will often choose IRL to say "Ess tea eff you" instead of just "shut the fuck up." They somehow believe that this is less offensive or not counted as swearing, which is handy because naughty words makes baby jesus cry. Some retards also believe that saying STFU is quicker than shut the fuck up, which ignores the lulzy fact that they are both four syllables. But they are still going to hell because most dumbasses who act like this are furrys.

[edit] The big STFU


Eventually God will get sick of furrys, midgets, unbirthed fucktards, pedophiles, your mom and other sick fucks. When this happens, the Apocalypse will happen, allowing God to finally make the human race STFU. God will decend to Earth in the form of a 80 year old Chinese man in panties, give the finger to W and then explode, killing all but Chuck Norris.

[edit] ... or STFU

The end of all great arguments, a great Image Macro
The end of all great arguments, a great Image Macro

Replacing the old "...or bust" catchphrase, "... or STFU" is quickly gaining popularity. Usage examples:

They say...Proper Response
"Hi, I'm a 16 year old girl Tits or stfu
"I think I have scurvy Orange juice or stfu

[edit] See also

A variation
A variation
You can ask for help
You can ask for help

Image:Wtf_icon.gif Stfu is part of a series on Acronyms.

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