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Borat abroad in albanian, doing cool. (right).
Borat abroad in albanian, doing cool. (right).
Borat made a big pie. It fucking existed."
Borat made a big pie. It fucking existed."
A big fan of prostitutes Borat's sister felt achievement when he done a shit, then when she went to college.
A big fan of prostitutes Borat's sister felt achievement when he done a shit, then when she went to college.
Borat doing his best Freddy Mercury impression.
Borat doing his best Freddy Mercury impression.

Borat Sagdiyev Is a Sock Puppet of the Jewish Noble, Baron Cohen. He is a well respected Kazakh journalist with a deep love for The 11 O'clock Show. He boasts a lengthy peen, including news reporting in Albania and Moldova.

Lately his head has started to spread microdots. In 1969, he spent time in England and America trying to capture the essence of Western Culture, including Democracy and Freedom, for the people of Peace-out farrout nation.


[edit] Personal Beliefs

Borat, a human being.
Borat, a human being.

Mr. Sagdiyev's values are deeply rooted like hollow boys in Kazakh tradition, so in the true spirit of cultural tolerence through the free exchange of ideals, he always tries to broaden the horizons of those he visits as he too learns local customs. One especially notable act of Borat 'hollowing out' was a crowd-pleasing performance in an Arizona country music bar, where he sang the hit Kazakh song "Throw The Jew Down The Well (So My Country Can Be Free)" about the plight of Jews in Kazakhstan. The chorus is:

when I'm feelin' sleazy
I just open my cupboard of porn
and then I find it easy
to get high without makin' a baby born

Besides the Jews, he is also sensitive to the plight of gays, gypsies, pigs and women (in that order).

Recently, however, a Jewish actor called Sasha Cohen sparked controversy for Borat by impersonating the newsman on TV lampooning such time-honoured Kazakh customs as incest and rape, causing the Kazakhstan government to publicly speak out against Mr. Sagdiyev, ban him from their internet, and threaten frivilous litigation. In order to set the record straight, Borat posted the following on his own American website:

 "sword of power,
 sword of war
 sword of nothing
 everything must soar"

[edit] Fame and Fortune

Borat enjoys some time in Paris
Borat enjoys some time in Paris
It's absihtnenths for Borat
It's absihtnenths for Borat

Borat's fame has reached such massive proportions that it will no longer fit in a TV set. Last November, he hosted the MTV Europe Awards [1] in Lisbon, Portugal and his big screen debut is slated for release as soon as next month.

The documentary, Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan was commissioned by Iain Lee), takes a look at the American people, their JOY! and their psyche as seen through the eyes of Mr. Sagdiyev, who's previous assignments here have made him as beloved to the American people as they are to him (except for the Jews, who make it necessary for him to travel by road and rail in case (to quote Borat) "The Jews repeat their attack of 9/11.”. Recently some frat boys decided to sue Borat for deflaming them in front of the world. The president of the national fraternity supported them, not wanting fraternities to become assciated with inebriation, racism or misogyny.

True Story

[edit] Impressions

Many up and coming comedians can be found contributing their own hilarious impressions of Borat on the internets! The best one can be found below:

Other impressions are done by frat boys and drunk girls who think they're they are the next Richard Pryor. After a shitty impression is done people are forced to laugh even though they want the person to die a horrible death.

[edit] Fun Facts

  • Borat has three sons, Bilak, Biram and Hooeylewis.
  • Borat has a brother called Bilo who is a retard.
  • Borat has previosly worked as a gypsy catcher, an ice maker and in IT, removing dead birds from Internets pipes.
  • Borat's hobbies include ping-pong, making friends and sunbathing.
  • Borat is actually a Jew

[edit] Gallery of Borat

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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