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[edit] All about Bean

This photo has not been edited in anyway. Yes, she really is that hideous.
This photo has not been edited in anyway. Yes, she really is that hideous.
I always did hear cum was salty.
I always did hear cum was salty.
Bean feeding her fat ass. JENNY CRAIG PLZ.
Bean feeding her fat ass. JENNY CRAIG PLZ.
o lawd iz dat sum shooping to make herself skinnier right thar?
o lawd iz dat sum shooping to make herself skinnier right thar?

-Im VERY Bisexual--Im 6'0" Im a tall bitch!-

-My breast are so big they hurt my back- -I have 12 pericings- -Im really a size 10 in pants but my bum is so big I have to wear 16!- -My fetishes are: Spanking, Eating-out, nipple sucking, head, and having same sex partners (girl on girl not guy on guy!)- -I masterbate to my bf Ray and yell out "Marik" for some reason.- -Ive had 20 boyfriends and they dumped me all because I wouldnt put out!- -I play with fire and knives- -I constantly wear a hat- -I wear emo glasses- -My Chemical Romance is the only band I truely loved before they came so famous.- -I party too much- -I have alcers in my belly- -I was fingered by a girl...twice!- -I drink alot- -My boyfriend and I are 11 years apart.- -I LOVE Boys spanking Boys!-


Bean, also known as Beani, is a mild-mannered young woman and aspiring young artist who makes her home on various art websites. And, by mild-mannered, I mean an absolute batshit insane, pseudo-nymphomaniac with an unhealthy obsession with various shitty cartoon characters popular with other dumbass weeaboos who is also prone to fits of swearing and lulz-fests, and by artist, I mean a talentless gothcake that needs to lay off the fried butter who makes herself feel better by tracing over other people's hard work.

Her recent ex-boyfriend is none other from that guy with ADD from Gamelife, Geoff Mendicino:

Even moar lulzy, though, is her massive e-ego, which is swollen to a size that rivals that of her fat ass. Watch what happens when you stop stroking it long enough to actually comment on her insanity and retina-burning quality of her work:

Bean likes coloring over other people's artwork and claiming it as her own.
Bean likes coloring over other people's artwork and claiming it as her own.

The audacity of this girl is unbelievable, which is what generally happens when your slough of rabid followers convinces you that it's okay to steal others' art, because hey, it's the Internet, and that makes it AWWWRIGHTT. It's not like anybody will mind or anything!

But what happens if a challenger appears? One of the following will occur:

  • Bean calls big brother (a.k.a. two of her IRL friends whom she whored herself out to for protection) to flame the living hell out of her accusing enemy
  • Bean calls upon sheep for back-up or sympathy
  • Bean acts as though it doesn't affect her (but we all know it does because she cried on others' profiles and has threatened to leave)
  • Instant comment deletion and block

In other words, typical butthurt teenager reactions. Can't face the audience and admit that you were wrong? Never fear, just hide the comment!

Lulzy screenshots

[edit] Artwork

We know, Bean, we know. BTW, what's that shit on your face?
We know, Bean, we know. BTW, what's that shit on your face?

People on the Internet are genuine assholes, but they're usually assholes for a reason. Bean has a quality about her that just inspires assholes from around the globe, and that reason is her stunning artwork involving her two goth Mary-Sues, Blair and Midori.


Blair likes Yami Malik from the hit children's animu Yu-Gi-Oh - a lot - and he wuvs her too. So much, in fact, that he magically became a tangible human being, married her, knocked her up (resulting in two teen pregnancies), attends the correctional ward of Domino High School with her, and lives happily with her and his two somehow magically teenage children. But that's not all! Their relationship goes far back into Ancient Egypt, where Yami Malik and Queen Blair ruled the.. er, other half of Egypt that the pharaoh didn't. Or something.

It's fairly obvious that Blair is simply a recolor of Talho from Eureka SeveN, even though Bean fervently denies this. But we all know the truth.

But wait, there's moar! In a fit of ego, she's decided to subject the poor innocent users of youtube to her self-absorbed faggotry!


Beani is her "hentai" character, featured only on hentaifoundry before she was banned for underage. Beani is one of Bean's oldest creations, and is an online caricature of herself, in all of her cock-sucking, vag-lapping glory, who engages in all the sordid sexual activities that Bean's cavernous, centipede-filled, sixteen-year-old girl vagina craves for.


Midori is Bean's exceptionally creative Tsunade recolor Naruto Mary-Sue. Bean abandoned Blair after Anonymous caught on that she was a thieving whore. Midori's the brand-spanking-new result of Bean's attempt to start a clean slate by tracing more images. She also happens to be Kakashi's sex bitch, having had some kind of special child with him. HOW DARE YOU FLAMERS ATTACK BEAN! SHE DELETED ALL HER TRACED IMAGES! A RECOLOR IS FINE TOO!

[edit] The beginning

In the time before time, Bean pranced around FAC like a goddess, eating up all the delightful fanart that her adoring fans drew of her super speshul character. However, things turned south when one day, a few users of Fanart Central pointed out on the forums that she had been stealing art. Cue shitstorm.
Shading too, amirite?
Shading too, amirite?
Your character, Blair, is a slut. Her sluttiness is undeniable. You have taken a 17-year-old girl, dressed her in clothing that would make a hooker ashamed and prance her around in provocative poses, proudly displaying the family assets to every Tom, Dick and Harry that walks by. face it: You would never wear the clothing Blair wears in public. She has frequent, unprotected sex with a male character she hooked up with. In fact, she's gotten PREGNANT from said sex and had a baby. She doesn't have that "healthy glow" of pregnancy, she's a knocked up bimbo who got what was coming to her. And now some child gets to suffer on welfare and babysitters while bean-bag here works minimum wage 7-10 at McDonalds to support her brat.Do not call her sexy. I am not in the least bit attracted to that piece of trash


Oh! I see your Feamle!^^ Then your probably just jelouse of all the Male and/or Female attention shes getting! X3


After that, another by the name of Theaphelia went after her, along with others, but she was one of the few who hunted for the originals and slapped that loose clam in the face, thus resulting in image deletions. She continued to sass Bean but was blocked and deleted 90% of her comments as well. It was only a matter of time before she would break.

[edit] CupidStunt

Teh internetz makes me angy & hurt so gurdbai >:'(
Teh internetz makes me angy & hurt so gurdbai >:'(

This guy is Bean's older brother. Their love can sometimes be confused for incest, but what the hell? It's '07, it's okay for siblings to engage in sexual activities, right? CupidStunt, formerly known as xXSingSorrowXx before he was banned for constant harassment and flaming, will go ballistic if you say anything insulting to his sister. He will cuss you out and threaten to beat your face in, like a typical Internet Tough Guy, but in the end he will fail to see that no matter how hard he tries, he will never be able to beat your face in through the computer monitor.

UPDATE: Cupidstunt left FAC because he claimed that FAC was not good for his health and blood pressure. Success. One down, another few to go.

MOAR: Cupidstunt is NOT Blair's bother, but her pimp. Also, switching letters will make his name into "StupidCunt", which is much more appropriate.

[edit] B*Kewt

B*KewT is not a Disney girl-band aimed at prepubescent audiences, as much as it may sound like it. It is, in actuality, the special, super-clever acronym for Bean and all her Sue-friends. Blair*Kairi Etsuko Wu Tiffany. See? Misspellings with trendy asterisks can be fun and convenient! Blair, the B in B*KewT, is a member of a small and exclusive group of fangirls that take the greatest delight in sitting around in a little circle jerk and wanking on each other's massive Internet (and possibly real life) penises. The girls are very proud of their acronym, to the point of having a fan club for it. It should be noted that outsiders are not allowed to join their group, but adoration and fanart of the girls involved is actively encouraged.

[edit] Personal Army

Last Thursday, a troll dangled the baited line in front of the slack maws of thousands of gullible retards. The troll was patient, but eventually got a bite and almost succeeded in making /b/ into their very own personal army. The troll was later revealed to be a FAC faggot by the name of Touzoku-Joou, who was already known to waste hours of their life trolling Bean's userpage as it was, and the thread eventually died a quiet, peaceful death. Nonetheless, it was fairly lulzy while it lasted.

[edit] Bean's Message to "Haters"

We're making her famous with her tracings, guys!
We're making her famous with her tracings, guys!
Please do whatever makes you feel worthy and great.

Say what makes you feel Preetier Wiser Bigger Slimmer or Stronger. Even if this means Slagging off Insulting Or Bitching About someone, Physically And Mentally Breaking Someone down and hurting them. Whatever You Do Or say wont make you Feel better and it wont change what makes you feel bad. Writing On peoples shoutbox's nastily and Anonomously wont make you Amazing.. Being Nice and Genuine is what gives you the satisfied feeling. All that will do is make you look like a sad insecure person who bullys people because they hate themselvs. All You 'Haters' are sad and Pathetic its time you realised your fake misuse of words which half of you bullys dont even know how to spell wont make people cry or feel bad about themselves because half of what you say is nowhere near the real truth. Bulling and Hating makes you nothing! its time you looked in the mirror and got a life. Whether You call someone A Slag A Bitch Fat Or Lanky It wont change who you are it will just make you a rotten deciving lonely person. So What does Hating and Bullying Benifit For you? The Answer Is Nothing. If You dont like someone then keep to yourselves!



[edit] Life Plan that `Blair` should follow.

Bean refuses to accept that she wasn't a 'victim'.
Bean refuses to accept that she wasn't a 'victim'.
  • 1. Stick gun in mouth.
  • 2. Pull trigger.
  • 3. ???????
  • 4. PROFIT!!!

Seriously. Do it.


Bean loves her cream filling.
Bean loves her cream filling.
Bean and David's child. Awwww! SUPER KAWAII!!!! ^____^
Bean and David's child. Awwww! SUPER KAWAII!!!! ^____^
Bean's brother, David. He enjoys spanking her ass and cumming in her fat taint. Bean, of course, loves every second of it. INCEST FTW.
Bean's brother, David. He enjoys spanking her ass and cumming in her fat taint. Bean, of course, loves every second of it. INCEST FTW.

Our precious Blair is quite obviously fucking her brother. She even wrote a story based on true events about her brother pulling down her pants and spanking her skanky, bratty ass with his belt before sticking it in and raping her. She discovered she liked being fucked by her hillbilly family, which explains why she's the huge slut she is today.

N: Blair then heard a tinking sound and turned her head just far enough to see what her brother was doin, to her horror she saw him removing his black leather studded belt from his waist and unbuttons and pulls down her jeans exsposing her deep red abused flesh.


N: But before she could finish her sentace she felt no less then 30 good hard lashes of the wicked belt hit every inch of her backside. she was sobbing in pain and just then he stopped.


The story can be found here:

Although now it turns out that there is no David. For reasons best known to herself Bean made him up:

Also, I have something to confess. I dont have OLDER BROTHERS!

them dudes on FAC were my friends in my class posing as my older siblings! one was a dude named Jean, the other dude in the pic as David was some guy he took a pic of! HAHAHAHA!

All I have for family is my 14 year old brother Zack and little 9 year old sister Kaley! Sorry if any of you girls felt for them but they were just some of my friends that stuck up for me! Ooh well, good thing I got all that offa my cheast.


However, many suspect that there actually are older brothers in her family since Bean's explanation of having classmates pose as her siblings makes NO FUCKING SENSE.

It's theorized she's trying to hide David's existence so that the police won't end their incestuous buttfucking affair and take away their deformed hellspawn.

[edit] The forums

At Fanartcentral, the forums are serious fucking business. It's where the more intelligent (Note: use of the word "intelligent" is subjective) members of FAC gather to fellate each other on a daily basis in the Random subforum whilst bitching about how much they hate the mainsite because they have noting better to do with their lives. Though one day, shit turned serious when Silverkitsune posted a thread relating to Bean. Bitching takes place and cupidstunt pays a visit to this 'frame parade'.

You are all a bunch for Losers.

If she trased then shes deleteing them. done deal. You have no right to call her f**king names though.





After the slaughter and b&ing of her account, Bean tried to pretend she didn't care about her massive fail:

As for FAC Friends, I will miss you but

"My memory will Carry Ooooon!"


She subsequently ran to her army of dicksuckers to bitch and moan about how stupid FAC was for banning her ass.


Not surprisingly, Bean has a new FAC account, but it seems to exist only as troll fodder.

See also Possibly Bean, Same friends and registered just today to flame Beans bashers and to let them know that the ED article "sucked balls".

[edit] Ms. Bean Pays a Visit to ED

Once upon a time, a certain EDiot was making her rounds and noticed that the long unused discussion page had a post.

War was beginning...

Internet officer approves of Ms. Bean
Internet officer approves of Ms. Bean
Whoever has created this page has serious mental problems. I can't comprehend why someone could be so cruel. I know how well this girl can draw and edit pictures and the fact that someone could try to hurt her like this is beyond me! Even if one did trace anything, noone deserves this abuse. This is a human being with feelings that you are dealing with here. The fact that you are slandering her so bad is basically illegal. Buy a gun? Put it in your mouth? WOW! You are truly sick!

Cindymak72 a.k.a Ms. Blair



Within minutes another joined the fray, causing Ms. Bean to shit bricks and threaten e-legal action to anyone hurting her precious baby. When not defending her "gifted" child's right to spew her stolen shit across the internet like Tubgirl's face, she engaged in rampant hypocrisy...

Grow up little girl. Does your mommy know what kind of foul mouth you have, darling? Focus your energy on something worthwhile, maybe you can still become a decent human being...but with the shitass attitude you already have, I'm sure it's too late.

—Ms. Blair

...Showed her expertise as a high school counselor...

Your anger makes me chuckle...did somebody do harm to you when you were younger? Is that your problem? That poor attitude must come from some deep dark secret...

—Ms. Blair

...And pointed fingers and blamed everyone on ED for Blair's massive fail, every suicide ever, and all the wars in the world.

So, you put that under your little hat and think about my background, my education and about how a mother's heart is stronger than any hate out there. It's been a treat seeing how your minds work, and I hope you enjoy yourselves as you desroy people's egos, dreams and self-esteems. Have you ever lost someone close to suicide because they took comments, that were lashed out at them, to heart? Have you ever had to work with a family who just couldn't understand why their loved one decided to actually follow the instructions that these sites suggest? To talk to a mothere who had to read a suicide note talking of pain and the inability to go on and then find their child with their head blown off or their tongue bloated out of their mouth from the pressure of a noose around their neck? I have, and it's the hardest part of my job. Bullying is bullying no matter what the forum.

—Bean-I mean, Ms. Blair

And when confronted with information that would have made even a mediocre parent's head explode with the realization that her daughter is a cumslut, she responded in an oddly calm fashion.

I know my mommy would be worried, but more about my posting of shitty porn and talking about my personal sex life on teh internets than people being OMG MEEN
I know my mommy would be worried, but more about my posting of shitty porn and talking about my personal sex life on teh internets than people being OMG MEEN
So you are proud of her? "My fetishes are: Spanking, Eating-out, nipple sucking, head, and having same sex partners". So you think she might be famous for her art, and her fantasies, rather than her slutty behavior? What sort of mother are you? I guess I was wrong though, it is not her own fault entirely for how she has turned out. I do hope you feel ashamed of yourself though, you might as well pimp her out, to help her get famous.


Too funny!!!

—Ms. Bean

Some say that Ms. Bean was Bean herself, as they both make the same idiotic mistakes in typing and are incapable of coherent thought. Ms. Bean also shows a remarkable know-how of internet slang for someone who can't even use her keyboard correctly. But it can't be Bean, because Bean DOESN'T care about ED and DOESN'T have to defend her e-glory! Or does she? The world may never know.

[edit] Account Raid

Predictably, as soon as this article hit the front page, a legion of /b/-tards swept across the Internets to wreck havoc on Bean's DA page. Consequently, the results were lul-fucking-zy and would leave a hell of a mess for Bean to clean up next time she oozed her way to her computer.

One of her mindless zombie fans wrote a depressing, suicidal, epic poem for their precious blair/bean, once they found out she was gone, they broke down;

Everyone respects me, becuase they think I am strong,

but if the truth be told, they are all wrong.

For we have all sinned, And that is all there is to say, So please leave Blair alone, And if you won't...

Flame me. Kill me as well...


[edit] New Account

Bean has a new account on DeviantArt. She had said she was leaving to get a job, but apparently she realized that no one wanted to buy traced art and she was too much of a fucking whale to get a job as a hooker. Thus, she is back!


You now have your mission. ROUND TWO IS UPON US! RAID!

[edit] Truth Campaign

A campaign was started by two courageous EDiots to tell everyone on devianTART about Bean's--I mean, Hi-Lary's epic failure and art theft. They now face the temporary banhammer, and their return is awaited. Whether they will continue spreading the truth is unknown; they are, however, an example for people to follow. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT CONSEQUENCES. TROLL! FLAME! GET THAT WHALE OUT OF OUR TUBES!!

[edit] The dead boyfriend

Around a year ago Blair claimed she had a boyfriend who killed himself by overdose or somthing like that. A few months after this sombody started spamming her old FAC profile saying that it was her fault her killed himself, she threatened to quit but didn't because her sheep begged her not too.

But is there a dead boyfriend??????? After the spamming Blair put a picture on her profile of her "dead boyfriend." But after some snooping on myspace I have found the same picture on a myspace account. Is the person with this picture somtimes online? The answer. Yes.

[edit] Bean and Kakashi

How Bean wishes Kakashi would react to her.


Kakashi's actual reaction.


[edit] Gallery of Utter Shit

[edit] Links

is part of a series on DevianTART

Lordly Assfaces:

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