Steve Irwin

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Probably too late, but still...!
Probably too late, but still...!
Steve Irwin has raised awareness of stingrays and aids in the pool.
Steve Irwin has raised awareness of stingrays and aids in the pool.
Pwnd by Mother Nature.
Pwnd by Mother Nature.
He was an hero
He was an hero
..due to Stingray?!
..due to Stingray?!
Stingray deny any involvement.
Stingray deny any involvement.
Known to give troll's remorse.
Known to give troll's remorse.
Footage of Irwin's death was recently leaked on to the internets
Footage of Irwin's death was recently leaked on to the internets
a witness' description of teh murder
a witness' description of teh murder
Some of Steve’s dedicated fans reminiscing the night of Halloween.
Some of Steve’s dedicated fans reminiscing the night of Halloween.

Steve Irwin, troll IRL, notorious child abuser, died while swimming off northern Australia.


[edit] History

Irwin had attained great fame from making a profession out of being a fucktard around dangerous animals, especially crocodiles. Australia has most of the world's nastiest creatures; if it stung, clawed, injected venom or bit your fucking head off, Irwin had wrestled with it. He was exceedingly rich, due to the fact that almost anyone would watch him fight with a four-meter long crocodile just in case the croc won. Last thursday, Steve created a scandal when he held his baby son while feeding the crocodiles, although childfree thought it was pretty leet. The crocodiles were not harmed. An expected result of his "untimely" (lulz) death is that now, he is mocked mercilessly in every single high school around the world.

[edit] OMFG Steve's DED!1!!

Eventually, God got pissed off, and IRL permabanned Steve. He got raped by Rick the stingray, which impaled the fucker right through the chest. FUCKING WIN. It doesn't matter anyway though, because Steve Irwin was bound to die in the upcoming sequel to World War 2, entitled "WW3:Rise of the Internets." Steve Irwin's death was posted by Speedycat in ED IRC minutes after it was reported by the Aussie media. His death has been spreading all over the internet since then, with most people believing it an internet hoax at first before checking CNN and/or Encyclopedia Dramatica. All of us at Encyclopedia Dramatica assure you dat dis shit is tru. We are also watching for any future developments to make sure Irwin does not rise from the dead and settle his throne as the Anti-Christ from the Book of Revelations. It's a fifty-fifty shot. Dumbass illegal immigrant kiwis who were locked up in detention centres for 10 years in the middle of our desert seem to think that by laughing at Steve Irwin they are insulting us. But, truth be told, every single Australian pissed themselves laughing when they heard. After the sting-ray was arrested reporters asked: "What was your motive?", and the ray simply responded, "I did it for teh lulz."

Unfortunately, now we all have to watch that Jeff Corwin faggot now.

He might not have died if he didn't pull the damn thing out of his chest. Dieing after literally being poked with the stick has to be the most ironic death since Jesus Christ died of carpentry.

[edit] The Perviously Unreleased Testimony of The Stingray

Shortly after his arrest and detainment, the stingray was interviewed and had these insights.

(Heres an except from the full 45 minute interview by Dateline)

Peter Jennings: Now, you killed Steve Irwin for what you claim to be, "the lulz"

Stingray: Yeah, thats pretty much it. I mean, really, he was a pretty great guy. But, you know how it goes. Here you are, with your stinger right next to a guys heart, you know. Things start going though your head. Your thinking, should I do it? Is it worth it. Than you remember, than you know. Oh yeah, the lulz.

Peter Jennings: So I see. Now there has also been an image...don't mind the pun..."floating" around of you killing Steve whilst giving him oral pleasure. Would you like to address this?

Stingray: Now see, this is where the media tends to embellish things. Now I won't deny that that was my stinger cutting through his sweet, sweet delicious human heart, but that was not me giving him oral pleasures. By that point, my stinger had long since been in his heart, and thus, he was dead for quite awhile. So you see, while I may have been sucking off his dick, there was never any pleasure for him. Nothing wrong with necrophilia.

Peter Jennings: No sir. No sir...

Crikey, I'm Dead!
Crikey, I'm Dead!

[edit] Steve Irwin's Relationship

Steve Irwin was reported giving a boston steamer to an alligator while holding his baby upside down over a lion. It is also rumored he has a relationship with Mr. Buckner.

[edit] Original Irwin Song

In West Australia, born and raised. 
In the ocean, that's where I spent most of my days. 
Chillin out, maxin; relaxin all cool,  
stroking some stingrays inside the pool. 
When a couple of crocs who were up to no good,  
started making trouble in Australia Zoo. 
I got one little sting, and Terri got scared; 
"you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air"... 
I whistled for a boat and when it came near,  
the licence plate said fresh and had dice in the mirror. 
If anything, I'd say that this boat was rare,  
but I said man forget it, yo captain to Bel Air. 
I pulled up to the docks about seven or eight  
and I yelled to the captain yo holmes smell ya later. 
Looked at the sting ray 
he had beaten me there. 
I sit on my grave as the crocodile hunter 
Rest in peace, old friend. 

[edit] Offical Irwin Fan Song

Now this is the story all about how 
My life got flipped, turned upside down 
And Id like to take a minute just sit right there 
Ill tell you how I became the croc hunter of a country called Australia 
In the suburbs of Melbourne born and raised 
In the zoo is where I spent most of my days 
Taking out, handling, cleaning animal poo 
And all handling dangerous wildlife too 
When a couple of crocs who were up in no good 
Started making trouble in my neighbourhood 
I got in one little fight and my wife got scared 
And said youre moving with your crew and documentary to Port Douglas! 
I whistled for a boat and when it came near the 
Licensplate said STINGRAY and had a barb in the mirror 
If anything I could say that this boat was rare 
But I thought "naw forget it, crikeys to Port Douglas!" 
I pulled up to the reef about seven or eight 
And I yelled to the stingry "Crikeys! Smell you later!" 
He looked at me square and shot the barb through my chest 
And now I'm dead in the ocean next to the Stingrays nest! 

PLEASE NOTE: This article is generally considered to be too soon. On the other hand, LOL.

[edit] Fans of Steve Irwin Have THIS to Say About This Article:

This page is despicable - it should feature more classy tributes like this!
This page is despicable - it should feature more classy tributes like this!

From here after a right pwning. Crikey!

Only read these comments for the lulz:

[edit] Death Video

Everyone wants the death video. Everyone! And most people believe its lurking on the internet! But since most are fucking clueless, its easy to trick them into viewing fake videos which yields tons of lulz. myg0t was the first to put out such a video available below. It has since been hosted on numerous video sites only to be deleted within minutes.

[edit] His Legendary Name and POOL CLOSINGS


Steve Irwin is made of win since his last name declares this to be fact. Since he is made of win, he is now a meme; may he rest in his WIN.


Now this is the story all 'bout how I got flipped, turned upside down Now id like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you how i became prince of a town called Ray-Air

In West Australia born and raised In the Ocean is where I spend most of my days Chillin out baskin relaxin all cool and all scarin some humans up outside the pool

When a couple of biologists who were up to no good Starting makin trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and Steve Irwin got scared And said "Crikey there's a poisonous barb in my chest"

They whistled for an ambulence and when it came near They liscenseplate said NORAYS and it had barbs in the mirror If anything I could say that this ambulence was rare But I thought now forget it, yo home to Ray-Air!

I pulled up to a reef about seven or eight And said to Steve Irwin "yo fag, sting ya later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there To sit on my throne as the prince of Ray-Air


A popular belief holds that Steve's birth name was Steve Irlose, but it got changed because it made him sound like a pussy.

[edit] Conspiracy Theories

[edit] Painless Death Conspiracy

Almost every Zionist controlled media outlet is running a quote that claims Steve died instantly and painless.

Typical advertisement on Steves' death sites.[1]
Typical advertisement on Steves' death sites.[1]
 "It's likely that he possibly died instantly when the barb 
  hit him, and I don't think that he ... felt any pain." [2]

Possible series of events post-sting

  • Spit out his snorkel in agony, inhaling the sweet juice of the sea.
  • Surfaces, gasping for air and clutching his chest. The eventual loss of motor functioning does nothing to soothe the piercing extremity of his torture.
  • Dragged into the boat screaming in pain, as his wife and two children witness every horrible second. He slowly and painfully bleeds to death over 15 minutes.
  • His two children adopt a life-long fascination with painkillers, hard liquor, and antidepressant medications.

[edit] God Killed Steve Theory

There was nothing natural about what Steve Irwin did to animals; it was an abomination and an affront to God's will.


It's like Australia's version of Diana; Steve was really just swimming to avoid paparazzi. Like with Diana, they were following him in a boat, so he had to flee across stingray-infested water. It makes perfect sense.


Where was FEMA when Steve was attacked by the stingray? Kanye West and some 16 year old girl bet "if it was someone American you'd give a shit."

[edit] Martyred by Furries

The stingray was an assassin, hired to draw attention to the animal rights cause by martyring its patron saint, Steve Irwin. Now that public sympathy is on their side, they shall rise up and bring about WWIII, kind of like George W. Bush only gayer.

[edit] Jews DID STEVE Theory

Really, no one has presented a single piece of evidence that they didn't, so as far as we're concerned, Jews killed him.

[edit] ANIMAL REVENGE Theory

It was the Cirque du Soleil of life.

And I quote: "The animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin, but probably not before a whole generation of kids in shorts seven sizes too small has learned to shout in the ears of animals with hearing 10 times more acute than theirs, determined to become millionaire animal-loving zoo-owners in their turn." [3]



[edit] External Links

[edit] Gallery

Image:pooranimals_icon.gif Steve Irwin is part of a series on bad things happening to animals.

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