Forced Meme

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Forced meme is forced.
Forced meme is forced.

A forced meme is an attempt at making one's attempt at humor a part of interweb history, or a meme. Differs from actual memes from being:

  • A: unfunny
  • B: Not having a funny story/copypasta attached to it.
  • C: In recent days, anything remotely original on forechon.

Ever since the explosion of fame the O RLY owl meme had on the internets, now everyone wants to take a shot at making the next internet meme. A meme is forced (usually on /b/ on forced meme mondays, every monday) by having one person or a group of people try to spread the meme all over the interweb, or pretending that they like the meme so other people may catch on, like a fad. An example of a forced meme is "MAARRGEE, YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART!" A faked, forced meme by members of Something Awful. It is very rare that a forced meme becomes an actual meme (See:Desu).

What is it that makes people force memes? Why? WHY?

[edit] Meme Forcing 101

Forcing a meme is easy! The worst thing that can happen is that your forced meme dies after a few hours, but if you're lucky and actually give a shit, it may very well ascend to actual meme status!

Creating your meme

  • When creating your meme, try filling some sort of void instead of making yet another animal/MS Paint meme. If your meme is to be repeated long after even you stop caring about it, it has to be both simple and unique. If your meme is nothing but a phrase, make sure the phrase is at least two of the following; usable in most contexts, snappy, or easily typed out.
  • If your meme is some sort of character. Make shops of it doing all sorts of thing, some rule 34 and shops where your forced meme is doing something/is combined with a well-known meme.
  • To make sure that your meme is successfully forced, you will need to make A LOT of shops. At least 40+ pictures. Remember to use them when it's appropriate or people will catch on and out your meme as forced too quickly.

Forcing your meme

  • The best way to go about forcing a meme phrase is to post it everywhere, all the time. Remember to link (ie. >>3581854) to people for greater effect. Also try typing the phrase in MS Paint and use it to make a good troll thread, to keep the phrase on the frontpage.
  • If your meme is graphical (the most memorable kind obviously), post your meme as a new thread then praise it by repeating it a few times. Then simply copypaste some generic replies from other threads that look good to keep it bumped. Then post some more shops, etc. etc. and after maybe a hundred replies, let it die. Then every so often, repeat. Also post your meme in other threads, but only if it's somehow relevant. Repeat this as necessary, but start slowly and keep it subtle. If you overdo it (spam all threads with your meme), people will reject your meme forcing attempt.
  • DO: Post some threads where the forced meme is mentioned along other well-established memes. Threads with content such as "PROVE YOU'RE NOT A NEWFAG! COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: _ockmongler, _n _ero, [your forced meme], etc, etc." will not only subtly force your meme but will be bumped by trolls and morons at least 50 times. Also, post some threads where your forced meme character/object is doing something with other meme characters. Shop a thread with a 6-hit combo of your meme character and use it to start an 'Epic Thread' thread. Use your imagination!

Keep going for at it for a week or so and see if it catches on. PATIENCE is vital here.

So your forced meme is doing okay...

Your meme is gaining momentum. Some are actually reposting your shops and most people recognize your meme. Now is the time to seal the deal; make an ED/Wikichan/whatever article about it with lots of pics and shit, using sockpuppets, and add it to the 4chan meme list. Then post some generic shit in the discussion page so people think it has some support. If the page isn't deleted within a week and people bump your meme with little help from you, then your meme has been successfully forced. If you did it right and your meme didn't suck ass, people might not even realize the meme was forced at all!


[edit] Known Forced Memes

Milhouse is a Meme Milhouse is not a meme Meme Millhouse is meme not a OH SHI-
Milhouse is a Meme Milhouse is not a meme Meme Millhouse is meme not a OH SHI-

Forced Meme is part of a series on the cancer that is killing /b/.

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