Buy A Dog

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She installed electronic security, a phone tracing system, and bought a dog. *WOOF*"

Phil Shuman

You might well ask.
You might well ask.

Buy A Dog is a meme that originated last Thursday when Faux News ran an investigation on hackers on steroids. The propaganda flick relayed the horrifying tale of a basement dwelling mamma's boy named Alex Wuori. His MySpace had been thoroughly hacked and covered with pictures of gay secks causing his imaginary girlfriend to leave him. He also claimed that messages were left on his mom's answering machine threatening to slit his emo throat. He probably left it himself.

In typical over-the-top fashion his mother immediately did what any reasonable person would do: she purchased a new security system for her entire house, put a tracer on their phone line, closed the curtains, and finally...she BOUGHT A FUCKING DOG.

This may seem completely fucktarded, but it is well known to IT security experts that /b/ is actually run by CATS and cats hate dogs. Also in this case, a cat is not fine too.

[edit] Hawt Tips

  • Dogs are the third hardest substance known to man, next to Dragonforce diamond, and of course, Chocolate Rain.
  • Mathematical fact: Fear + Ignorance + series of tubes = Alaskan husky.
  • Closing your curtains is the #1 way to prevent yourself from Anonymous Hackers. However. They may Hack their way through your firewall-curtains.
  • It is a Scientific fact that after this was shot, this woman plugged up her vagina using her dog's left testicle to avoid being raped by ANONYMOUS.
  • For optimum protection, wrap said dog around curtains.

It should be noted, however, that several very skilled hackers can bypass security machines through use of wire cutters and steroids. Meanwhile many others are busy dissecting dogs and consulting with Michael Vick Ron Mexico in an attempt to find creative ways around a dog. So far, all efforts have led to failure.

If potential victims cannot buy a dog, then a Dog Curtain is fine too. A cat will actively work against you.

[edit] Trivia

Wearing a Firedog hat will not help you.
Wearing a Firedog hat will not help you.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] External Links

Buy A Dog
is part of a series on
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