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Burning fags since before you were born.
Burning fags since before you were born.
Kill it with fire plzkthnx.
Kill it with fire plzkthnx.
How to kill it with fire (for beginners).
How to kill it with fire (for beginners).
The best way to kill zombies.
The best way to kill zombies.

Since time immemorial, man has used fire as an easy, effective tool for the disposal of unwanted things and, as they are certainly not excluded, unwanted people.

You can't really trace down the exact point in time when fire pwnage began, simply because it was invented over 9000 years ago by our spiritual forbearers.

In the world of Pokemon, Charizard is well known for pwning its enemies with fire. However since Pokemon is unfunny, fire can be pwned with water, which can be pwned with electricity, which can be pwned with ground, which can be pwned with grass, which can be pwned... WITH FIRE!


[edit] It's Been Around Forever.

Killing with fire is one of the most far-reaching past-times of Old European and American Societies. Pretty much anyone who wasn't getting it, was dishing it out.

People who were killed with fire include:

  • Jews (Lollercaust)
  • Fags
  • Wicca
  • Niggas
  • Fucktards
  • Goths
  • Emos
  • NEDM
  • Every convicted or confessed Harry Potter fueled witch from the Salem witch trials.
  • Joan of Arc was burned alive because she was convicted of blasphemy. Proving once again that when you try to tell people about god, you should be killed with fire.
  • Staypuff marshmallow man was burned to death by no less than four positron beams. His only crime? Being a fatty.

Fire made it gloriously easier to exterminate all those who needed to GTFO or those who were just blatantly doing it wrong.

[edit] Why Fire?

Well, it's quite simple; fire makes killing people lulzy. Nothing causes more lulz than watching a writhing swarm of mudkips die in a blaze of glory or seeing that Goth Bitch who claims to have majikal control over flames get what she had been asking for... and then burning her.

Hell, it also makes a good warning sign to others if you go ahead and burn them on your own property or wherever their kind aren't welcome. Nothing says "Stay off of my lawn, nigger!" like the smoldering corpse of his thieving brother.

[edit] Steps To Pwning Someone With Flames

  1. Pick your prey.
  2. If they do not appear fully flammable, douse them in a flammable substance.
  3. Light them ablaze with matches, a lighter or, most preferably, a flame thrower.
  4. Sit back and enjoy the show.
  5. ????
  6. Profit!

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See Also

is part of a series on
Dying Alone
Those Who Have Died Alone

Hitler | Ripper | Mitchell Henderson | Tyler Dumstorf | Lilo | Anna Nicole Smith | Chris Benoit | Arielle Newman | Otoya Yamaguchi | "Crush" Adams | Charmaine Dragun | Megan Meier

Those Dying Alone

Potty Pete| Nullcherri | Amy Whinehouse | Jimbo Wales | Joy Nash | Argent009 | GoddessMillenia | Snapesnogger | Sceptre | Ahotwheelscar | Anonymous Borg | Chuck M. | Nihilanth

Their Methods

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