4chan Gaming

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Plz to be adding some pix now kthnx. Consult the image selection process for help, or just google up some pix.
Plz remove this notice once there are plenty of pix.

4chan Gaming (or "games /b/e would like to see.") is moar in a recent trend of WINNING original content delivered to 4chan by Satan Claus, just in time for Malcolm Xmas.

Like EXTREME ADVERTISING and SFW Porn, this meme requires moar thawt effort, and gamesmanship than the rampant crapflood of newfaggotry (such as lame 'memes' like TOUCHDOWN THURMAN THOMAS), lame semi-original content (like Random Album Art) and straight-up facepalm threads (like Confirmed For Brawl and Everyone Get In Here) that has recently been spamming up /b/, much to the chagrin of the oldfags already at 10 on the Whin-o-Meter since Foxing Day sent 4chan's alexa ranking to the moon.

Although it is too early to tell, it appears that the chemo that is curing /b/ has The Cancer in remission.

[edit] The Play

It's quite simple: this meme calls for /b/tards to fire-up the PHOTOSHOP HATE MACHINE and create original content by shooping popular 'video games' into 4chan Games.

[edit] Gallery

Image:Gamecontroller.gif 4chan Gaming is part of a series on Gaming.

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