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Gaijin 4Koma

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4chanarchive has epic archived /b/ threads related to this topic for great justice.

"Gaijin 4Koma" aka "reaction guys" aka "that meme with the four guys, you know the one" is a classic 4chan meme appropriated from 2chan typically consisting of a montage of four panels. Two of these panels depict four guys reacting to shit.

Needless to say, 4chan's /b/tards saw this as a prime candidate for Photoshopping, and a meme was born.


[edit] Format

Though it can often be expanded to more than four panels, the standard format of the meme is:

Panel 1: Picture of Happy Negro, Rei, etc.
Panel 2: Bored reaction.
Panel 3: Picture of Cockmongler.
Panel 4: Cheering.

There is an alternative extension;

Panel 1: Picture of Happy Negro, Rei, etc.
Panel 2: Bored reaction.
Panel 3: Picture of Cockmongler.
Panel 4: Cheering.
Panel 5: Picture of any character.
Panel 6: Bored reaction, but character's face is shooped over each gaijin's face.

[edit] Controversy

Mentioning the meme on /b/ will invariably result in a long, hilarious and bitter-fought flame war about what its true name is.

[edit] Alternatives, copycats and other reaction memes

[edit] Gallery

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