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Archbishop Dolan Faith in our Future
  Living Our Faith
  Archbishop Dolan Sets Times to Meet with Victims-Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse - Jan. 3, 2003
  Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan has set up three times at the Milwaukee office of Catholic Charities, where he will be available to meet with victims-survivors of clergy sexual abuse. Many victims-survivors and advocates has asked that Archbishop Dolan make himself available on a regular basis so victims-survivors of clergy sexual abuse could easily meet with him and tell their story.

The dates and times the archbishop will be available are Monday, Jan. 27, from 8:30 to 11 a.m.; Monday, Feb. 10, from 5:30 to 8 p.m.; and Thursday, March 6, from 1:30 to 4 p.m.

To make scheduling smoother and to respect the privacy of victims-survivors, any victim-survivor wishing to meet with Archbishop Dolan is asked to call the Catholic Charities office at 414-769-3536, to confirm a time slot by leaving their first name or a pseudonym. However, making such an advanced appointment is not necessary. The Milwaukee Catholic Charities office is located at 2021 N. 60th Street.

“It is clear that I must be available and that I want to be available to meet with those victims-survivors who want to talk to me,” Archbishop Dolan said. “Although I’ve been able to do that one-on-one in many different settings, I felt have scheduled times for the next few months would greatly aid the process and make me more available to anyone who wants to talk.”

 Article created: 1/3/2003
   © Archdiocese of Milwaukee 2007