Barrel roll

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A barrel roll.  Do one.
A barrel roll. Do one.
Doing an IRL barrel roll
Doing an IRL barrel roll

At least 100 years ago the video game company Nintendo, well known for it's open support of NAMBLA, made a game about furries in space. It turned out to be the source for much of the furry pr0n on t3h interwebs. For this Nintendo is considered un-1337 and has thousands of rabid fanboys, who make great lol-cow. During the game, one of the furry sex idols informs his gay lover to "do a barrel roll", something that is obviously a gay secks position. Nintendo put at least 100 gay furry sex scenes in the game. None of which are plot related, rather appear whenever you destroy at least 100 bad guys.

Camwhore version.  Usually followed by "Put shoe on head"
Camwhore version. Usually followed by "Put shoe on head"

[edit] How to do a Barrel Roll

  • if Comcast then: just continue surfing and you will have to do one in about 5 minutes to reestablish your internet connection
  • if DSL: unplug the power cord, wait a few seconds, plug it in, wait about 30 seconds, proceed with trolling
  • if dial up: select disconnect, call your mom (if you aren't a basement dweller), tell your mom that you need to return to World of Warcraft, hang up, turn up computer speaker volume, dial up, go to 12 chan/CP, go get lube, fap to the thumbnails as they trickle in, ????, Party Van!
  • However, at some point some genius found out that simply pressing Z or R twice will instantly reveal a barrel roll. Alternatively, Ctrl + W can induce barrel rolls.

[edit] Links

One of many YTMNDs

Tom Green gets asked to perform a barrel roll

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