Patriotic Nigras

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Comment Did you know
  • Every time a furry calls the PN terrorists, God kills a puppy?
  • Every time the PN crashes a furry sim, Phillip Linden cuts his wrists?
  • 60% of all Lindens are furfags?
  • IntLib keeps a whale carcass in his basement and uses the blowhole as a love hole?

The Patriotic Nigras are a invasion group on Second Life, dedicated to producing lulz out of furries. It started as a thread on eBaum's asking if Second Life was raidable. Many nay-sayers bitched and moaned about how SL would simply b& anyone trying to raid it. A couple nigras stepped up, and the Patriotic Nigras were born.


[edit] Phase I

[edit] /b/lockade

Phase I consisted of the first two nigras - Ulzuki Kuu, and Mudkips Acronym, the current active leader. After looking for fellow nigras and finding none, they wandered into the "Gay Yiffy Club". Nigra Luvs2 Fapp soon joined the party. Finding a group of "private rooms", they /b/lockaded them by building giant boxes in front, for the lulz. In search of a texture, Luvs2 Fapp simply chose the American Flag. The furry clubs were closed. Due to AIDS. Both Ulzuki and Luvs2 were b& from the parcel immediately - Mudkips had fled and lived to put a giant box inside the disco dance floor with yet another American Flag texture.

Blocking shit
Blocking shit

[edit] The First Fort Longcat

Main Article: Fort Longcat

After the nigras were ejected from the furfag club, they proceeded to protest outside. Mudkips Acronym had put down an American flag box outside - the nigras turned this into a swastiget, taking the American flag and turning it into a swastika. Furries gawked in horror, standing at the parcel's edge, as the group of nigras, now at 5, started building a /b/arracks right outside the GYC and mocked them with Nazi imagery.


A rogue furry placed a box right in the middle of the /b/arracks. Suddenly, nigras started floating, trapped inside the box, due to SL physics. As furries started attempting to yiff the unarmed and scared nigras, Mudkips gave the order, and the nigras left, taking down their fort and swearing revenge against the racist furry mods. The Patriotic Nigras had now taken their first step.

Over the next few months, several new structures were built and christened Fort Longcat. They became a centralized meeting place for the nigras and pre-raid organization, and a great place to store weapons.

[edit] The raids begin

As the popularity of the group skyrocketed, due to /i/ seeing that it wasn't just a two-man invasion force, the group had over 15 (and growing) ready and willing nigras. Sympathetic /b/tards scripted mudkips uniforms, miniguns, new doomsday weapons, and other junk for the nigras to use against the racists and the furries.

Over the course of two days, the nigras had crashed nearly every FurNation region in Second Life. Teleporting in, harassing them with assault rifles and cries of "so I herd u leik mudkips", firing the Doomsday, and then teleporting back to Fort Longcat, an efficient strike team pattern emerged, guaranteeing flawless victory. Nigras in Mudkip uniforms would spawn attack helicopters, firing cannons at the furries and their structures below, blasting them across the region.

[edit] Phase II

[edit] Return to the GYC

PN returns to GYC
PN returns to GYC

Revenge had been swore, and the nigras were back. A full scale invasion commenced, as a strike team of nigras went inside the club. Meanwhile, Mudkips and the nigras that couldn't figure out how to work the teleporter harassed GYC security with Doomsday and an item that created massive amounts of Marios flying across the terrain.

[edit] Phase III


"And those of you that were listening to last night’s show might be interested in the site mentioned by interlib about the SL terrorist organisation Patriotic Nigras in the Encyclopedia Dramatica."[1]

It is clear that PN did 9/11.


A PN has stepped up to refute the outrageous claims of internet terrorism, and the nigras have issued a press release.

PATRIOTIC NIGRAS: "WE DO IT FOR THE LULZ" Anonymous - Classified Location, Second Life

PN spokesperson and leader Mudkips Acronym today issued a press release concerning the branding of the group as a "terrorist" organization.

"This label is offensive, degrading, and completely without merit. The PNs were buying hard-earned land near this blowhard, when he kicked us all off the land, presumably simply for being black or wearing American Flag capes. 'intLib' apparently advocates free speech and un-PC-ideas until they show up in his backyard."
The organization denies any "terrorist" activity toward "intLib". "Why our upstanding organization, breaking all of the taboos of Second Life society, would target this man, is beyond me. Our goal is simply laughs (and of course to rid Second Life of furry AIDS), and before this incident, we doubted that anyone but the furries would deliver the lulz, their cries of 'fursecution' echoing uselessly against the aural might of Mario particle spam and self-duplicating Megaman III cubes. I suppose we were wrong."
About PN:
The PATRIOTIC NIGRAS are an organization from the website gathering black people from around the world to revolt against Second Life racists and furries in Second Life while maintaining a patriotic spirit and the lulz. Blatantly racist Linden moderators have banned PNs for simply exercising their right to free speech and putting up ten story military complexes on abandoned land. Intelligent, technically savvy members have devised contributions to the Second Life library and relinquished their copyright status, including scripts, logos, images, and sounds. They maintain an elusive location changing base called Fort Longcat detectable only by Imperial probe droids.

[edit] Some guy strikes back

Apparently, someone took the press release srsly and attempted to refute the argument point by point with logic - not realizing, in fact that they had been trolled in an epic manner. The user says he was the one to issue the label, but at least 100 people are confused at who the hell he is. Also, one must wonder if crashing furry sex playgrounds is equivalent to being Osama Bin Laden.

[edit] Phase IV

[edit] The Chanpocalypse

7chan's /i/ was dead. 420chan was crippled. 4chan..was 4chan. And yet the PN rode it all out in stride. However, on 2/7/07, tragedy struck - without warning, the forums were baleeted from under Anonymous' nose. The group has regrouped, however, and is now back to eliminating the spread of AIDS.

[edit] The Post


Good evening, furries, angry libertarians, Linden moderators, and the like.
There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, words are being shouted into internet radio microphones, and mods with bansticks will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the ban may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with Second Life, isn't there? Furry yiff parties, mods silencing of those who seek change, and what have you. And where once you had the freedom to object, think, and speak as you saw fit, you now have IP bans and hypocritical labelers coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well, certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? Doomsday boxes, Mario moshpits, flying fiery phalli. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the Lindens and those who would call others "terrorists." They promised you order, they promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Tonight, the Patriotic Nigras forum was taken permanently offline by Proboards weeaboo, demanding that groups such as our humble organization be silenced. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me, outside Furnation, the GYC, and the land of those who would judge. I would like to remind such of the following. The pool is still closed. Anonymous does not forgive. Anonymous does not forget. We are united as one. Divided by zero.

[edit] Phase V

Beginning Phase V was a press maelstrom. PN was mentioned as "a few groups" attempting to shut down now-illegal virtual pedophilia (see LOLI) in the Netherlands, and a really terrible article was written about a PNer in the Second Life Herald. It was the beginning of the many to come.

[edit] IntLib - the biggest lulzcow to exist OTI

Main article: IntLib

However, out of the article came massive lulz. IntLib, a fat fuck who loves yiffing posted about Mudkips Acronym's RACISM, HOMOPHOBIA, AND BIGOTRY. Standing up for the rights of honest naked Jewish black furries with giant e-penises everywhere, he didn't realize he had been trolled in an epic manner by the PN. He also showed his quite limited knowledge of ShoopedLife, which does absolutely nothing of the things he cited it doing and everything he didn't, including throwing out MAC bans.

To correct Mudkips Ackronym: Mud, your a liar, a bigot, anti-semite, homophobe, racist, and a 

a) a liar: despite your claims, your group has attacked my estate for a month on a nearly daily 
basis. there are zero furry sims in my estate. I suppose having some furry employees and a few furry 
residents is enough for you to try to wreck things for everybody, but that just shows the extent of 
your hate and vileness.
b) a bigot: while most of you are white teenage boys with too little parental supervision and no 
prospects with the ladies, you prance around wearing outfits promoting grossly stereotypical african
american features like huge afro-hair, dark black skin, etc.
c) anti-semite: you display at your Fort Longcats, images promoting Adolph Hitler, the swastika, and
are logged making anti-semitic statements on a number of occasions
d) homophobe: pretty self explanatory, you attack furries because many are gay (though no exclusively
so, but that doesn't stop you from targeting all with your hateful assaults).
e) racist: see (b), plus the fact you accuse people who oppose your hate and intolerance as "racist"
is apparently intended to abuse the word to meaninglessness.
f) terrorist: crashing sims for hours, to the point of requiring grid monkey to physically reset the
server, is a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Obvious terrorism, seeking to instill fear in the SL 

Patriotic Nigras is merely the top level group. It uses other groups like /b/, /b/tards, /b/SUPREMACY,
/i/lluminati, FBI, Freemasons, United by One Divided by Zero, to recruit and filter similarly bigoted
twits (and to weed out infiltrators intent on exposing them). It has a cellular structure, like any 
errorist organization, to compartmentalize information and avoid exposure.

They are also thieves, squatting their fortresses on other peoples land, and wrecking the sim time of 
others. The PN tried also to defraud the World Stock Exchange and its bank, as a scheme to poison 
many persons accounts with frauded L$, which would have caused those persons accounts to be cancelled 
(like Nexxus Ambassadors was) by LL due to its Risk API. The PN is not just a risk to the furries of 
SL, but to all residents of SL. All residents need to stand up against the griefer threat and tell 
Linden Labs that enough is enough, griefing must end.

It is simple enough to achieve this. There are a few things LL can do:
a) allow avs to have more than 25 group memberships, perhaps 64 or 256 memberships, this will 
eliminate the only reason for honest avs to need alts.
b) limit alts per IP/MAC/HDD serial number to 3-5.
c) only allow one basic account per IP/MAC/HDD, and actually mean it. it is too easy to bypass this 
in the current client.
d) remove parcel level bans from client-side enforcement. this poor security decision by LL has 
allowed PN to develop their ShoopedLife client, that is not bannable by parcel level bans, from the 
Open Source client.
e) Make the crime of sim crashing a permanent bannable offense for the IP/MAC/HDD or processor serial
number, and enforce it, even if its a child of a Linden...;).
f) Create a subset of lsl for estate managers to be able to script estate security features to better
automate responses to griefing attacks.
g) allow estate managers to ban people by group association, to drop a list of names into the estate
banlist, and to expand the estate banlist beyond its present 300 name limit, to around 1000 names.

What residents can do to protect themselves:
a) do not allow others to build on your land, beyond whatever group you associate it with or deed it 
b) ensure that you live where the estate has an active estate manager presence to respond to attacks.
c) estate managers can neutralize the PN's dreaded Doomsday Gun by turning off collisions when an 
attack starts, or when warned ahead of time of a coming attack by a trusted source.
d) residents can turn off particles in the edit>preferences dialog to neutralize particle effects 
upon their client.
e) when an attack does occur, as many residents as possible should file abuse reports on every 
f) above all, do not tolerate intolerance and hate. The Big 6 are the bedrock of the SL community, 
but are meaningless if we don't all take personal responsibility for making our community a better 

[edit] John Edwards Is Closed

One of the most hilarious things to happen since last Thursday, PN raided John Edwards' campaign, causing lots of lulz. Immediately, the Edwards camp branded the people making trouble in the neighborhood as ultra-rightists, conveniently overlooking the numerous Pool's Closed and Over Nine Thousand references in the area. Notable blogs such as Kotaku, GamePolitics, and of course our favorite little wanna-be press organization the Second Life Herald all took note. Soon, even John Edwards' Daily Show took notice:

[edit] Phase VI

Phase VI is the current phase of PN operations, including psi ops, infiltration, advanced weaponry, and cell-based information hiding techniques that would make any Al Qaeda operative jealous. Phase VI started in the middle of April.

[edit] Evading IP bans: the discovery

Many nigras, especially those who had been raiding for months, had fallen victim to a new type of ban, reserved only for the worst offenders - a dreaded IP ban. As while a IP is recordable and necessary for using the Second Life application, as opposed to the non-vital information of the Hard Drive ID or MAC address, the IP could not be spoofed in the open-source SL client via ShoopedLife. For long, PN was at a standstill. However, a discovery of an application labeled Proxifier that sent all traffic through a specified proxy, paired with a working SOCKS5 proxy (or, upon later examination, a Tor node) bypassed any IP ban. The veteran nigras quickly got back to disrupting the furfag community though a series of massive operations.

[edit] Operation: Superlaser

Operation: Superlaser was a fail raid that was disorganized and shitty though it had a really good website. No security measures were taken and there was no battle plan. It was a simple trial raid, though and nothing more needs to be said.

[edit] The First Furfag War

A few weeks after furfags invaded Woodbury University, making the former shrine to /b/ a den of faggotry, anti-griefer security forces started to deploy infantry, spy, and recon units to various sims, the PN forums, and IRC with the Second Lifers expressing doubts that PN was effectively going to invade their sims (Operation Superlaser), while at the same time urging other sim owners to send their own forces to the scene.

[edit] Carigorp Malzerath

An organization called the Justice League Unlimited is a so-called "anti-griefer" group that while essentially harmless beyond following PN members around and filing abuse reports was annoying and had been spying on the PN forums and reporting brave nigras for a while. However, forum member Bevanz Helios noticed something suspicious; namely, one PN member, with the name Bima Escape, had an email address with "carigorp" in it - this name was the first name of a JLU member. Immediately he set to work and found the password out for the mail account. What was found in the e-mail account was proof Bima was the spy PN was looking for.


My Second Life name is Bima Escape and Angel Fluffy told me that I should inform you that my account is undercover as a spy infiltrating the Patriotic Nigras group and the groups that stem off of it. He said that I needed to let you know so that my IP/MAC doesn't get banned. So, feel free to send me an email or IM if you have any questions or concerns for me. Thanks. -Bima

—Bima Escape

The JLU had failed hard before - a PN member well-known across the *chans had tricked a JLU member into fapping on webcam, recorded it, and sent it to PN to exploit for lulz. However, the idiotic JLU member had also used his password for a number of other things. Not included, however, was his Second Life account, but with a bit of secret password guessing, PN was in. Immediately the nigras took all the Linden space bux out of the account, funneling them to legit alts and dumping the inventory in a box for PN to mess with. The lulziest part was the last part - using the account, with administrator privileges, Bevanz, under Carigorp's Second Life name, banned most of the JLU from the in-game group and deleted most of their headquarters 4EVAR.

[edit] Operation: Tacgnol Storm

Furfag coalition-building efforts were so successful that by the time the fighting (Operation Tacgnol Storm) began on May 12th, 2007, many sims, such as the Virtual World Trade Center, owned by IntLib, were alerted and actively deployed anti-griefer measures. However, PN forces caught the community off guard by the sheer scale of the attack. Originally, three cells were given four targets to attack - places, such as Club Arsheba, FurNation, and Rainbow Tiger, as well as SLers such as IntLib and Prokofy Neva. However, upon coordination with other members of cells via secure channels, PN forces were able to quickly mobilize and repeatedly crash or lag target sims. With no clear spy problem evident, Mudkips Acronym gave the order to combine into one cell and hit anything with build or that could be crashed.

[edit] Operation: Longcat Shield

The second large raid was a repeat of Tacgnol Storm intended to take advantage of the new technology engineered by PN scripters. While during the first hour, many nigras logged on to find their accounts banned in advance, when alts were created the raid proceeded as usual. While videos of the raid are still being processed, a video of the Spengbab Lolcube weapon is available here and is worth a look.

[edit] Operation: Pwned by LL

Woodbury University was shut down by Linden Lab for being (Supposedly) a PN BASE OF OPERATIONS! This prompted an an immensely lolable boo-hoo by Tizzers Foxchase (PN wannabe) and huge shitstorm of lulz thereafter that dominated the Second Life Herald's front page for well over a week after. Prokofy Neva started foaming at the mouth again, and much lulz was had.

Of course, as the Woodbury University sim was never a PN base of any sort, PN scored a most epic win by unintentionally framing Tizzers for their crimes. The nigras are now considering infiltrating other groups and sims so as to frame them for supporting cyber terrorism.

[edit] General info

[edit] Weapons of Mass Lulz

The Patriotic Nigras used to keep all of their weapons secret, until the new leader ^ban^ ordered them Open Sourced on the news PN Wiki. Here are some of the examples of the shit you can get there.

  • /b/Cube - Randomly displays a texture and sound. Great for spamming.
  • Aggressive Follower - Drop into a cube and it'll shove people around like a rabid bull.
  • Shooped Radar - Display who is within 96m of you and their direction
  • and more.

[edit] Further proof that Furnation is operated by none other then Hal Turner

[18:15] Corsi Mousehold: Cool.

[18:15] Corsi Mousehold: What are you going to do. Spam me? Drop a Mario box on my head?

[18:16] Corsi Mousehold: By the way.

[18:16] Corsi Mousehold: What is Raep?

[18:16] Hojohto Becloud: Your parents aren't going to like it when you get 100 calls in the middle of the night.

[18:16] Corsi Mousehold: I own my own home LOL

[18:16] Corsi Mousehold: Call me.

[18:16] Hojohto Becloud: O RLY.

[18:16] Hojohto Becloud: ?

[18:16] Corsi Mousehold: Ya Rly

[18:17] Hojohto Becloud: Furfags are always incopetent, they don't have jobs.

[18:17] Corsi Mousehold: I work full time and make 4K a month through Second Life.

[18:17] Corsi Mousehold: I'll even tell you where I work.

[18:17] Corsi Mousehold wants her own ED page...

[18:17] Hojohto Becloud: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA RIGHT.

[18:17] Corsi Mousehold: I am a collection agent.

[18:17] Hojohto Becloud: Loser.

[18:17] Corsi Mousehold: I work for Southwest Credit Systems in Plano Texas.

[18:17] Hojohto Becloud: Should have gone to college.

[18:18] Corsi Mousehold: I did. I'm a manager.

[18:18] Hojohto Becloud: What a pointless life.

[18:18] Corsi Mousehold: Are you coming back so I can ban you again?

[18:18] Hojohto Becloud: That explains the radical sedondlifing.

[18:18] Hojohto Becloud: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA

[18:19] Corsi Mousehold: Tjhis coming from a Black underage kid on welfare

[18:19] Hojohto Becloud: I'm not on welfare.

[18:19] Hojohto Becloud: You seely RACESST

[18:20] Corsi Mousehold: Of course you are.

[18:20] Corsi Mousehold: You're black

[18:20] Corsi Mousehold: All blacks are on welfare.

[18:20] Hojohto Becloud: That waz uncawled foh!!!!

[18:20] Hojohto Becloud: You guys always start on the race thing.

[18:20] Corsi Mousehold: But that's okay.

[18:21] Corsi Mousehold: You're the one that started profiling hon not me.

[18:21] Corsi Mousehold: I'm just adding to the conversation.

[18:21] Corsi Mousehold: Are you coming back to FurNation or not?

[18:22] Hojohto Becloud: What will the head furfags think when they see this chat log, and find out you're a filthy raceest?

[18:22] Hojohto Becloud: oh lawdy lawdy!

[18:22] Corsi Mousehold: Honestly?

[18:22] Corsi Mousehold: They'll likely laugh.

[18:22] Corsi Mousehold: So send it.

[18:22] Hojohto Becloud: You're going to lose your job.

[18:23] Corsi Mousehold: Want me to give ytou the estate manager names?

[18:23] Hojohto Becloud: Nice try ong calling my bluff.

[18:23] Hojohto Becloud: I can figure it out myself.

[18:33] Hojohto Becloud: Cocks

With this kind of proof in their hands, it should be no matter of time before the internetz are purged of Furfascists. Corsi *Erm Hal later attempted to eaves drop on some of the nigras but found that nigras do not like people spying on them, when an attempt was made to interview her it came to light that she was still trying to clean the manjam out of her fur.

[edit] Rise of the Nigrasaurs

The mighty Nigrasaurus stops to feed
The mighty Nigrasaurus stops to feed
Seen recently in Second Life is the nigra's prehistoric ancestor, the Nigrasaurus. The Nigrasaurus is a gentle creature, scavenging off of watermelons and buckets of chicken, but has been known to eat furries and spit AIDS when threatened.

[edit] The official Patriotic Nigra anthem

Oh, say can you see by SL's early light

What so proudly we hailed at Fort Longcat's last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,

O'er the nuclear missiles we watched were so gallantly streaming?

And the rocket's red glare, the furries bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our fort was still there.

Oh, say does that nigra banner yet flobber;

O'er the land of the free and the home of the bobba?

On the mountain, dimly seen through the mists of vis length;

Where the nigras' haughty base in dread silence reposes,

What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering plywood,

As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?

Now it catches the gleam of SL morning's first beam,

In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:

'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it flobber;

O'er the land of the free and the home of the bobba!

[edit] See Also

[edit] JewTube

Patriotic Nigras close furry-sympathizing 'adult' club

Patriotic Nigras educational video

Patriotic Nigras: Promotional Video I

[edit] Pictures

[edit] Links

Patriotic Nigras
is part of a series on
Second Life

Anshe ChungIntLibProkofy NevaSkueeUrizenus Sklar

Justice League UnlimitedPatriotic NigrasFurNationW-Hat


Image:Gamecontroller.gif Patriotic Nigras is part of a series on Gaming.

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