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All IDM is composed of pictures of the artists embedded in the spectrogram
All IDM is composed of pictures of the artists embedded in the spectrogram

IDM is a genre of music created solely by IBMs that runs on LPG, and is played frequently on the BBC. People who listen to IDM don't know what music is and hate dancing. Not to be confused with BDSM, which is slightly less painful.


[edit] IDM Production

One will find that most IDM records are produced through a painstaking process known as "kicking a synthesizer" followed by "waving magnets near the tape deck" and "throwing your laptop down a flight of stairs." More often than not IDM will not follow any particular beat or adhere to time signatures such as 17/64, with the beat being generated by a wheel with sticks nailed into it at odd intervals. These elements are often combined with several other musical theories such as maxing out a synthesizer's polyphony or shitting onstage. IDM records are typically recorded with a vintage 1987 four track tape recorder before being transferred to warped vinyl.

At post-production, an IDM artist will frequently play their track to a fresh pair of ears. If the CD does not sound like it's skipping, it's back to the drawing board.

[edit] IDM artists

There is only one IDM artist: Alice Deejay. Everything else is a knockoff.

[edit] Alternate names for IDM

  • Braindance
  • Electronica
  • What's Wrong with This CD?
  • "(don't call it) IDM", according to Amoeba Record pretentious fucktards

[edit] Other Information

IDM is being followed carefully by the CIA due to potential ties with the Russian mafia and drugs. It is also closely tied to audiophiles, who fight to the death by trying to identify which broken sampler the band is using.

IDM is part of a series on Music.

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