Dick Cheney

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He's smiling because he just ran over a squirrel.
He's smiling because he just ran over a squirrel.

Dick Cheney is the bastard child of Darth Vader, Richard Nixon and Captain America. An original founding member of NAMBLA, he is currently the only person less qualified as a potential presidential candidate than George W. Bush, being evil incarnate, as well as simply stupid. This is unfortunate, as he stands to inherit the position in the event of the impeachment of that awful jackass, which would otherwise signal the beginning of a thousand year utopia. He is the fucktard that Bush leans on, and claims to neither be in the Executive Branch nor the Legislative Branch, only because he's Darth Cheney. It is also believed he is Lord Xenu, God to many gays like Tom Cruise.


[edit] Heroic Achievements

Cheney and his nigga cousin giving a gun show for the ladies.
Cheney and his nigga cousin giving a gun show for the ladies.

Although Cheney is rude, ugly, and enjoys biting the heads off of small animals in front of children, he acts as the primary comedic spokesman for several worthy causes, including gay rights, alternative energy, liberalism, and, most recently, gun control. Among his major accomplishments:

  1. Setting the stage for the annexation of Canada by the U.S.;
  2. Causing Michael Moore to appear subtle and considerate;
  3. Failing to destroy the world completely;
  4. Shooting a lawyer from Texas in the face (widely regarded as the only truly hilarious act of gun violence ever);
  5. Getting his victims to apologize for being shot, raped, beaten, etc. repeatedly, ask for another and be praised for it.
  6. Holds the record for the most time playing Duck Hunt. This may have led to number 4.

Reigning Firearm trick shot champion of North America. Won the contest in December of 2005 with the now infamous "Blind Willie" shot in which he hit his target with his eyes closed. "I didn't see him there" was Cheney's claim the day after hitting this miraculous shot.

Two weeks later he was elected president of the NRA, and was inducted into a group known as "the White Elephant" in which immunity from all crimes against people and the state are granted. Other current members of this group include Ted Kennedy and George W. Bush and famous alumni include Ronald Reagan.

[edit] Criticism

Cheney has often been criticized for his inability to feel or even fake human emotions. This is likely due to to a childhood bicycle accident, which caused his soul to cave in on itself, rendering him the essence of all that is foul and unholy. He also has distracting mannerisms and a tendency to repeat himself. Whenever he smiles, only half of his mouth is raised. This is because he masturbated into his mouth one day and his cum paralyzed his mouth muscles.

It is well known that Cheney feels that all Non Christains should be sent to special death camps, did I say death camps? I meant happy camps.

[edit] Hobbies

Like every other politician created in the rat laboratory inside McDonald's HQ. Dickey enjoys plenty of pastimes. Among these are:

  1. Drinking chicken blood and cum. He usually likes to mix them.
  2. Throwing ghetto babies like darts into a spiked wall in his home, usually not caring if he gets a "bulls-eye" because he knows that he wins either way.
  3. Starting wars with poor countries and blowing up their asses, usually resulting in massive pwnage.
  4. Continuing the wars to cover up the truth.
  5. Hiding all the time, so he can have more butt secks with his boyfriends.
  6. Watching Star Wars for tips. He especially watches his heroes Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.
  7. Lobbying to raise oil prices
  8. Writing in his LiveJournal (link below)
  9. Shooting people and making them suck his dick later
  10. Getting at least 9000 tips from his childhood pal Satan.
  11. Playing Croquet
  12. Getting off every time he sees the clip of the atomic bomb exploding in Hiroshima, Japan.
  13. Drawing in his DevianTART of his pony furries and the Grim Reaper
  14. Donating to NAMBLA
  15. Reading Communist literature
  16. Being a gay necrophiliac
  17. Anything else that involves fags, murder, and domination is fine with him
  18. Showing off his massive penis to jealous liberals. (see picture below)
  19. Calling things quagmires in '94 and then proceeding to assrape it in '03 (to give Halliburton epic lulz, apparently)
  20. Playing naked twister with Osama and Saddam

[edit] Secret life

Dick, along with his boss underling George W Bush, is known for being extremely secretive about, well, pretty much everything including his black past with relatives. Little does he know we found his livejournal!

[edit] External Links

Cheney's Law

Dick Cheney
is part of a series on Politics



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