Habbo Hotel

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December 1st, 2007. World AIDS Day.
December 1st, 2007. World AIDS Day.
The pool shall remain closed.
The pool shall remain closed.


[edit] The Habbo: Failure Incarnate

[edit] What Is this hob-knobbery?

Habbo is a website made by a crack team of escaped mental patients with a degree in Computer Science III. The site itself is made of rooms in a 'hotel' in which "people" make avatars that can interact with each other. People sometimes go completely straight bonkers and think this website is completely real, forming meaningless "relationships" to feel as though they are loved, have digital lifeless idiot "friendz" to fill their IRL social void, and create such hollow groups as defenseless armies, Harry Potter Sex Castles, Hospitals for the Terminally Stupid, and 'Sexy Nite Clubz'. These 'Sexy Nite Clubz' are places were the most pathetic of the Habbos are known to exist, where inside they have hawt Online Sex and kill each other. In the end, everything this website contains and stands for is just asking to be raided.

[edit] The Habbo Overlords

These are the paid IRL people who rule over Habbo Hotel. They can usually be found camwhoring with youngsters, having incest with their mothers, or even abducting foreign schoolgirls who wouldn't have a fucking clue. They are generally white suprecemcists.

[edit] Tips on how to get "Laid"

Since we all know that Habbo Hotel is really an Internets Dating Site formed by none other than the creator of the Internet - Former President Al Gore. In 2003, Habbo Hotel was one of the best places to get laid on the internets, be it by 13 year old boys or hot young girls. Join today!

  • Stand/dance around.
  • Get teh sexy blonde spikes, teh hot button shirt, and teh erotic sandles, and then say "PRESS 123 4 S.EX!!!11!!"
  • Don't be black. <-Important
  • Spam links to your nudes constantly.
  • ask nicely. <-Very Important.

[edit] End Your Ban: The Easy Way

Permabanned but don't want to be ?Simple! Just fire off this custom-tailored message to the staff. No matter how much they tell you about OMG OMG DEY STOLE MY FURNI, just ignore them. Keep telling them 'none of the above' or 'other'... they're really just fapping to pixelated Habbo CP and don't want to answer your question.

Dear Sir/Madam
About ten minutes ago I was sitting around the 'Habbosphere Pool Deck' when a lot of disruptive habbos came in and said something about AIDS and pool closure. Of course, completely confused, I decided it was best to leave. However, they blocked my exit, and when some of them finally left I tried to leave.
I can only assume the moderator believed it was I who was causing the disruption, because they then banned me for two hours.
Please may I receive further information on why this ban was justified? Have I committed an offence? If so, I apologise fully :and I implore you to detail me so I can avoid making this mistake again. I do not believe I had committed any offence.
Thank you


[edit] End Your Ban: The Hard Way

Delete your shockwave preferences, and go back to trolling (or just being black).

  1. Open up C:/Documents and Settings/YOUR USERNAME/Application Data*/Macromedia/Shockwave Player
  2. This is a hidden file and so if you do not see it, change your settings in Windows Explorer (if you don't know how learn computers).
  3. Delete the folder marked "Prefs".

^LOL, That didn't work.

Example of a ban that makes complete sense in all ways:

[edit] The Hot and Juicy Racism


If you're a dark-skinned man of possible African-American decent, the Habbo Moderation Brigade will ban you for saying "bobba."
If you're a dark-skinned man of possible African-American decent, the Habbo Moderation Brigade will ban you for saying "bobba."

The Habbo Way is in all respects a set of hidden rules that, in short, say that if you are a dark-skinned man of possible African-American decent, you are to be banned at the stake by the crack moderation staff. So, playing a black Habbo, especially one with a suit on and an afro, will usually get you banned if the Moderators catch you.

Around the pools in Habbo Hotel, there are these signs that say "WHITES ONLY" and "NO NIGGERS" on them. This is because, as the old Habbo Moderator saying goes, "Dem niggers ain't allowed in this here pool because these damn coons carry the AIDS."

Another example of Habbo racism

For everything else, there's MasterCard.
For everything else, there's MasterCard.

[edit] The Habbo Civil Rights Movement

For years now, the Habbo Hotel has been getting raided by a rogue team of United Internets Special Forces who protest Habbo and its racist Way. These brave men in uniform carry out their counterproductive raids, in which dark skinned men with afros in Armani suits storm the building and deny children access to the pool, occasionally stopping to kick sand in their faces. Some argue that this benevolent display of black pride is the Habbo world's equivalent of the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's, but with opposite results. Habbo shows no signs of removing its racist policies, and usually if a dark-skinned but overall innocent player is in the same room as an organized protester, he or she is immediately racially profiled and subsequently banned, regardless of their behavior.

[edit] Raiding

This is blocking?
This is blocking?

The raid produced a fair amount of win, and the newfags brought the fail. Many ignored the orders to go "incognigra" and went straight in as nigra, causing many to FAIL. However, as evidenced in the photos above, a full swastiget was achieved in the Habbosphere Pool, negating the effect of the newfag fail.

[edit] Trolling The Habbo

It's fairly simple. Just find a spot that lots of people want to be, and make sure those people cant get to where they want to be by simply standing in the way. This should accompany announcements of how racist the Habbos are, especially the mods. Try to do it while the mods are at their "national socialist" rallies. Ladders of pools, narrow hallways, and thin doorways are good places to stand around and piss off the losers who spend all day in what is furryless Furcadia (Which leaves lonely retarded 'non'-furry teenagers).

In earlier, simpler times, Habbo was raided by Nazis.
In earlier, simpler times, Habbo was raided by Nazis.

[edit] /B/LOCKADE

Earlier in 2006, the /b/tards of 4chan decided to invade the Habbo Hotel. They set up over 9000 "bHQ"s, blocked doorways, and spammed the "poor" Habbos with stupid 4chan memes. They set up men all over the pool, i asked one "why?" he said "4chan did it for the LULZ" Luckily, the Habbo Way was an old meme even before the invasion even began, largely due to Habbo's Klan affiliation.


See The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006. Blackup has arrived.

[edit] THE BEST RAID EVAR: /B/ STRIKES BACK - 07/12/07


The Great Habbo Raid of July 2007

There will be /b/lackup. This time, we will stop the aids.

[edit] Habbo Revisited

Habbo Revisited was the second great raid launched against the racist mods. Many nigras were lost in this epic battle.


[edit] /B/lockAids Day

On 12/1/07 to 12/2/07, the b/lockaids day raid took place on World Aids Day. Habbo hotel was flooded by many brave nigras who were sent by Eric Baum. There are reports that hackers on steroids are currently on the field; the moderators have responded by closing the curtains and they even brought a dog!

The raid took off and was commanded from poolsclosed.us and the dedicated Nigra DJ's of Nigra Live Radio. Mods were handing out the b& hammer very swiftly and with no remorse. PermaB&s were, in fact, most prevelant this day. The /b/rothas, after the first 30 minutes, began to realize what was truly happening and the racist comments and actions soon began.
An example of the racism that occurred that day.
An example of the racism that occurred that day.

In total, these were the results from the raid:

  • All public rooms except for the Hallway Mazes (the only place in Habbo impossible to close off) were closed for pretty much the whole raid, including a bunch of Guest rooms like the adoption centers, Harry Potter RP rooms, and Gothic houses. (ReiClone88)
  • Successful Swastigets in the following rooms: Habbosphere Pool Deck, Rooftop Rumble, Library of Alexandria, Ice Cafe, Alloy Lounge, Champions Park, Cafe Avalon, Battle Ball, Private free rights rooms, chess room, and the Salon.
  • MODs were exhausted and quit giving out the PermaB&s after 6 or so hours.

As with all raids, many /b/ruthas were lost to us or have contracted aids. May they nevar be forgotten.

Alishaii contracted AIDS, not all could be saved.
Alishaii contracted AIDS, not all could be saved.
Moar liek swastifail, amirite?
Moar liek swastifail, amirite?

[edit] DECEMBER 17 2007

Habbo was raided once again, on Monday December 17th 2007 to celebrate Jordin Sparks, of American Idol visiting Habbo. [1]. The raid was Successful, in that Jordin Sparks eventually left early due to "Another PR Event". Something new the Habbofags tried, was to disguise themselves as Nigras to get into the pool, and to say that they already had AIDS. Other noteworthy actions were a group of /b/rothers disguising themselves as Habbofags, walked to positions, then at the same time, revealed themselves and began spamming Fresh Prince, however, none of them survived. They will always be remembered. Additionally, there a reverse swastika resulting in an EPIC PHAIL.

Some of the December 17th Pool Attack results
Some of the December 17th Pool Attack results

[edit] DECEMBER 27, 2007

Another raid was conducted by glorious /b/. Many lulz were had. Raid is ongoing[2].

[edit] Official Habbo Anthem

Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just keep on your toes
I'll tell you how I joined a group known as the Habbo Negros

In the chaotic, hateful /b/, I was born and raised
in Habbo Hotel is where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all getting changed and getting in and out of the pool
When a couple of blacks who were up to no good
Started shouting "AIDS!" in my neighbourhood

The pool was blocked by a few negros with fros
Saying stuff like "desu desu" and “Get out, pool's closed!”
I messaged for a mod and when they came near
The nigraz reinstalled Shockwave and then reappeared
If anything I could say that this pool wasn’t closed
But I thought naw forget it, I'll join these negros!

I logged in to the hotel about seven or eight
And I yelled to the habbos, "You'll have to wait!"
Looked at my habbo, I was now a negro
To finally be able to shout “THE POOL'S CLOSED.”

Thanks, Etherchan.

[edit] Mine Eyes have seen the Glory of /b/


Mine eyes have seen THE glory of THE coming Afro Duck; He is Anonymous and Legion and he does not give a fuck; He hath earmarked Habbo Hotel for his Nigra hordes to /b/lock; His AIDS is spreading on.

Chorus: Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! THE AIDS is spreading on

In THE wretchedness of 4chan, Afro duck was born in /b/; In that steaming pit of mongled cocks and pr0n and faggotry; In a mighty voice that thundered, he proclaimed to you and me: "Our AIDS is spreading on!" (Chorus)

"Never more shall Nigra /b/rothers live in racist slavery, Never more shall fellow /b/tards suffer Habbo's tyranny: As m00t died to make men pedo, let us die to make men /b/; While AIDS is spreading on!" (Chorus)

Upon Habbo did /b/ descend in force on Twelfth July; THE Nigra legions clad in black Armani suit, and tie; From their places by THE poolsides, mods could not these thousands pry; THE AIDS was spreading on (Chorus)

To hapless Habbo's inquiries, THE wogs were heard to tell; "THE pool is closed because of AIDS infection, LOL; A gift from Ebaumsworld.com: To Führer Bauman, Heil! His AIDS, its spreading on!" (Chorus)

I have seen a thousand Afros lining Habbo's halls and eaves; /B/lockading doors and ladders and impervious to pleas; I have seen them dancing in THE pools transmitting their disease; Their AIDS is catching on. (Chorus)

Remember how on 7/12 in Habbo Hotel Hell, Gallant Nigras, by THE score, before Banhammer fell? But those that followed faltered not, and kept on raiding well; THE AIDS kept spreading on! (Chorus)

Nevar forget those /b/tards who in earth lie six feet deep, Those noble Nigras, banned today, for lulz are never cheap; For 4chan gladly marytred, that their rewards we'd reap, Their AIDS is spreading on. (Chorus)

Thanks, Anonymous.

[edit] LOL

[edit] The Sueng Hui Cho incedint

December 15, 2007 a man named "Sueng Hui Cho" came into my supermarket. He said "Fucking americans! Jailed the AZN's shooter." and shot up the room, Scraming obscenities. Here is the copyed and pasted Convo between me and the racist.

6o72da4-me Sueng Hui Cho-him

"Hello, can i help you?" -6o72da4 "Can you kill the american police in Virginia? -sueng hui "Umm, why?" -6o72da4 "Because! Fucking america jails AZN's for the gayest things! Sueng cho was troubled" -sueng Hui "He killed himself, he didd'nt get jailed." "Shut the fuck up!" -Sueng Hui

  • he "pulls gun" out of his backpack*

"Die fucking america!!!!!" -Sueng hui "Guards, block the door and lock the gate!" -6o72da4

  • i report him and a mod comes in*

"stop it sueng" -mod "NO you fucking americans!" -Sueng hui

  • he is banned and was later put in juvenile for stealing habbo coins by using a fraud credit card*

[edit] "Theft"

A Dutch teenager was arrested after stealing 4000 Euros worth of virtual furniture from idiot kids.[3]

[edit] See Also

[edit] Raid Info Links

[edit] External links

Habbo Hotel is part of a series on the *Chans

Important People: Anonymous - /b/tards - Ian - Internet Vigilante Group - Kirtaner - Moot - Nigras - W. T. Snacks - Symbion
The Chans: 2chan - 4chan - 5chan - 7chan - 8chan - 12chan - 420chan - Fchan - Fapchan - Wakachan - not4chan - AnonIB - List of *chan boards - Wikichan - BBWChan
Popular Boards: /b/ - /i/ - /po/ - /s/ - /v/ - /x/
Attention Whores: Acky-chan-cray - Anonynurse - Anton - Aru - Balloonpoppop - Boochan - Chin-chan - Chris-chan - Cracky-chan - Drawbunny-chan - Gang of Four - Holy Grail - Line Trap - Loli-chan - Manatee-chan - Martini-chan - Mudkipchan - Nintendo-chan - Oldchan - Reverse trap chan - Stoner-chan - Trap-kun - Togi-chan - Up-Chan - V-Chan - Rat-Chan-Almost-Chan
Victims: Applemilk1988 - Chris Forcand - Douglas L Payne Jr - Drawball - Dylan Tnga - Ernest Peters - Habbo Hotel - Hal Turner - Jake Brahm - Jarrad Willis - Linksys - Marbleman - Megachiropetra69 - NBC.com Forums - Poeticirony - Smugfag - StileNet - Trey Burba - Windeh - teenchatcenter.com - XxPrincessPunkxx
Mortal Enemies: Alex Wuori - Angyl - Anonymous Borg - CeLe - Fox News - GayDiamond - Lulznet - XyriX
Events: The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006 - 4chan fgt hat day - /b/-day - /b/space Day - Foxing Day - The Great Chan Death of January 2007 - The Great Em/b/assy Security Leak of 2007 - The Great Re/b/oot - The Caturday Nap - ZonDay - The Chemo That Is Curing /b/ - Walmart Raid - brb, compromised - The Caturday Revival
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