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You see, they changed the character from a black guy to a white guy because it may cause offence to blacks. Foolish 4kids! Everyone knows black people don't watch anime.
You see, they changed the character from a black guy to a white guy because it may cause offence to blacks. Foolish 4kids! Everyone knows black people don't watch anime.

4kids is a company that butchers imported anime shows to make them Cartoon Network friendly. This means getting rid of all the blacks and changing anything to do with Japan to make it look like it has something to do with the US and A. They have been known to change objects in their cartoons to make them more kid-friendly, such as changing a cigarette to a lolipop, alcohol to power juice and black guys to good old pure whites! As well as editing out Christmas trees for fear of Islam getting all pissed off and bombing the shit out of America.

The opinion of 4Kids' Ultimate Supreme High Councilor, Emperor Bob Dole, is that the company can get away with this because, and I quote, "children are stupid". We all know Ultimate Supreme High Councilors are never wrong, right kids?

Needless to say, this pisses anime fanboys off to the point of tears as they do not get to hear Goku swear in Dragon Ball Z unless they buy a Japanese uncensored version on ebay.


[edit] Localization

Where did all the titties go!? 4kids promotes homosexuality.
Where did all the titties go!? 4kids promotes homosexuality.

Because people outside of Japan are generally not fucktards, 4kids 'localizes' its anime to get that nasty Japan stink off it, thus being able to actually make some money from it. All Japanese writing is changed to English, Japanese food is changed to good ol' American sandwiches (or donuts), and swear words such as 'Tokyo' and 'Japan' are edited out. Thank you, 4kids!

4Kids is probably most famous for giving their characters additional super special super powers such as voices so grating your ears will go well on toast, and the ability to make jokes so inherently cheesy that Sonic the Hedgehog will leap out of your TV set and proceed to sodomize your cat.

I have it on good authority that this actually happened.

[edit] Legacy

Aside from the aforementioned criminal activities, 4Kids' best work as of 2007 has been Ultimate Gayness - a hilarious parody of American Wrestling where the entire cast of sweaty, half-naked, hairy men would molest each other in extremely painful ways, and often in a cage. Nine out of ten wrestling fans can't tell the difference.

[edit] Internet Relations

4Kids is owned by Nazis.
4Kids is owned by Nazis.

There will always be a bitchy whine fest of a rant on LJ or a forum. And some whole websites dedicated to explaining why One Piece is so much better in Japan because the main character drinks beer in a certain scene as opposed to the 4kids version where the main character drinks apple juice. Anime fanboys hate 4kids with a passion. They would kill Al Khan over Osama Bin Laden any day. Fuck, they'd rape their own mothers if it meant that 4kids would leave their precious animes alone.

[edit] Raid... FOR GREAT JUSTICE!!!

Recently, /b/tards planned a massive raid on the site's forums for great justice. The raid took place on June 13th, 2007. Plans included massive amounts of Rule 34, which may or may not flood /b/ during the raid. The raid was initiated with the sole purpose of 'doing it for the lulz'.

There were no survivors.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

Image:pikajewsprite.gif 4Kids is part of a series on Anime.

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