Adolf Hitler

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Ooooh shit!111 Interesting Fact:
This article contains an hero.

Crawling in mein skin...
Crawling in mein skin...
...these wounds they will not heil!
...these wounds they will not heil!
Original 50 Hitler post pic
Original 50 Hitler post pic
It was known Hitler committed many atrocities "for the lulz". He also enjoyed golf
It was known Hitler committed many atrocities "for the lulz". He also enjoyed golf
Mocking Jesus: Serious Business
Mocking Jesus: Serious Business
Hilter <3 Mudkipz
Hilter <3 Mudkipz
Back in the years, Hitler was popular among the young German boys, mainly rapping about how he grew up in the rough hoods of Braunau.
Back in the years, Hitler was popular among the young German boys, mainly rapping about how he grew up in the rough hoods of Braunau.
Pokemon <3 Hitler!
Pokemon <3 Hitler!
Hitler in his Anime form on DBZ.
Hitler in his Anime form on DBZ.
Nazis own 4Kids that distribute Pokemon and Yugioh.
Nazis own 4Kids that distribute Pokemon and Yugioh.
Ever wanted to hang (an original) Hitler?
Ever wanted to hang (an original) Hitler?
Mein Kampf? More like I'm Camp, amirite?
Mein Kampf? More like I'm Camp, amirite?
Ever wondered what happened to Hitler?
Ever wondered what happened to Hitler?

Whether you like him or not, you have to admit that Hitler did kill a lot of people. During his dictatorial reign of Nazi Germany he exterminated somewhere around 6 million Jews and about 6 million other undesirables (Gays, snatchmunching lezbos, gypsies, commies, n00bs, and emos) in the Holocaust, invented the Volkswagen, and was the first modern person to almost pwn the entire world with militaristic bitch-slapping in the form of air raids and armies. On the other hand, Hitler was also a sensitive man. When he was younger, Hitler went to art school. He was a vegetarian, a non-smoker, and also had a moustache. If Hitler were alive today, he'd listen to The Cure, The Smiths, and Depeche Mode. On the downside, he dropped out of art school, slept until three in the afternoon every day, and threw temper tantrums if you tried to wake him up. Though rejected as an artist, he has been wholeheartedly embraced as an accomplished asshole. Which is basically the same thing.


[edit] Hitler and World War II

In 1938 tensions were rising in Europe as Poland would not give Dunkirk (the city where Hitler first had mansecks) back to Germany. This made Hitler cry, and after he was done being an emo bitch, he got angry. In 1939 Hilter told the leader of Poland to give him Dunkirk and buttsecks or face war. Poland did not agree and German soldiers marched into and raped Poland. After a few days Russia joined the troll on Poland too. Why? Because it's Poland. That was reason enough.

After Poland was pwned like the bitch it was, Hitler then went on to completely take out Denmark, Norway, Holland and Belgium all in a couple of weeks. Finally, Hitler pwned France as the French just rolled over and took it in the ass. After France was subjugated (Or really just changed hands.), he made it into a bitch called Vinchy France who's job was to suck his cock. He then tried to bomb England to surrender and invade Russia for the lulz, but finally he got bored and decided that killing Jews was a better use of his time.

[edit] An Heroism

In 1944 the Americans invaded and pwned the Germans in France then they pressed forward toward Germany and in 1945 the Soviets surrounded Berlin and were looking to zerg rush on the Reichstag. Things were not looking good for our hero. Legend has it that Hitler decided that he'd rather die married than die gay. So he married his cousin, Eva Braun, then commited suicide like the little emo bitch he was. In reality, being the angst-ridden man-child that he was, he killed himself ten days after his birthday because some of his friends didn't show up at his party. It also may have helped that the Russians were about one block away from where he was hiding, and they were hankerin' for a Hitler lynching.

[edit] Why Hitler Did What He Did

He did it for the lulz.

[edit] Hitler and The Internets

Recently there has been a new unprecedented Internet obsession with Hitler. In the quest for trying to be different, '90s bred bipolar forums users turn to other subcultures to try and stand out. There are many Internet identities that claim to be the new Hitler, even though Satan would never bestow such an honor on some basement dweller. Neo-nazis have also gained Internet access and have begun trying to lure these forlorn angst-ridden teens into a world of viking metal and saluting photos of dead guys.

Hitler is also one of the most talked about people on internet forums and message boards. No matter what the subject is, there is no doubt that Hilter's name will come up eventually in conversation OTI. It is also customary on the internet to post Hitler's likeness repeatedly as a sign of friendship and respect. In short, the internets <3 Hitler.

[edit] Hitler on Jewtube

[edit] Pokemon as sung by hitler

[edit] I've been busy, protecting the German Race

[edit] Hitler gets banned from XBox Live

[edit] Power Rangers do Hitler

We guess the Japanese and Disney love hitler!

[edit] Pokémon promotes Hitler

Piplup is actually saying "hitler, hitler, hitler" or "sieg heil, Hitler".

[edit] Hitler dances the night away

One of his moar common jobs, Hitler is seen in grandest fashion.

[edit] Adolf Hitler Fun Facts

  • That fucker wasn't even a German, he was Austrian
  • Hitler served in the German army in WWI (as a private), and got pwned with gas by the Allies. Also, a dog saved his life from being hit by a mortar round.
  • Hitler lieks mudkipz
  • He was a vegetarian. Not out of principal but because he had horrible IBS and gastritis and his stomach couldn't handle meat. He also had terrible breath and smelled bad.
  • His dog was named 'Blondie'. Quiz your history teacher on that one!
  • He actually wanted to become an artist
  • He painted houses before he became emo
  • He was addicted to meth and had syphilis, just like every other white supremacist
  • He would have owned every single fucking furry artist you sick little wank!
  • If Hitler would have lived out his dream of becoming an artist, he would have over 9000 more pageviews than Snapesnogger
  • Hitler only had one testicle
  • Hitler decided to start a little war just for the lulz

[edit] List of Internet Nazism

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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