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The fun begins.
The fun begins.
Ceiling Cat was in on the epic lulz
Ceiling Cat was in on the epic lulz
As was Jack Sparrow

9/11 is the abbreviated version of "September 11," on which date certain men in black from the US government twice set off hidden explosives in teh world trade center towers, fired a missile at the Pentagon, and tried to blame it on Muslim terrorists. This video is banned in the USA. The result was a bunch of butthurt Americans who suddenly became "patriotic" and subsequently the sale of kitschy flags, patriotic t-shirts, and pins with crying eagles rose Over 9000%. Further irrefutable evidence can be seen here. [1]

9/11 is also the date on which certain fascist terrorists led by Augusto Pinochet and backed by the CIA hijacked the democratically-elected socialist government of Chile, as a result of which some 3,000 innocent South Americans were executed or “disappeared.” Funny old thing, history. If you think this is at all relevant, you are a terrorist.

9/11 is also known to be the date on which a whole bunch of crazy redskins killed all the populace and set the Chilean city of Santiago on fire. And then raped all the women. After killing and burning them. Crazy people.

There is an alternative, more probable theory that 9/11 was in fact caused by Hanson's 1997 smash hit MMMBop. Follow link for further information. [2]


[edit] Holy Fucking Shit

In common Internets parlance and on various old media outlets, 9/11 is used to make liberals feel guilty for hating America, not supporting the war in Iraq, and forgetting about Poland. If you suggest that there was any significant reason for people to commit suicide while killing 3,000 people you are a conspiracy theorist and will be pwned with impenetrable conservative logic, seen here. Conservatives and President Bush, meanwhile, use it to justify their political ideology as well as any policies that may seem, on the face of it, stupid or crazy.

A heart-wrenching photograph of the tragic events of 9/11
A heart-wrenching photograph of the tragic events of 9/11
The truth about 9/11 that the government does not want you to know
The truth about 9/11 that the government does not want you to know

IRL, the term 9/11 is often associated with cheesy, über-patriotic imagery of the event, such as on mall-bought t-shirts proclaiming "NEVER FORGET!", and on the bumper stickers of countless SUVs. All of this swag is made in China, further funding Communism.

On a side note, 9/11 currently holds the record for the third longest running IRL meme, right after the Nazis and Jesus. It's expected to over take the Nazis and claim second place on November 7th, 2008.

[edit] Theories


[edit] Loose Change

Known internet fucktard Dylan Avery also presents the story of Loose Change, which is a documentary void of scientific fact. Plz refer to above. Also, jews did wtc is NOT a theory, it is SCIENTIFIC FACT YOU INSENSITIVE FUCKS.


[edit] Illuminati

Richard C. Hoagland proposes that Freemasons did WTC, [3][4] or the Muslim League of Assassins did WTC due to the Freemason backstory with the Knights Templar, or those chain letters you get about how 9+1+1=11.

If we could tie the actual architects of the WTC towers directly to Freemasonry, we would have strong support for this aspect of our theory. To this point however, we have not been able to do so. We do, however, have some fascinating circumstantial evidence.

[edit] Research

New found research found some very shocking evidence. Research shows that the pilots of the planes were in fact niggers, meaning there was lots of cocaine and chicken on board the plane,Scientists were too lazy to find anything other than that though.

[edit] It's raining men, halleluyah

It is most certainly the real thing
It is most certainly the real thing
The government planted something far more dangerous than dynamite
The government planted something far more dangerous than dynamite
An alternate theory about 9/11
An alternate theory about 9/11
The true face of global terrorism
The true face of global terrorism
In some circles, 9/11 is referred to as .8181, as that is the result of 9 divided by 11. These circles are commonly refered to as "the math club" at high schools across North America. Which, as expected, are full of towelheads and Jews.

It was generally believed by many LJ users that Flashman died in the 9/11 attacks, but really he was a strawman with a fake journal. Further proof that some people are just batshit crazy whack-jobs, and that, perhaps, the Internets isn't such a good idea after all.

[edit] Clarification

Not to be confused with the very similar sounding 7-11. While both of these number related names have a lot in common, namely the Arabs and Indians involved in the plot to take over USAn ghettos, the effects of 7-11 are much more pervasive than 9/11

[edit] Tribute

dillic wigger?
dillic wigger?

Many people have tributed 9/11 with websites, epitaphs and other such useless things which definitely amount to the equivalent value of a human being. However, the best of these is the Ecuadorain singer, Delfin Hasta El Fin, which translates to, seriously, 'Dolphin Till The End'. I'm not even going TRY making fun of THAT. Although it shows you many things about his sexual identity. His music video, 'Twin Towers', is a wonderful insight into how the South Americans view the tragic events that occurred on 9/11. We cry, but for many different reasons.

Delfin Hasta El Fin's "Twin Towers" Video

[edit] The Nightmare Continues

After several years of calm, the United States was yet again subjected to a harrowing, nightmarish vision of the apocalypse when dozens of little boxes with lights and pictures of terrifying alien creatures flipping the bird were placed in prominent locations in ten major U.S. cities in early 2007. By late January, the boxes had existed without incident for several weeks, and thus the obvious dangers inherent in little boxes with lights on them would have probably gone unheeded for perhaps one or even two more weeks had not some brave resident of Boston noticed them, pronounced them "wicked scary," and notified his or her local Catholic priest and the Department of Homeland Security, which promptly shut down a portion of the city and brought in bomb squads to have them removed. Understandably, the governor of Massachusetts and spokespersons for several law enforcement departments were outraged, calling the incident a "hoax" unfit for "this post-9/11 world." Their reasoning, of course, was sound. It is a well-known fact among terrorism experts that 90 percent of all a-linear attacks on Western targets perpetrated by Islamic terrorists involve little boxes with lights on them depicting cult characters from hipster-friendly American late night television cartoons engaged in a purely Western hand gesture, and which are placed in prominent locations for several weeks without exploding.

[edit] You're a terrorist

Possibly, you are offended by the content of this page. If so,
please click here, and scroll to the bottom.

Comment In case you are still offended is a really cool and effective DoS tool: hping3. Unfortunately it isn't as cool nor as effective as driving a 747 full of passengers into ya momma however.

A common defense used by anyone who disagrees with you is saying "9/11" and "Terrorist." Once these words are spoken you instantly lose and are supporting terrorism and there is nothing you can say that makes you sound less like a terrorist; your best option is just to fuck off or call them a Nazi.


"Why are we going to war?" "Saying things like that support the terrorists." "O"

[edit] Celebration

Contrary to popular belief, 9/11 is not a time for Mourning, it is a time for Celebration. These Celebrations include such games as "Pin the Airplane on the Towers" and "2 vs 2 Jenga".

On 9/11 make sure to wish these people a Happy 9/11 (bonus points if it's in Arabic):

[edit] Collapsing Towers


[edit] Gallery

[edit] When can we forget?

Longcat is looooooooong, but the time we must remember is looooooooooooooonger.
Longcat is looooooooong, but the time we must remember is looooooooooooooonger.

for examples, see:

Enforcement: Knock, knock. Who's there? 9/11. 9/11 who? YOU SAID YOU WOULD NEVER FORGET.

[edit] Who done it?

[edit] People who probably did WTC

[edit] See Also

Jews did WTC

ATHF Terrorist Attack

Loose Change

Alex Jones

[edit] External Links


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Osama Bin Laden John Walker Lindh Muslims George Bush Unabomber David Koresh The Blzn Azn Michael Moore The Finnisher Matthew Murray Robert Hawkins Timothy McVeigh

Terrorist Actions

Waco WTC Columbine ATHF Terrorist Attack VTech Oklahoma City Bombing Delaware State University Shooting

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