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Typical use of typical.
Typical use of typical.

Typical is a word used on Encyclopedia Dramatica. A lot. A whole hell of a lot. Like, there are more search pages for the word "Typical" and "Encyclopedia Dramatica" than there are articles on ED.

Typically, typical is used to typify a certain subject, typically used in image captions. However, this can also typically occur in the body of an article. However typical it is to use typical in an article, it is generally accepted on ED when you have nothing funnier to say.

List of Articles with the Word Typical:

[edit] How to make typical work for YOU!

To make typical work for you, follow these steps:

  1. Write/edit an article.
  2. Upload image.
  3. Place image in article, and, instead of using a funny caption, just use "Typical (subject)."
    1. Bonus points if you shove your image to the top of the article and push all the other ones down.
    2. More bonus points if you do this to several articles at once and use "typical {{PAGENAME}}"
  4.  ????
  5. PROFIT!!!!1

If you can't get typical to work for you, you are a retard.

[edit] See Also

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