Unwarranted self-importance

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Mastering Pokiemans may be impressive to your mom, but the rest of us still think you're a dildo.
Mastering Pokiemans may be impressive to your mom, but the rest of us still think you're a dildo.

A theory introduced to civilization in the form of Socrates, Unwarranted Self-Importance (USI) is the feeling that you are actually worth something despite not having made any contributions to anything at all, thus making yourself look like a complete twat.

This is common amongst LiveJournal and Kuro5hin users, chavs and others prone to arrogance, from which this state of mind commonly draws most of its qualities. It even occurs on ED all the time.

Unwarranted self-importance is also often associated with flamers or n00bs. It may be found on sites where posts or edits are encouraged, as many will imagine themselves working for some greater power as they upset others. It also comes into play when the unwarrantedly self-important are lacking in one or more areas of their lives -for example, being too poor to afford a TV. Most people that reward themselves with the feeling that they are important can easily be considered bastards.

People who believe themselves important should seek help, perhaps because of narcissistic tendencies - except for Jacknstock, who was fucking fired instead.

[edit] People diagnosed with USI

[edit] See also

Image:Ljseries.png Unwarranted self-importance is part of a series on LiveJournal.

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