Intellectual Checkmate

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Note: this is an article about an Encyclopedia Dramatica user. For more information, please see the appropriate user page. To leave this user a message, please visit User_Talk:Goronchev.

æ The Moar You Know Did you know

Intellectual Checkmate is now a meme.
Intellectual Checkmate is now a meme.
Moar liek Intellectually Challenged amirite.
Moar liek Intellectually Challenged amirite.

Ron Goronchev (aka Smugfag and "Two-Tug Ron") is a 29-year-old, balding, Angelino attention whore/pedophile and Internet tough guy on YouTube who realized the onlyway he could make real friends IRL would be to spend every waking second sitting in front of a camera and talking about what he wants to do to (fags). Most of the time, he only talks about how he plans to rule teh internets and be reborn out of his girlfriend's ass as many times as possible, this being said, most of his quips are about as clever and funny as fellow fag Dwight Schrute. His true name is Andrew Coggins and he lives in south central L.A. with his Step-Father who young Andy learned all his pedo skills from.Also, Andy aquired his love of buttsex from him.

A smugfag is exactly like every other camwhore on the interweb, only he receives the vaunted ability "Intellectual Checkmate". Ron is also notable for running a, a video sharing site that is clearly asking for it.


[edit] Why, ED must indubitably be lying riff-raff

ITA, faggots complain about ED

I have a small penis

—Goronchev @ 7:13

Reminiscent of someone else who called checkmate
Reminiscent of someone else who called checkmate
i has a combover. lol
i has a combover. lol
Fgt is losing his hair lol.
Fgt is losing his hair lol.

Here is a list of facts from this video.

  • Smugfag has the ability to read Encyclopedia Dramatica.
  • Nigga or alternatively, Nigger is a term of endearment for the half-ape, half-human creatures devolved from chimpanzees who eat fried chicken, watermelons and collard greens, write songs about raping white women and stealing welfare checks from invalid grandmothers so they can pretend they bought those plastic spinning hubcaps they stole from other niggers to pimp out their stolen 1974 Cadillacs. Niggers are lazy, dumb, and most of all, they smell even after taking a shower.
  • The only thing smaller than a Jew's penis is a negro's "To Do" list
  • The only thing on a negro's "To Do" list is a Jew's small penis
  • Jews did WTC
  • If he wanted to disprove what is stated below (bearing in mind that concrete evidence is somethings he demands from ED) about the various spurious claims he's made, all he would have to do is make his videos public. He has not done this.
  • The one video that is still public is the one where he claims to have received job offers because of his youtube channel. This however is retarded and noone believes that bullshit fgt.
  • Furthermore he claims that he doesn't work for his parents. This may be true, but it was indeed at one point. This can be categorically proven in this video at 19:32 when he says "I work for my parents". He doesn't seem to realise that his page is not updated in real time.
  • He claims to have "intellectually checkmated" ED. Checkmate in chess is when you create a situation where it is impossible for your opponent to make any move whatsoever. So basically he's claiming to have destroyed Anonymous and ED. Neither of these things are even remotely true as he is currently being raeped by the machine.
  • He claims ED isn't worth wasting time on right after he finished talking for 13 minutes about ED. This is his normal response to videos attacking him and/or anyone talking to, about or in the general vicinity of, him.
  • He fails to realize that the account smugfag on YouTube, which mirrored his videos, was a troll pointing out his smugness and homosexuality as, by that stage, /b/ had already dubbed him smugfag.
  • Also note the hat. WHY I AM SO BALD?! (Lulz, cancer!) For bonus lulz watch some of his early videos, watch middle ones, watch recent ones. You can almost see the hair thinning.

TL;DR Version: Goronchev needs to learn English and also needs to learn how a wiki fucking works and owes ED $1000 $2000. +1000 for wasting ED's time and compensation for whining about it to everyone.

[edit] Not Gay

34 on Smugfag
34 on Smugfag

For the raging heterosexual that Gorenchev claims to be, he sure spends a lot of time trying to convince himself and other people that he is straight.

I LOVE VAGINA & BREASTS, and I'm straighter than a laser! (Hopefully, that will reduce the number of gay perverts after me)

—Methinks Goronchev doth protest too much

Being insecure about his sexuality, he frequently pretends to have sex with girls in scripted out dreams that would never come true IRL. However, this is not important. The only thing Gorenchev really wanted was for real people (that he didn't even know) to believe his pathetic lies. So he turned to the one thing that is guaranteed to make faggots feel special... YouTube.

With YouTube and Stickam, Goronchev would take his fail attempts at heterosexuality to girls halfway around the world, who then proceeded to lawl at his deviant sexual fantasies. After they told the stupid douche to fuck off, he then did us all the favor of broadcasting how he got eye-rapeded back to his hugbox by internet whores. This final act of self-pwn would ensure his permanent place in the annals of fail. GTFO my genepool fgt.

[edit] Kbob08 Controversy

A youtube user named Kbob08 used to plague Goronchev with Video responses once upon a time ALL Kbob's videos where video responses to Goronchev except his very first video which was just a shitty video where he showed his bad taste in games. One day Feeling daring Kbob decided to flame Goronchev in a video response this prompted Goronchev to realise that for both of them the secret relationship between them had to end and Goronchev thoroughly "skewered and Exposed" Kbob in another Video Response....To the Response..that was a response to his video......or some shit.

Anyway, Kbob deleted all goronchev related videos when TwinsanityNtranced was bashing on Kbob about being an attention leech. However as a tribute to their once strong gay relationship Goronchev still keeps his Kbob related videos uploaded for Lols at the expense of his stalker. This victory by Goronchev only served to increase his already monumental sense of unwarranted self importance

[edit] Episode 2: The Smugfag Chronicles

Smugfag is smuuuuuuuuuuug.
Smugfag is smuuuuuuuuuuug.

Smugfag appeared on 4chan in June of 2007 when a video of him was posted on /b/ in which he claimed victory over the "misc section". As /b/tards are naturally paranoid they proceeded to raep his youtube account with spam, negative ratings and video responses. As things turned out he was actually attacking the Misc. section at from his days as goronchev. Smugfag's attack on the Misc. section described his "intellectual checkmate" of Misc. by "using them like a condom" [1]. /b/ was slow to realise that they were not his target and initially believed this was an insult, albeit a hilariously inept one, and this explains the initial fury of /b/. [2]. Even after the mistake was discovered, the attacks continued as his smugness made him an instant hit with /b/tards, who enjoyed making fun of his balding head, childlike voice, and ridiculous claims about his sex life and intellectual abilities.

His incarnation as MrThreePercent continued with spurious claims about droves of beautiful women scrambling to have sex with him, this being[3] the primary way he compensates for having a small penis, and living with, and working for, his parents at the age of 27. He also obsesses about his body, despite the fact that he has a perfectly round, balding, childlike head. [4]

Smugfag: Uses people like a condom.
Smugfag: Uses people like a condom.

On a Stickam session June 21st, 2007, Smugfag admitted to having a bestiality fetish, and a particular fondness for horse cocks. He also claimed to have an 8 and 3/4 inch penis, which he refused to show on camera because he's a lying piece of shit. During the session, he claimed to be talking to two German girls who had had sex with her uncle's horse at his farm, and another who apparently licked her own clitoris on camera. Since the Stickam session was friends only, pics or it didn't happen applies. Smugfag notably said that 4chan would pay thousands of dollars to view the horse sex videos. This is the first known time Smugfag has acknowleged /b/.

The war on Smugfag eventually faded into nothing as Smugfag disappeared slowly from the internet and /b/ moved on to newer targets.

In a true display of faggotry, Smugfag made attempts to delete this article, which of course failed because he failed to understand that Wiki's keep histories of pages. Clearly he did not study Computer Science III.

[edit] Season 2

Then in October, he returned! Based primarily in his goronchev account, Smugfag immediately declared war upon 4chan, 420chan and all the other chans. He declared that he was chargin his lazer after a year of sleeping with his head on his cock, his cock on his ass and butter in his ass, he awoke from his slumber with revenge points OVER NINE THOUSAND.

His first move was to declare his superiority over /b/ and his empire over YouTube. In his words, "Season 2" will be a massacre of /b/ and he will avenge the old goatse /b/ accidentally mistook for him, simply by the equal full-body condom size.

He recently admitted that one of his parents is dead, and that they committed suicide after seeing what a grotesque creature they had created.

[edit] Things Smugfag has claimed to have done

No, theres no way. It couldn't possibly...
No, theres no way. It couldn't possibly...
  • Be fitter than the entire US marine corps[5]
  • "Nearly killing a hardcore thug"[6]
  • Beating up 30 guys at the same time [7]
  • Getting job offers from youtube [8]
  • Intellectually check-mating us [9]

[edit] Pedophilia

Recently, Goronchev admitted to raepin kids.

I do jack off with 11 year old boys while ABBA is playing in the background.

[edit] DOX

In case anyone was curious, his address from back when he was living with his parents can be found here. Just in case anyone was curious. He may have moved since, may not. Behold the power of google. Incidentally, in case Ron gets butthurt, it's publically available here combined with the google phonebook. He should have got norton

[edit] External Links

  • Smugfag's spoof youtube - [10](created by a /b/tard)
  • Smugfag's myspace - [11]
  • Smugfag's Youtube - [12]
  • Smugfag's Old Youtube Channel - [13]
  • Smugfag's stickam - [14]
  • Smugfag's OTHER stickam - [15]
  • Smugfag's livevideo - [16]
  • Smugfag's shitty community college [17]
  • Smugfag whining about high school [18]
  • Smugfag declares war on 4chan - [19]


[edit] See Also

[edit] Links

Smugfag's MySpace

Goronchev's Stickam

Gorovchev's OTHER Stickam made to hide from anon

Goronchev's YouTube

Goronchev's other YouTube LOL CHECK THIS OUT: his failed video site

Intellectual Checkmate
is part of a series on


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YouTube Departments/Drama
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Key: * means user has deleted their YouTube Videos

Intellectual Checkmate is part of a series on the *Chans

Important People: Anonymous - /b/tards - Ian - Internet Vigilante Group - Kirtaner - Moot - Nigras - W. T. Snacks - Symbion
The Chans: 2chan - 4chan - 5chan - 7chan - 8chan - 12chan - 420chan - Fchan - Fapchan - Wakachan - not4chan - AnonIB - List of *chan boards - Wikichan - BBWChan
Popular Boards: /b/ - /i/ - /po/ - /s/ - /v/ - /x/
Attention Whores: Acky-chan-cray - Anonynurse - Anton - Aru - Balloonpoppop - Boochan - Chin-chan - Chris-chan - Cracky-chan - Drawbunny-chan - Gang of Four - Holy Grail - Line Trap - Loli-chan - Manatee-chan - Martini-chan - Mudkipchan - Nintendo-chan - Oldchan - Reverse trap chan - Stoner-chan - Trap-kun - Togi-chan - Up-Chan - V-Chan - Rat-Chan-Almost-Chan
Victims: Applemilk1988 - Chris Forcand - Douglas L Payne Jr - Drawball - Dylan Tnga - Ernest Peters - GoddessMine - Habbo Hotel - Hal Turner - Jake Brahm - Jarrad Willis - Linksys - Marbleman - Megachiropetra69 - Forums - Poeticirony - Smugfag - StileNet - Trey Burba - Windeh - - XxPrincessPunkxx
Mortal Enemies: Alex Wuori - Angyl - Anonymous Borg - CeLe - Fox News - GayDiamond - Lulznet - XyriX
Events: The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006 - 4chan fgt hat day - /b/-day - /b/space Day - Foxing Day - The Great Chan Death of January 2007 - The Great Em/b/assy Security Leak of 2007 - The Great Re/b/oot - The Caturday Nap - ZonDay - The Chemo That Is Curing /b/ - Walmart Raid - brb, compromised - The Caturday Revival

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