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If you're not with the lulz, you're with the terrorists


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

And God said, "Let there be lulz," and there was lulz.

Lulz. Everybody wants it, everybody needs it. - Atlas

God saw that the lulz was good, and He separated the lulz from the unfunny.

God called the lulz "Encyclopedia Dramatica," and the Unfunny he called "Uncyclopedia." And there was pr0n, and there was pedophiles — the first internets.

—Genesis - The Creation

Only newfags use the term "lulz".

—Raptor Jesus (AKA a newfag)

This guy is the definition of lulz:

Scientists have carbon dated the first use of lulz to Jameth.
Scientists have carbon dated the first use of lulz to Jameth.
Ohio has the highest concentration of lulz in America.
Ohio has the highest concentration of lulz in America.
There are, however, no lulz to be found in Hollywood.
There are, however, no lulz to be found in Hollywood.
On ur dumpsters, corruptin ur lulz
On ur dumpsters, corruptin ur lulz
The infamous lolz turtle.
The infamous lolz turtle.
The infamous lolz turtle in first stage battlemode.
The infamous lolz turtle in first stage battlemode.
The lulz turtle is raping a mudkip
The lulz turtle is raping a mudkip
The infamous lolz turtle in his final and most lulzy form.
The infamous lolz turtle in his final and most lulzy form.
The anti-lulz turtle. WHAT
The anti-lulz turtle. WHAT
Ye olde time lolz Turtle.
Ye olde time lolz Turtle.
Lolz rare Turtle porno.
Lolz rare Turtle porno.
The teenage mutant lolz turtles(tmlt).
The teenage mutant lolz turtles(tmlt).
Teh Santa Cat noes waht joo want 4 xmas!!!1!
Teh Santa Cat noes waht joo want 4 xmas!!!1!

Lulz is laughter at someone else's expense. This makes it inherently superior to lesser forms of humor. Just as the element of surprise transforms the physical act of love into something beautiful, the anguish of a laughed-at victim transforms lol into lulz, making it longer, girthier, and more pleasurable. The term lulz was coined by Jameth, and is the only good reason to do anything, from trolling to consensual sex. After every action taken, you must make the epilogic dubious disclaimer: "I did it for the lulz".

lulz  Noun --- lul-zz
1.the act of entertaining oneself with the misfortune of others; an agreeable occupation for the mind
2.something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement, esp. a performance of some kind

We did it for the lulz


A corruption of lol, which means laugh out loud

According to the media, Lulz is a corruption of LOL, which stands for laugh out loud. It is part of seekrit code used by evil domestic terrorists in their attempt to ruin innocent peoples lives. These terrorists, known as "Anonymous" get lots of "lulz" from staging "invasions" of children's websites such as Habbo Hotel.

Lulz is the one unifying force in the world. Those experiencing it are bonded mentally and emotionally. If one is truly experiencing the lulz, they will be invulnerable to all attack. Lulz is known to show other life lessons by any means necessary, such as to not download CP, especially under the alias you use for everything else and to not be an attention whore.

Lulz is one of the four fundamental forces of the internet, along with loli, 4chan, and furry. However, scientists discovered last Thursday the existence of anti-lulz, a deadly substance about which little is known. Anti-lulz is created mostly in faggot places like Gaia Online or YTMND and will kill any person who has experienced normal lulz.

The only way for a newfag to achieve said lulz is to lurk moar, preferably nao.


  • We will come together to strengthen our intelligence capabilities to know the plans of terrorists before they act and to find the lulz before they strike.

Good lulz Bad lulz Anti-lulz Lolz Turtle Dances To This

Funny fanfiction called My Immortal


[edit] Ancient version

In ancient times they referred to lulz as lvlz as in:

<augustus> Byzantivm was pvvnd this morning.
<nerva> lvlz

[edit] Encrypted lulz

Examples :

Three parrots and a drunklolz priest walk into a bar...

Better Examples :

(md5) 8391291afacf90ba3d3ba22c0bac297e
(sha1) 86d7a9c1297e454a0a9f67d6b330fb5eb347d8cf
(base64) bHVseg==
(rot13) yhym
(rot22) hqhv
(rot1337) wfwk
(Binary) 01101100011101010110110001111010
(hex) %6C%75%6C%7A
(unicode) lulz

[edit] Totalulz (Turtlelols)

n. to be completely engulfed in hilarity; can also mean a completely uniform lol. Example:

<mike> n00bs are stupid
<dan> lol
<Robin> im zeh greatest h4x0r in zeh whole world, im alwayz d0ing it fûr zeh lulz =D
<Skeletor> ilu therese<3 ;¤¤
<3chelen> She just loves skeletor ;D
<bob> lol
<alf> lol
<mike> totalulz
<Benedicte> she iz s0 lulz.
<Robin lulz nystad> he is zeh lullezt !

Note: As logic increases, lulz decreases. By 2007, we will all be lulzless. See Gurlfriend's Wager.

[edit] IRL Lulz

Typical lulz truck.
Typical lulz truck.
  • fo0bar saw a california car with a LULZ license plate driving in Reno. Surrender your secrets to me!
  • Amnesiac found out that London Underground calls itself "LUL" internally. The precise amount of lulz generated by this discovery is unknown, but presumed to be quite low.
  • In the Dutch language lul means dick, srsly, go check.

[edit] The future of lulz

The administrators of this wiki believe the time will come when the Internets will be entirely devoted to lulz and the old media will have withered away. At this time, the Information Age will have passed and the Lulz Age will have begun. During the Lulz Age, people will devote most of their time to lulzing about universal ignorance and abject squalor. Although we do not know when or where the Lulz age will begin, we do know that it will be a looooonng, hard age that will start with a year long orgy with the sacrifice of a hundred virgins. Some argue this has already begun.

[edit] Lulz in Modern Quotes

  • "I did it for the lulz" - Hitler
  • "We did it for the lulz." - after Jews did WTC
  • "Ask not what the lulz can do for you; ask what you can do for the lulz." - John F. Kennedy
  • "That's one small step for a man. One giant leap for the lulz." - Neil Armstrong
  • "I have a dream that one day, people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but for the quality of the lulz." - Martin Luther King Jr.
  • "I did not have lulzy relations with that woman." - Bill Clinton
  • "I am never going to have anything more to do with politics or politicians. When this war is over I shall confine myself entirely to writing and lulz." - Winston Churchill
  • "Man will ultimately be governed by God or by lulz." - Benjamin Franklin
  • "To find yourself, think for the lulz." - Socrates
  • "Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for the lulz." - Henry David Thoreau
  • "All men by nature desire lulz." -Aristotle
  • "Everything is lulzative." - Einstein
  • "To err is human, to lulz is divine." - Alexander Pope
  • "Lulz." - Any rapist after finishing up
  • "Please don't stop the lulzing." - Ingrid Palmal
  • "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight for the Lulz" - Winston Churchill
  • "What is good? - all that heightens the feeling of lulz, the will to lulz, lulz itself in a man. What is bad? All that precedes from anti-lulz. What is happiness? - The feeling that lulz increases - that a resistance is overcome. Not contentment, but moar lulz; not peace at all, but internets war; not virtue, but lulziness." - Friedrich Nietzsche

[edit] Mathmatix and lulz

Recent research has lead to the discovery of a mathematical method to effectively predict lul production among a group (in accord to sizes and distances to groups, size has yet to be shown as a constant factor).

  • Lulz equals distance from desired lulz generation group divided by number of persons in group added to the number in group offended (note that this can be the same group or a dissimilar group) subtracted by the distance from the two groups. L=b/B+A-(a+b)

With practice this can be used to predict behaviors and proves that they all share the same mind. To prove they have collective consciousness, one can separate the two groups and note the difference in behavior when one group is aggravated.

[edit] Another Lulz formula


[edit] Einstein's and Heisenberg's Equations for Lulz

The recent discovery of papers which shows Einstein's fascination with Lulz, shows that him and Heisenburg were able to come up with equations relating the lulz to lieking the mudkipzzz. Your chance of living can be calculated by

Image:Einstien and lulz.JPG

Einstein then came to realize that the last term is just the differential of how uncertain azns are to the lulz, and the first is the divergence of nigras

Image:Uncertainty in lulz.JPG

Since azns aren't funny at all, Einstein excluded them from his original equation

Image:Azns arent funny.JPG

The divergence of nigras will commute to the differential of races and what they think of the lulz


Since azn's aren't funny, and nigras are only half as funny as dem fucking rednecks, it can commute to


Too many white people will decrease the Lulz, so it commutes to

Image:Aw, mannn.JPG

And as Einstein and Heisenberg came to realize, as lulz approaches infinity, your chances of living will be 0 if you aren't with the lulz.

Man, you're screwed. Título del enlace

[edit] The sealclap

Extreme totalulz can induce a sealclap.

In Good lulz as linked above, the basement dweller subject complements his fit of totalulz with with two distinct sealclaps.

[edit] The Lulz Scale

The Lulz Scale, currently in development by Encyclopedia Dramatica staff, will be used to rate everything OTI on a simple scale of Lulz. The Lulz Scale will vary between 0 and 1337.

[edit] Lulzing balls

To lulz someone's balls is to have some sort of sex with them - not necessarily fellatio.

[edit] Epic Lulz

Epic lulz are like lulz, but lulzier. When Jews stole all of Britney Spears's porn, this was both epic, and lulzy.

[edit] Arabs and Lulz

They eat them. Which one eats which will forever be a mystery.

[edit] Punjabi and lulz

In Punjabi, lulz is the plural form of penis, lol.

[edit] Sadam Hussein and Lulz

It has been reported that his final words were "I SWEAR, I DID IT FOR THE LULZ!", which was promptly followed by a grand Shoop da Whoop. Also, after his sentence was handed down he reportedly said to the panel of judges "I TOLD YOU I WAS HARDCORE!" before being carried away.

[edit] Frunz

Frunz is the complete opposite of lulz. It's usually caused when you get lulz at someone else's expense. These are often the best lulz available. Most of Encyclopedia Dramatica is filled with frunz.

[edit] Limits of Lulz


"Lulz is perfect, lulz is pranks.

It does not rofl, it does not lmao,

It is not gay,

It is not cute,

It is not emo,

It is not dumb trolling,

It is not easily forgotten,

It is not to be find in Encyclopedia Dramatica,

It keeps no record of fads.

Lulz does not delight in memes, but rejoices with the lol.

Lulz always laughs, always trolls, always /b/locks, always vandalizes.

Lulz bears all laughs, helps all trolls, hopes for more, endures all mods.

Lulz does not DINE IN HELL (tonight).

Lulz never ends.

L U L Z N E V A R P H A I L S."

(and it's not Sparta)

[edit] Misuse of Lulz and Lulzy (AKA use of Lulz by Emos)

This bitch(attention whore) hates the word "lulz". Then goes on to be more hypocritical by calling people "lulzy" and thinks she can define what "lulzy" is. She is at least 100 years old and Emo. She also says all they do is stay on the computer as she makes a 8 minute video for a website. What a stupid faggoty bitch. (private?)

[edit] Guaranteed Lulz

[edit] Consequences of Lulz

The man is never in a good mood, and sometimes there can be consequences to the lulz. The consequences of lulz are mostly found on unfunny sites.

[edit] Lulz: A terrifying Dutch connection

  • In Dutch the term lol translates to "fun" and the term "Lul" is slang for dick. So when the two forms are combined it must be having fun whilst being a dick...truly the lulz have existed long before interweb...

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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