Criss Angel

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Ooooh shit!111 Interesting Fact:
This article contains an hero.
Look at this poser faggot
Look at this poser faggot

Criss Angel is a witch. He used to be a normal man until he became an hero. He then came back, something Jesus couldn't do, and found he was invincible. He is a fucking witch. If you question him he will kill you with his witch....ery...

His show is called Mindfreak and is totally awesome and shows off his witchery. It is awesome in the 'not in any way fake' sorta way. He inadvertantly causes lulz, because he thinks he is serious business. He acts like an EmoFag to display this.


[edit] Wikifgts Fight for their Patron Saints of Completely 100% Real and in No Way Fake Magic

What happened to him on his last episode.
What happened to him on his last episode.
No, you retard! "Criss Angel", not Kurt Angle! You're doing it wrong!
No, you retard! "Criss Angel", not Kurt Angle! You're doing it wrong!

From the Wikipedia talk page:

  • Angel isn't fake, in fact I'm 100% convinced he does have some supernatural power. Yes yes I know that the point of his illusions is make you think so, but some things he does is absolutely impossible by any means. In addition to his "panty-color predicting" trick, another one comes to mind: He takes a painted card out of a strictly ordinary painting...literally. When he takes it out, the card is no longer there, then he creases it, and puts it back, and it's painted with the crease, when it wasn't there originally. He also takes a $100 bill and a martini glass out of the painting, and again when he takes them out they're not in the painting. He then puts it back. And this is (as far as I can tell) a continuous camera shot, so there's no way the painting could have been replaced. That's my proof. I'd like to see a skeptic try to refute that trick. -Eridani 03:18, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
  • Angel is fake, in fact I'm 100% convinced he is a fag that doesn't have some supernatural power and David Blaine kicks his ass. Yes yes I know that David Blaine doesn't do magic but he is still better.
  • How about you leave? You're the one shoving your damn anti-Criss opinions {which no Criss fan here is buying, BTW} down everyone's throats. Here's an idea: if you hate Criss so much, don't watch his damn show, don't harrass his fans, just don't have anything to do with him. If I don't like something, I just don't involve myself in it. You should do the same. Simple solution.

For more of this stupid crap, see any Youtube video or more of the Wikipedia talk page.

[edit] Things Criss Angel could do

  • Defy gravity
  • Travel though solids
  • Walk on water
  • Turn into water
  • The laws of physics don't apply to him.
  • Shit razors cause he's an emo fag.

[edit] Generating Drama

  • Go to any Mindfreak YouTube Video
  • Post "this guy is fake" or words to that effect
  • Wait 15 seconds
  •  ?????
  • PROFIT!!!
  • Say 'David Blaine>>>Criss Angel'

[edit] Moar drama

  • Go to a church
  • Ask a fuckhead if Jesus is an over hyped Criss Angel
  • If he denies it, burn down the place

[edit] Chris Angel is really fucking Emo

If this doesn't make you laugh till you feel like your guts are about to dribble out of your asshole, you need to reassess your sense of humour.

Are YOU ready?

[edit] External Links

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