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Show your solidarity with this userpic.
Remember kids, down the road not across the street.
Remember kids, down the road not across the street.
Cool kids take pictures of their sorrow.
Cool kids take pictures of their sorrow.
There are many choices in life. Cutters take the easy way out.
There are many choices in life. Cutters take the easy way out.
The cookie monster expresses his inner sad.
The cookie monster expresses his inner sad.
This is not correct.
This is not correct.
A way to show your everlasting love without expensive tattoo's
A way to show your everlasting love without expensive tattoo's

It hurts on the inside, so you want to hurt on the outside.

A sign of not understanding that one's troubles are insignificant compared to those who really suffer. Differs from actual mental disease related self abuse in that people who hurt themselves because they're crazy don't do it in front of a web cam. You cut for attention, you stupid shit, so save me your teary laments. You cut to make someone else help you with your drama. Why don't you go running around your town naked yelling "Look at me! Look at me! I'm NAKED!" It'd be funnier, and much more entertaining than your stupid scars.

Mainly done by 16 year old girls and emos.

Remember kids, if you're trying for suicide, it's along the arm, NOT across the bones and you might want to use something sharper then your everyday dull butter-knife. (the quicker and harder the deeper! =] This method is often summarized with the catchphrase "down the road, not across the street."


[edit] Reasons to cut

The considerate cutter will be aware of the lulz potential of its actions, and thus will make as many hilariously emo posts as possible. Sadly, such selflessness is rare in today's degenerate world, with the drugs and the violence, and the rap music with the hipping and the hopping.

It should be noted that these whiny little emo pieces of crap have no real problems and that they just want us to feel sorry for them. Occasionally you will come across a cutter who claims to have been raped and/or beaten by drunken family members, or hear voices, or otherwise have a fucked-up life [3]. When this happens, other cutters will invariably assure them that they are perfect and that "everyone feels like this."[4] This contributes to a fair and balanced worldview which leads them into exciting and lucrative careers such as subpar actress and male prostitute.

[edit] Cutting in fashion

Cutting has become somewhat of a fashion trend, it goes along with the straightened hair and the tight clothes.(including arm warmers) If you don't cut then you're not an emo kid and all your other emo friends will hate you, and that could be just too much for your fragile mind to take (See Suicide). Richey Edwards of Manic Street Preachers famously cut the words 4 Real into his arm just because he's so deep, true and hardcore. Some years later he disappeared and hasn't been seen since, that's even more hardcore. If you wish to become hardcore like him, listening to more cutter music is essential. Bouncy whore Lindsay Lohan is apparently a cutter too, prompting members of the LJ cutting community to attack her because "she's going to give cutters a bad name". Before this news broke they of course had a very positive public image.

[edit] Ways to cut

  • The Traditional - knife in right hand, cut on left.
  • The Sinister - Knife in left hand, cut on right.
  • The Telekinesis - think about cutting, wake up in the morning with scars.
  • The wussy - Get A Friend to cut you

[edit] It's not working!

Cutting done in a fashion that would not accomplish anything, in most cases carried out by emos who happen to be also retards. Similar to doing it wrong. Cutting in this manner fails to get the desired attention, all it actually does is generate lulz for everyone but the cutter. It usually involves blunt objects or anything else that would otherwise never cut a wrist. Examples of such items are:

  • Motorazr (Confusing name, lol)
  • Spoons
  • The wrong edge of a knife
  • A hair dryer
  • Ten gauge wire
  • The cutter's other wrist
  • The cutter's leg
  • Another emo
  • Your Mom
  • Mudkips
  • Air
  • poo
  • a fallout boy cd
  • banana

[edit] Negative effects of cutting

  • Pathetic psychological addiction. When communicating with a cutter, be sure to point out the obvious similarities between cutting and crack-smoking, as many cutters are virulently anti-drug (especially those who take drugs daily).
  • Complete failure to ever grow the fuck up, even when you are no longer a teenager (see 21_gashes).
  • Hideous scars all over your body ensuring that practically no one will want to fuck you. I mean, if you bent over I'd give you a pity rape but I'm just in a good mood today.

[edit] Positive effects of cutting

A fragile mind
A fragile mind
  • See smoking and crack.
  • Some girl might think you're cool and let you fuck her before she hangs herself over not being able to watch Big Brother.
  • Cutter females are incredibly easy to rape, for several reasons. Firstly, though they are not always fat, they are without exception weaklings, so they won't put up much of a fight in any event. Secondly, they are frequently losing consciousness from massive blood loss and exorbitant drug consumption, which obviously makes things a lot easier. Thirdly, they generally have incredibly low self-esteem and equally low intelligence, so you can smack them around and have them choke on your cock daily and they'll think they're being showered with affection. It just goes to show that there is a purpose for all of God's creatures.
  • If you die, the world will become a better place!

[edit] See also

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