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Typical Dragonforce Fan. Notice the fatness and dinosaur-like (or dragon-like) face.
Typical Dragonforce Fan. Notice the fatness and dinosaur-like (or dragon-like) face.
Typical Album Cover
Typical Album Cover
Herman Li of DragonForce herd you leik hammorz.
Herman Li of DragonForce herd you leik hammorz.

DragonForce is a British power metal band formed in London in 1999. They are known for their fast paced songs, twin guitar solos, and incorporation of "video game" sounds into their "music". Dragonforce is also known to go by Nintendoforce and Dragonfarce. They fail and completely miss being metal by over nine thousand miles. They believe they need to play OVER 9000 notes per second and their music needs to be played at 102931029312 BPM to make profit!


[edit] History

DragonForce was formed in 1999 from the remnants of black metal band Demoniac under the name of DragonHeart, but soon changed their name to DragonForce because they thought the name wasn't gay enough. Their career began to skyrocket after Steve Williams and Steve Scott left the band to form power metal outfit Power Quest, a band with an equally awesome name. Skateboard-city boys likes it by the way.

[edit] Faggotry

DragonForce can play their guitars "really, really fast" [1]. A favorite of furries, /b/tards and assholes everywhere, who need some metal on their iPod to look cool are, as previously stated are assholes. Also, they are known to speed up their songs in studio to make it sound EVEN FASTER.

If you ask any real metal fan if they like DragonForce, the usual answer you'll get is "BLAFARAGH?" This is because DragonForce fans, much like furries, Jesus, aliens exist but are just gigantic butt plugs.

[edit] People Who Srsly Like This Shit

[edit] Songs

1. Thrugh The Fire And Flames: A song about rampant faggotry and slashing through fields of hot women with a battle axe in order to give the king of middlearth your shining sword and bring peace to the land. really really gay.

2. Through The Valley Of The Dammned: Essentially the song is about eppically flying on your Lv. 60 epic mount across fields of dead bodies in order to find your gay lover on top of a tower waiting for you with open arms.. and legs

3. Operation Ground and Pound: Apparently the song is about rapeing trolls and deep throating big bubba while reaching level 4123778 on frogger and finally getting to see the super secret all green level which only the most 1337 of the 1337 can reach!

4. Evening star: lol wut

Once you have heard one of DragonForce's songs, you have heard EVERY DragonForce song. All of their songs will contain at least one or more (usually more) of the following:

  • Battles
  • Fighting
  • Shining
  • Starlight
  • Shadows/ Darkness
  • Kingdoms
  • Faggery Daggery Doo
  • Fires
  • Standing Together
  • Dragons
  • Victory
  • Distance
  • Forces
  • More Battles
  • Cursing
  • Burning
  • Far Away
  • Reaching
  • Falling
  • Rising
  • Dreams
  • Nightmares
  • Heavens
  • Eternity/Eternal things
  • Running
  • Souls
  • Anal seepage
  • Fate
  • Carrying On
  • Flight/Flying
  • Sky
  • Persuasion of buttsecks
  • Running free

Hay Kids! here's a fun drinking game!

1) Each member picks one of the words from the above list

2) Play a song

3) Every time you hear your word, drink a shot

4) ????

5) PROFIT! Guaranteed to make everyone hammered by the end of a song

Basically, Dragonforce is "just like Manowar!" but without the awesome.

[edit] Proof of Dragonforce's DnD lyrics


And this is NOT including the chorus repetitions!

DragonForce has two lead guitarists: Herman Li and Dave Mason. Herman Li was chosen as a guitarist because Asia is OMGCOOL, and Dave Mason forced his way into the band since he was still mad about being pwned in the ass by Jimi Hendrix at least 100 years ago. He was than replaced by some drunk fag. They're teh FASTEST GUITARISTS EVAR!!!1!!1oneoneone

[edit] Dragonforce As Birth Control?

It's true!, Listening to Dragonforce and wearing Dragonforce T-shirts that you got at HAWT TOPIC will absolultley ensure that you never EVER!! get laid.

[edit] Make your own Dragonforce song

A fun way to pass the time when you are not pre-occupied is to make up Dragonforce song themes by combining any two-six of the above list. Sometimes it makes some sense: Warriors believing in standing before fate Sometimes, less so. Feeling heavens soul flare going into soldiers

DragonForce is part of a series on Music.

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