Hardcore Punk

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breakdown yo!!!11
breakdown yo!!!11

Hardcore punk is a subgenre of the punk music. Its structure is quite simple. Drums are played an absolutly random and musically senseless way, guitar and bass repetitively play the same note ad infinitum, and the "singer" screams repetitively about anarchy and all of that other punk crap. Et voila, now you know how to play hardcore punk. Hardcore punk can be thought of as a way for emos and other failures at life to feel metal and badass while wearing chick pants and eyeliner.

[edit] Breakdowns

Breakdowns are a pivotal part of hardcore music. They occur when the song is slowed down (where, in music with a non-shit guitarist, a solo would feature), allowing the emos to attempt spin kicks. When some kid in girly pants and an atreyu t-shirt jumps onto the stage and yells into the microphone "OMG!!!111 BREAKDOWN!!!!11" you know that this band is fucking amazing.
Hardcore kids judge the quality of music by the frequency, length and quality of breakdowns as opposed to the actual music itself.

To win at a breakdown you need to look like a downs kid getting tasered.

Mr. Bean gives us a perfect example of a breakdown.

[edit] The Straight Edge Ballet

Hardcore dancing is what happens when emo's decide they are going to act like ITGs IRL, they throw their hands around in what is known as a windmill and then attempting a pathetic excuse for a spinning kick which is more like a poorly executed reverse crescent kick.
Other aliases for Hardcore dancing include

[edit] External Links

Hardcore Punk is part of a series on Music.

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