Internet Disease

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Typical Internet Disease.
Typical Internet Disease.

Displaying old, faded, blurred or otherwise non-descript photographs of oneself, taken with bad lighting and at awkward angles, on the Internets in order to make you appear more attractive to people online than you are IRL. Internet disease was invented in 1998 by Natsuki, a Jap living in Michigan at the time.


[edit] How Internet Disease Works

Internet disease manifests itself in different symptoms.
Internet disease manifests itself in different symptoms.

An internet diseased photo is taken with the subject standing at an angle, thereby hiding his or her obesity. Also the contrast of the photo is increased dramatically in order to obscure unattractive facial features, like acne and the nose.

By using such techniques, which are dealt with in greater detail below, individuals afflicted with the Internet disease are able to conceal the fact that they are an unattractive person, and instead become a figure envied by others. In a desperate attempt to look like the victims of Internet disease, admirers use the very same techniques as the admiree(s), thus further propagating the disease.

In 2004, the World Health Organization released statistics showing that over 30 million teenage girls in the United States alone suffer from Internet disease (ID), over half of which have led to disappointing meetings with IRC and AOL boys. The paper also claimed that ID is especially dangerous because desperate men far too often end up having unprotected sex with female ID sufferers anyway, leading to the birth of many ID inherent babies, causing the problem to live on. The WHO has suggested the immediate use of condoms and sterility surgery for all men on the Internets, as well as fallopian-tying for all ID female sufferers.

[edit] Techniques

Example of a screenshot taken by someone who shouldn't play with Screen Properties anymore.
Example of a screenshot taken by someone who shouldn't play with Screen Properties anymore.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

Image:Ljseries.png Internet Disease is part of a series on LiveJournal.

Internet Disease
is part of a series on serious business

Internet LawIronyInternet diseaseInternet dramaIdentity theftFree Speech

Serious People
Alan TuringHallcats SquadronInternet tough guyInternet assholePsychopathInternet lawyerInternet Vigilante GroupMikeroach113Your motherInternet CelebritiesCasey SerinWEB SHERIFFWorld Wide Web Consortium


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