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Live 8 was a large fuckfest staged in 2005 by various wankers from England, including Bono and Coldplay. The main instigator of this gay orgy was washed up rock star Sir Bob Geldof. In the intention of Solving poverty in Africa, a group of faggots played a big expensive concert for the poor black people who are two dumfuck to find themselves food.

Halfway through planning the gay orgy, Bob Geldof realised that a) playing shitty feel good pop songs doesn't actually raise money and b) he had Aids and has three years to live. So instead of raising money they decided to focus on "RAISING AWARENESS" which means telling people how shit it is over in Africa.

Once they showed the general public lots of sad pictures of Black children crying, we all realised that something had to be done in Africa. Nobody really gave a shit though.

[edit] The Concerts

Various concerts were staged across the world featuring losers who "did it for the black people" (Read: did it for the gift bags and free food). It was gay. People all clicked their fingers every three seconds because Every three seconds a little poor black child dies. The only thing cool about Live8 was that Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff got to Bel-Air everyone one last time. None of these people actually donated any money.

[edit] The Aftermath

After counting the costs of drugs, transvestite hookers and staging, the creators of Live8 were proud to present an invoice due within 90 days to African children of: $1,002,213.55.

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