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An informative diagram revealing how your favorite memes are made. (Hint: It's a lot like how sausages are made)
An informative diagram revealing how your favorite memes are made. (Hint: It's a lot like how sausages are made)
The meme is the final stage in the life of a butterfly
The meme is the final stage in the life of a butterfly
All memes are friends
All memes are friends

The word meme (pronounced "meem") is an internet meme, with it being bandied about by all and sundry these days. Frequent users of the word meme are by the /b/ and the Goon. It has also recently been picked up by the media, who think they know wtf they're talking about by saying it. The words was 'apparently' coined by 'Richard Dawkins' in his book The Selfish Gene, but no one gives a fuck about that.


[edit] History

The term was popularized by new age crystal healers from 2007 who wanted to sound all, like, smart and stuff when they were talking about "a bunch of people's opinions on some shit that some people did/said that one time." The reason they began to use it is because, being crystal healers, they are fucking stupid and cannot conceive how someone could, say, "go to the doctor." This they call a "going to the doctor meme" and rather than examining it from the perspective that crystal healing is absolute bullshit and maybe going to the doctor is not, they would rather create even more bullshit instead and just examine "going to the doctor" as a sociocultural action that people do. That way they avoid coming face to face with their own stupidity and uselessness. Popular among emo kids, LiveJournal users, conspiracy theorists, and morons.

It is also sometimes used by people who aren't retarded because it is in fact shorter to write the word "meme" than to write out "a bunch of losers' perspective on some shit." Generally, those people don't give a shit about sociology and meme genetics and other crap. Then again, neither do the people who talk about "memes" 24 hours a day, they just think they do. In fact the only people that care about Internet memes are sad fucks with no life of their own.

Demonstrating the utter stupidity of those who use the word to sound smart, on web logs or LiveJournal, "meme" usually refers to a word game or short quiz that multiple people take and then post for their adoring public to read. Tom Green found out that memes are also "Internet props". Biggie up to ya, Tom.

For the record, it is pronounced "meme", which rhymes with "meme." It is not pronounced "meme," "meme," or any variations thereof. Pronouncing it as "meme" makes you sound like a retard. Pronouncing it as "meme" makes you sound like a weeaboo.

[edit] Meme Law

[edit] The First Law of Memes

  • Information is survival.

[edit] The Second Law of Memes

[edit] The Third Law of Memes

[edit] The Thirty-Fourth Law of Memes

  • If it is a meme, then there is porn of it. No exceptions (except Rosie).

[edit] Sample Memes

  • An example of a common intarwebfags search history.


  • a video containing several youtube memes and others

The Great LiveJournal
Outage of 2005

During the outage I ranted over the government conspiracy that had destroyed LiveJournal to get rid of all the immoral people. Then was disappointed to learn it was only a power outage.

What did you do?

Brought to you by geek-foo

[edit] Others

[edit] Not a Meme

[edit] See Also

For a list of memes documented on Encyclopedia Dramatica, see Category:Memes.

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