The Internet is serious business

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Common variations include, The Internet Is Serious Fucking Business, The Internet: Serious Business and even just INTERNET!!. Plurals, The Internets Are Serious Businesses.

[edit] Examples

serious motherfucking business
serious motherfucking business
Handy MSN Messenger emoticon
Handy MSN Messenger emoticon

James Robert Murphy, 38, of Columbia, South Carolina, was sentenced to 5 years of probation, 500 hours of community service, and more than $12,000 in restitution today for two counts of Use of a Telecommunications Device (the internet) with Intent to Annoy, Abuse, Threaten or Harass.

Murphy was indicted in April 2004, for sending harassing emails to Seattle resident Joelle Ligon and to other employees of the City of Seattle. He pleaded guilty to two counts in June 2004. In sentencing Murphy, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Zilly told Murphy he "...did not demonstrate the type of remorse he should under the circumstances."

In The Summer Of 2005, the internets was taken by storm by the serious business event known simply as "YOU FUCKING STOLE MY CLOUDSONG". This was an event in the game "Dark Age Of Camelot" where some nerd made numerous death-threats against a party of people who stole his rare item, a "Cloudsong". Was made popular by DeviantArt, but was mislabeled as "WOW is serious business".

On January 14, 2006, a new lawsuit came about when a "man" sued his internet buddies after he was made fun of in a chatroom. This is an excellent example that the internet is still SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS.

In July, 2007, a man was sentenced to seven years in prison for driving 1,300 miles to burn down the trailer owned by someone who called him a "nerd" on the internets. SERIOUS BUSINESS INDEED!

Further examples include Tracy Williams, a college lecturer who used a Yahoo group as a base for repeatedly hassling one Michael Keith Smith (a member of the UK Independence Party), discussing the Iraq War. He ended up suing her and winning £10,000, though whether or not this had something to do with Tracy's flagrant breaches of Godwin's Law remains unreported. Tracy obviously grossly underestimated the seriousness of the business in which she was engaging (or something). Likely originated on the General Mayhem forums.

Recently, Jake Brahm learned that the internet was still SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS after being arrested for copypasta, apparently now a criminal offense.

A debate between two groups of drama whores, the people of JREF and the 9/11 conspiracy theorists, resulted in this lulzy example of Serious FUCKING Business.

Often used as the text of an Image macro.

[edit] Other Shit

Members of our government discussing some serious business.
Members of our government discussing some serious business.

It has been recently discovered that other shit is serious business too.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See Also

[edit] External links

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