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Typical terrorist ready for another days hard work acting like a pussy.
Typical terrorist ready for another days hard work acting like a pussy.
This is how terrorists play soccer.
This is how terrorists play soccer.

Those who have already won. The United States Department of State defines terrorist as: Liberals, peaceniks, environmentalists, pretzels, Europeans, black people, Sand Niggers, and the rest of the world.

The CIA is not a terrorist organisation.


[edit] History

Their technology is astounding.
Their technology is astounding.
Bring these on a plane and expect your ass in the slammer.
Bring these on a plane and expect your ass in the slammer.

It all goes back to the Bible (as everything shitty does). The first known terrorist was Cain, the seed from which Islam descends and the first DNC party leader.

Terrorists are more commonly known as "foreigners" and "muslims".

To appear clever and original in a Liberal community, use the phrase "War on Errorism" with a picture of W you pretentious fuck.

Common hobbies of Terrorists is the lulz of blowing themselves up, and the US Military loves blowing them up too. That is why they get along so well.

[edit] How to Spot a Terrorist

It is vital that the upstanding citizen know how to spot one of these uncivilized mongrels.

Common characteristics of terrorists include

  • sand in their vaginas
  • shitty friends only livejournals
  • degrees in the field of medicine
  • living in England
  • incomprehensible languages
  • being a minority
  • driving an suv
  • the use of shampoo

[edit] Hobbies

  • putting sand in their vaginas
  • spending about all their free time eating shit
  • doing gay circle jerks yelling "Allahu Akbar"
  • constantly saying "Allahu Akbar"
  • blowing themselves up
  • blowing other people up
  • trying to blow stuff up
  • blowing stuff up and yelling "Allahu Akbar"
  • getting owned by other countries in their country (you know you're fucked when you getting dick slapped in your own turf)
  • getting owned by a magical force (as they call it) that drops bombs on them
  • Collecting manuals for terrorism
  • hiding in tunnels
  • brainwashing kids into hating Americans
  • being un-American
  • hating Jews

[edit] List of Terrorists


[edit] See also

[edit] External links:

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