Evildoer Korea

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Kim Jong-il, Reader of Evildoer Korea.
Kim Jong-il, Reader of Evildoer Korea.
Kim Jong-il, LOLWUT?? of WMD's.
Kim Jong-il, LOLWUT?? of WMD's.

Not to be confused with Good Korea, Evildoer Korea is a founding member of the Axis of Evil and currently the United States' main acquisition target in east Asia. Evildoer Korea is valuable in the United States' Manifest Destiny 21st century plan as it provides diversity to what would otherwise be an all-Muslim list of acquisition targets.

OK, Cuba isn't Muslim either, but it's really very small and most of the inhabitants already live in Florida. It's really just a rogue territory of the United States, anyway.

On July 4, 2006, North Korea launched its taepodong ("kind of penis") missile, which immediately got pwned. The U.S. responded by taking North Korea off its MySpace friends list. Quoting an unnamed top-level official: "Man, not cool. I told him not to fire that 'kind of penis' missile, but he did anyways. Why does he have to be such a drama whore?" In retaliation, the U.S. launched a giant fucking rocket into orbit, just to show who's boss.

On October 8, 2006 (in America time, not theirs), Evildoer Korea reportedly conducted an underground nuclear test. Although the rest of the world had already unfriended Evildoer Korea, China had not-but that changed in an instant. However, the poor saps in the UN fail to realize that Evildoer Korea is a friends only country-meaning that, thanks to China, the world has probably pwned itself. Way to go, commie bastards.


[edit] Geography

Evildoer Korea is immediately north of Good Korea and south of China, on the top half of a peninsula that is north-west of Japan. It has water on both sides. It would be a very convenient place for throwing things into China. It probably has some good surf beaches.

[edit] People

There are millions of Gooks there, but none of them make Samsungs or Kias. They are Evildoers, but most of them are starving too much to actually do a lot of evil.

[edit] Standard of living

Contrary to the lies told by the capitalist-pig media in the West. North Koreans enjoy the highest standard of living of any country. Here is a real-life depiction of a typical day in the DPRK:

Note how North Korea is so awesome, their guitars don't need strings to play music, and that they are clean when they work.

[edit] Government

There is a guy named Kim Jong Il who is like a king or president there, except that kings and presidents are good and he is an Evildoer. Evildoers who are like kings or presidents are called dictators. There are some other people, too, but they are all Evildoers. They hate our freedom.

[edit] Economy

Higher tier workers will transcribe failing Hollywood scriptwriters' works onto rice for 30 American cents a page. (GDP $8.19, 2005 est.) The rest starve.

[edit] Cities which are knee-deep in shit

[edit] Did You Know...?

...that North Korea is not actually run by Mr. Kim Jong-il? It is still run by Mr. Kim Il-sung, Jong-il's deceased father. And the entire country still worships him like a god. Srsly. Look it up. When Kim Jong-il has to sign off on legislature, he has to sign it as Kim Il-sung. Crazy ass gooks.
...Evildoer Korea is possibly the shittiest place in the entire universe to live in. At least you can leave other countries that are generally known to be shit, such as Zimbabwe or Russia.

  • Kim Jong Il once kidnpapped an Azn film [1] director to film furry porn involving dragons and socialism.
  • Kim Jong Il is a rapper? Most famous for this particular tune:

My name's Kim Jong! The US is Wrong!
Continue foreign aid, or taste my dong!
Gots mad flo, when I eats my foe!
Capitalist pigs are what I overthrow!
Your ass I'll roast, the US is toast,

More like Kim Jong-ill. Amirite

[edit] Mr. Kim is in trouble

Mr. Jong Il Kim is in trouble with the UN. The UN says that he is not allowed to import any more caviar, wine, and European chefs. He is also no longer allowed to import any more thirteen year old Chinese and Russian concubines. This was Japan's idea because they hate Evildoer Korea. Mr. Kim is expected to starve to death without these basic supplies.

[edit] Links

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