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Motivate me /b/!


This Rule 34 Demotivator raised the bar for both Rule 34 and Demotivators.
This Rule 34 Demotivator raised the bar for both Rule 34 and Demotivators.
Mario's been demotivated.
Mario's been demotivated.
4chanarchive has epic archived /b/ threads related to this topic for great justice.

Demotivators are pretty much the opposite of motivators; they are designed to put the person reading it down, destroying any self esteem that they may have. People who create them take a beautiful, amazing picture and then wreck it completely by giving it a quirky, hilarious subtitle.



It may be used to torment people in hilarious ways. Even if you're not there to watch them break down in tears and reach a point where they contemplate suicide you will feel good about yourself just knowing that you ruined someones day/week/month/possibly life. It would be good to use against those really cocky people with too much confidence.

How to use them

The shitty way: Just take a picture with subtitles and rephrase it into a word and a sentence.

The other way: Demotivators only truly work if they personally attack someone, so don't tell people to go to a website with the demotivators on it because they will probably find it funny and not heart crushing. An email with the picture of a demotivator and a little message making it blatantly obvious that you're talking about them. Less effective but still possibly personality destroying would be to verbally repeat the subtitle to the person it's directed at.

Of course, there are some pictures that aren't amazing and beautiful like the above examples. And some don't personally attack people, they're just plain funny.

See Also

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