OJ Simpson

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OJ needs to be taught a lesson, not that I'd do it of course.
OJ needs to be taught a lesson, not that I'd do it of course.
Still looking for the "real killers."
Still looking for the "real killers."
First words in the afterlife, "Here's your fucking glasses."
First words in the afterlife, "Here's your fucking glasses."

O.J. Simpson (also known as The Juice) is a good-for-nothing nigger (excuse the redundancy) who murdered his white wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman by decapitating them with a rather sizable knife. When confronted he authored a suicide note which was apparently done for the lulz but was perceived otherwise by teh fuzz.

In court Johnny Cochran (J.C.) saved his black ass from goatseation by Bubba unless of course he was going to become the new Bubba. He found that the glove did not fit, so they had to acquit him from the murder charges.

BTW, he's really innocent and is "looking for the real killers". Ya rly Apparently, his house doesn't have any mirrors in it because the nigger sold them all for crack. Actually, in a civil trial he was found guilty of the wrongful death of Goldman and battery against Goldman and Brown. This means that despite being found not guilty in the criminal case, we can still refer to him as a DIRTY GODDAMN MURDERER.

As a typical nigger, he seems to be interested in nothing more than hooking up with white women. After murdering his old white girlfriend, he hooked up with another one (Christie Prody) and when she cheated on him with the pool boy Janos Gonzalez, OJ went to the guy she cheated with and told him "I will fucking kill you!" and when OJ Simpson says he's going to kill you, you better believe he will kill you. Read news story.


[edit] Everyday Usage

  • "Innocent as O.J." (translation: guilty as a motherfucker)

[edit] Initial Drama

Mark Fuhrman of the LAPD was ultimately pwned, as a result of having referred to blacks as niggers. The jury then played the Race Card, called him a n00b, and acquitted teh Juice.

Blacks believe he is innocent, because every brotha on the stand is a victim of a hate crime and quite stupid to begin with, duh. Whites, on the other hand, believe he is guilty, because all minorities have a propensity for committing crime, being Moon-worshiping Satanists, and all.

[edit] Murder For Dummies

OJ Simpson recently announced that he did, in fact, kill his wife Nicole and her lover. However his "Murder For Dummies: I Did It, Here's How!" was ixnayed by publisher Rupert Murdoch after getting himself a new asshole ripped by an angry mob. [1]

However, publisher Lifetime Books inc. received distribution rights after Goldman's lawyers told the judge that they needed more money. This decision comes a little late for the sparking of lulz because the book has been available on Bittorrent since last Thursday.

[edit] Armed Robbery

On September 14th, 2007, OJ, being the uppity nigger he is, decided to play police officer in a "Sting Operation" to steal some sports memorabilia from an upstanding white citizen. He claims that he wasn't robbing any one because he himself wasn't the one holding the gun. OJ is expected to sign a book deal covering the robbery and describing in detail how he did it, that is if he actually did it. Capt. James Dillon said Friday at a news conference that, because Simpson was involved, police were being extra careful to conduct "a thorough, unbiased and competent investigation," Though, as usual, he got away with it by paying a $125k bail, despite 8 criminal charges against him.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Link

Even though OJ is a nigga, his dick is a stub. You can help by steering him some male enhancement drugs.

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