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Speedycat originated from the #4chan chatroom from "Speedchat" or "Speedychat", a term used to describe excess spamming in the chatroom, or people generally typing too fast at the same time, and the badly sung song "Speedycat" from the Beatmania IIDX series which happens to be entirely in Engrish.

From this, an idea to draw a new cat meme for 4chan was put forwards. However, one member decided to take this idea further and created a short looping Flash animation involving a bright yellow cat flying across the night sky with the song "Speedycat" playing in the background. Upon clicking the moon the cat would hit "Warp Speed" in which the cat would be seen flying through bright flashing lights to a sped up version of "Speedycat".

A Speedycat Cosplayer.
A Speedycat Cosplayer.

Thus the new cat meme Speedycat was born in the late months of the year 2005 and is known to be "Splendid Like a Fire". As to the phrase "longcat is looooooong" Speedycat herself has the phrase "speedycat sure is speeeeeeeedy".


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