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Literate ana motivator. Not eating really fucks up their linguistic abilities.
Literate ana motivator. Not eating really fucks up their linguistic abilities.

Pro-ana is a pseudonym for the pro-anorexia internet movement, composed entirely of attention whoring 16-year-old girls who believe that having an eating disorder is a career and lifestyle choice and not a disease. These women make this statement to the ignorant fools who are against the movement on an almost regular basis, and of course the message is almost always taken to heart because there is clearly so much logic behind it that it's mind-boggling.


[edit] Anorexia IS a Disease

This man is against the pro-ana community. He's a survivor!!
This man is against the pro-ana community. He's a survivor!!
Every Ana's favorite prostitute
Every Ana's favorite prostitute

Those who are pro-ana believe that anorexia is not harmful and is a lot like getting a tattoo. They are only correct in this assumption if the tattoo is the phrase "Holy fucking idiocy!" tattooed across their very visible rib cages.

Indisputable proof that anorexia is a disease is easily found in the title: "pro-ana." The lack of nutrients flowing to their brains obviously kept them from realizing that it's anorexia and not anarexia. Or something.

There are pro-ana websites all across the Internets; they are easily found by searching for "pro-ana" or "no1 undrstandz me :'(" or "purging tips pls 911!!!" The Livejournal community of the same name, pro_ana, is one of the most prolific.

pro_ana is mostly populated by impressionable girls between the ages of 13 and 18, with the occasional "ana boi" prancing in to show off his femi-hipbones (there used to be an older crowd, but they are now in a spin-off called "Ana Goes To College").

More typical thinspiration.
More typical thinspiration.

After numerous trollings, including the notorious and yet-unsolved Sansgras incident, the community and its many spinoffs have become pretty much closed to new members. Often new members must post applications, like in rating communities. New members may be rejected on the basis of too high a BMI, fauxlimia, or having a "cliché" thinspiration such as Mary-Kate Olsen. Also much like rating communities, an "accepted" or "rejected" image macro is then bestowed upon the applicant.

proanorexia has become rather popular on LiveJournal lately. It was occasionally moderated by a laxative bulimic and crack addict with a criminal record for beating the shit out of her own mother until mid-to-late 2006, when it was transfered to Kristi4, who then committed suicide on January 27th, 2007 after finding herself unable to deal with the sheer volume of nitwits. The moderator of the bulimia acceptance community then accused Kristi4 of making the whole thing up without bothering to do any checking that would require her to actually get out of a chair to dial anyone on the phone, resulting in great drama.

"Rejection" image macro from a pro-ana community.
"Rejection" image macro from a pro-ana community.

Some argue that anorexia and bulimia are the results of a fear of fat people. However, Livejournal and California both have large populations of both fatasses and anas. Anas are as much to be avoided IRL as BBWs, since both give off pungent stenches of sweat and vomit, both grow hair on their backs, and both are likely to have massive heart failure and die on you at any time. When not vomiting, asking for purging tips or being catatonic, anas like to spend their time trolling celebrity blogs like that of well-known fatty Perez Hilton as they are butthurt by their own inability to eat.

Numerous trolling sites exist, one of the best being LiveJournal's Ana 4 avril.

[edit] Jargon

The Holocaust was the original pro-ana movement. This picture is from Andersonville prison in the 1800s (Andersonville was the original pro-ana movement).
The Holocaust was the original pro-ana movement. This picture is from Andersonville prison in the 1800s (Andersonville was the original pro-ana movement).
A typical bloated ana pic, found in the internets pro-ana toilet[1]
A typical bloated ana pic, found in the internets pro-ana toilet[1]

Here are some terms you may find useful.

  • Ana—Anorexia. The band Silverchair, whose lead singer was anorexic, wrote a song called "Ana's Song."
  • BBW—Big beautiful woman. Euphemism for a spherical or giant-pear-shaped woman who hates normal-sized people a lot and calls them all anas.
  • Diet—"I'm just on a diet." = "I'm starving myself to death, won't you fucking notice me, PLEASE?"
  • ED—Eating disorder. Euphemism for being a batshit crazy attention whore drawing attention by starving to death.
  • Mia—Not "missing in action" but "mia" from BuliMIA. The two (ana/mia) tend to go hand in hand in these communities, as the girls share tips on the best ways to throw up and induce diarrhoea.
  • Thinspiration—combination of "thin" and "inspiration" (duh). Most thinspirations consist of pictures of pictures of thin models with inspirational phrases. For a while, a popular method of trolling was to post Holocaust victim photos under an LJ-cut labeled "thinspiration" or "thinspo". Some phrases include (these have all been spotted and are not made up by us!—ED staff)

[edit] Talking about weight

  • CW—Current weight.
  • HW—Highest weight.
  • LW—Lowest weight.
  • GW—Goal weight. Usually horribly disproportionate, like a 5'10" girl who wants to weigh 120 pounds.
    • STGW—Short-term goal weight.
    • LTGW—Long-term goal weight.
    • IP—In-patient treatment. A place where ana gurls are given instructions on how to operate sandwiches.

The terms "ana" and "mia" are often anthropomorphized and used as if they were actual people, so as to hide their "disease" from friends and family and in their posts. Example: "I sat with Ana during lunch, and we will also have 5th and 6th period together. I saw Mia in the bathroom after class and will probably hang out with her again after school."

[edit] ED communities

Sometimes otaku pass for pro-ana when they spend so much time reading manga that they forget to eat
Sometimes otaku pass for pro-ana when they spend so much time reading manga that they forget to eat
The weight all pro-anas aspire to.
The weight all pro-anas aspire to.
  • something-fishy—Run by nazis. This board is for recovering only, and is unfunny. Numbers are replaced with asteriks because knowing someone else's weight might make a fishy suicide. Making a thread to exchange hug emoticons is also against the rules, because it might make a fishy feel left out and suicide. Any post has a 79% chance of causing suicide. Dr. Phil recommends it.
  • TF—Filled with drama, but insanely repetetive. Most of the posters there are old now, and don't post about vomiting or starving much anymore. There is a forum specifically for flames, and that's the only real reason why anyone goes there. TFers are almost always vegans, liberal, and stupid.
  • P.A.S.S.—stands for Pro-Ana Suicide Society. Full of 16 year old girls who get raped by the entire football team, their doctor, a teacher, their principal, and your mom. Anyone questioning stories of surprise sex is banned.
  • Purgatorium—A livejournal community that once kicked out a tranny troll for being overly supportive for far too long.
  • Life Beyond EDs—A livejournal recovery community run by the scrawniest, gayest, eating disordered transvestite on the net, Johnnysboysriot. Johnny frequently uses kittens, rainbow brite, and sparkles in his saccharine-sweet motivationals.

[edit] Other Pro-Ana

A small movement of people who like the name Ana and an even smaller movement of people who are fans of Anna Kournikova.

[edit] Members

[edit] See Also

[edit] Links

[edit] Gallery

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