Ann Coulter

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Coulterspeak™ in action. A side-effect of hyperbolimia
Coulterspeak™ in action. A side-effect of hyperbolimia
I'd hit it with Cyndre's.
I'd hit it with Cyndre's.
Matt Drudge and Ann Coulter go out for a troll
Matt Drudge and Ann Coulter go out for a troll
Uncle Sam teaches Ann a lesson
Uncle Sam teaches Ann a lesson
Can you find Ann Coulter in this picture?
Can you find Ann Coulter in this picture?
Ann gets a hard-on for reactionary demagogues.
Ann gets a hard-on for reactionary demagogues.
Proof that Ann swings to the right.
Proof that Ann swings to the right.

Mann Coulter (born Joseph Raymond McCarthy Coulter at least 100 years ago and self-styled as "Ann" Coulter), is a conservative transsexual with a syndicated column. His right-wing diatribes are so full of bullshit that he MUST be trolling IRL. For instance, the chapters in his book Godless about evolution read like they were written by Jack Chick after a week long cocaine bender. Some people find him amusing, although Mann Coulter is not funny and all these people have shitty senses of humor.

What is most dramatic is that Mann s/he had male to female surgery at a young age. The typical hormone therapy was incomplete in his case. He has no breasts and features typical of women who take testosterone steroids. Watch "her" Adam's apple bob up and down on "her" throat when "she" talks on Fox News. He also received skin and hair treatments to make him look more aryan.


[edit] Early Life

He did several hours of selfless volunteer work in high school, aiding in programs in his youth group at Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, the Christian based organization "Focus On The Family", and the prestigious Ku Klux Klan. He then excelled in college at Cornell University, majoring in eugenics, and finally received his Masters in Treason at Bob Jones University.

[edit] The Andy Warhol Years

Some argue Mann Coulter never gave head to Andy Warhol; however that fact is well documented in Lou Reed's song "Walk on the Wild Side", dedicated to Coulter.

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. Of course, if I was alive back then, I would have been Hitler's gay lover. I hate Jews!
--Mann Coulter

[edit] Self-Proclaimed Keen Sense of Gaydar

Other than being best pals with e-fag Matt Drudge, Mann Coulter prides himself on having a keen sense of gaydar. Frequently leveling public accusations against Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, and Al Gore (among others) of being homosexual. Ironically, Mann Coulter's gaydar, however, failed to track homosexual pedophile Florida Republican Congressman and closet NAMBLA member Mark Foley before his disgraced resignation. Perhaps one day the big, scary, hormonal freakshow transvestite we all know as Mann Coulter will embrace his/her abundant male secondary sexual characteristics along with his/her latent fag tendencies.

Ann, bragging about his manhood
Ann, bragging about his manhood

[edit] Quotes

I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word faggot, so I'm - so, kind of at an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards, so I think I'll just conclude here and take your questions.

—Ann Coulter

Look at our blacks, they are better than their blacks

—Mann Coulter

Obama? Oh Obama is a halfrican

—Mann Coulter

It certainly is difficult to say stupid things with this cock down my mannish throat. Perhaps I shall use my spindly, locust-like limbs to extract it.

—Mann Coulter

[edit] Interesting Trivia

  • Most people use Ann Coulter as a synonym for psychotic bitch.
  • It is rumored that in late fall he stalks the North American wilderness eating the souls of children and defenseless animals.
  • He is a vile, treacherous cunt, but you knew that.
  • In 1983 Mann Coulter held the record for the world's longest cumfart.
  • He is listed in the Guinness book of world records under the category "world's manliest hands".
  • Starred in the 2003 movie Dreamcatcher as Mr. Grey. However, he was uncredited, and upon discovery of this, he removed Stephen King's balls. Important to note: King enjoyed it.
  • Mann Coulter conspired with Ronald Reagan in the 80's to create AIDS.
  • Favorite film is 1980's "Cannibal Holocaust".
  • Mann Coulter believes that Bill Clinton is obviously gay because he likes women. (no really)
  • It is rumoured, though unconfirmed, that the character of Mann Coulter is based on Hedwig Schmidt.
  • Suffocated the Tooth Fairy in 1976.
  • Currently the face of various Pro-Choice organistaions for a new joint campaign supporting post-natal abortion.
  • Mann Coulter once ran over a basket of kittens, sucked out their blood, then made a bust of George W. Bush out of the carcasses.
  • Mann Coulter likes long walks on the beach, a glass of white wine, and watching the feces leak down from a mother's hanging corpse while he slowly rapes the mother's children.
  • Mann Coulter has a dick that s/he maintains is simply a large clitoris that is proportionate to the rest of his/her manly frame.
  • Mann Coulter is responsible for turning Satan gay.
  • Mann Coulter good friends with closeted homosexual e-journalist, Matt Drudge Report
  • Once tried to have sex with Elton John, causing him to fear anything that is even remotely identical to a gaping vag.
  • Unbeknownst to Mann Coulter, Osama Bin Laden occasionally camps in "her" bat-infested, fly-trapping, sand-filled, fake vagina.
  • Many refer to Mann as the white Michelle Malkin.
  • CONFIMRED: Winner of The Bitch Cunt Whore Slut Cunt Shemale Douche Award

[edit] Ann Coluter.com HACKED

On October 10th 2007, Some "liberal terrorists" viciously and unfairly, hacked poor innocent Coulter's blog (which she can't operate herself, srsly) and its content proved she was a pathetic, intellectually backward individual with an IQ of an amoeba.


[edit] Gallery of Mann Coulter

[edit] See also

[edit] External Links

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