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This versatile /b/ meme is a bit of a sleeper and usually only comes off the bench and comes into play whenever a n00b divides faggotry by zero in posts of epic fucktardery and FAIL.

You'd think this would happen over 9000 times a day with 4chan's recent influx of cancerous Gaiafags, furry Gaiafags and 13-year-old, furry, Gaiafag boys who are out of school for summer with nothing to do but fag-up /b/, but 99% of the oldfags have abandoned ship to play on 7chan, 420chan, any of 4chan's other fine boards, or 12chan. The remaining ones visit for an hour a week, post a facepalm.jpg, and start a vore thread, which is then invaded by a single new, samefag who doesn't know in which field sage is to be placed. (Protip: Sage goes in the name field.)

However, sometimes werds are not enough for Anonymous to express the profound frustration and disgust at unfathomable Gaiafag shenanigans and it is in these troubling times that the Not This Shit Again post is employed.

The best thing about this image macro is that the concept of it never gets old because annoying phrases aren't necessary, and the fact that at least every person on the planet who's over the age of 5 has done at least once in their lifetime. Therefore, while the message is always the same, Not This Shit Again is possibly the first true Interchangeable Meme to appear on the Internet.

This meme usually comes with no words -because enough has been said already. Instæd, any image of a 'palmed face' will do the job. This meme is also known as the Facepalm Manoeuvre and can be played without a macro by simply typing facepalm.jpg.



[edit] Common Examples

"Not this shit again" faceplam macro's are best suited for pointless arguments that are a staple of internet culture that cause massive drama and where both sides are retarded:

[edit] Gallery

[edit] ASCII versions



Picard Version:


Fixed-Width version

,´          `.
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 `._,)     -´,-´)
   \/         ,´/
    )        / /
   /       ,´-´

[edit] Facepaws

If you haven't guessed it yet, furries have yet again done their part to corrupt something that is pure with their bastardization of facepalm as facepaws. It's use can been spotted in IRC as *facepaws* and other places ever growing. One must have failed harder than anything to be ridiculed by furries (IE:Sunderedmoon). Besides, shouldn't it be facepaw you stupid furry bastards? PALM:PAW::LOSER:FURRY.

[edit] See Also:

Facepalm is part of a series on the cancer that is killing /b/.

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